Nueva Era De Activismo Presenta : El Señor Krsna Chaitanya es mi Salvador!!
Finally something we can is guided by the knowledge that the Origin of All life is Lov. We believe that respecting and taking care of our home planet 'earth' keeps us safe and healthy.
New is dedicated to all men and women who have been persecuted or murdered because of their sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, race, age, gender, martial status, disability, or HIV infection. We loves god very very much.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Alabad a Lord Krsna ( Jehovah) porque él es bueno; Porque para siempre es su misericordia. Porque para siempre es su misericordia. 2 Diga ahora Israel, Que para siempre es su misericordia. 3 Diga ahora la casa de Aarón, Que para siempre es su misericordia. 4 Digan ahora los que temen a Jehová, Que para siempre es su misericordia. 5 Desde la angustia invoqué a JAH, Y me respondió JAH, poniéndome en lugar espacioso. 6 Jehová está conmigo; no temeré Lo que me pueda hacer el hombre. 7 Jehová está conmigo entre los que me ayudan; Por tanto, yo veré mi deseo en los que me aborrecen. 8 Mejor es confiar en Jehová Que confiar en el hombre. 9 Mejor es confiar en Jehová Que confiar en príncipes. 10 Todas las naciones me rodearon; Mas en el nombre de Jehová yo las destruiré. 11 Me rodearon y me asediaron; Mas en el nombre de Jehová yo las destruiré. 12 Me rodearon como abejas; se enardecieron como fuego de espinos; Mas en el nombre de Jehová yo las destruiré. 13 Me empujaste con violencia para que cayese, Pero me ayudó Jehová. 14 Mi fortaleza y mi cántico es JAH, Y él me ha sido por salvación. 15 Voz de júbilo y de salvación hay en las tiendas de los justos; La diestra de Jehová hace proezas. 16 La diestra de Jehová es sublime; La diestra de Jehová hace valentías. 17 No moriré, sino que viviré, Y contaré las obras de JAH. 18 Me castigó gravemente JAH, Mas no me entregó a la muerte. 19 Abridme las puertas de la justicia; Entraré por ellas, alabaré a JAH. 20 Esta es puerta de Jehová; Por ella entrarán los justos. 21 Te alabaré porque me has oído, Y me fuiste por salvación. 22 La piedra que desecharon los edificadores Ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo. 23 De parte de Jehová es esto, Y es cosa maravillosa a nuestros ojos. 24 Este es el día que hizo Jehová; Nos gozaremos y alegraremos en él. 25 Oh Jehová, sálvanos ahora, te ruego; Te ruego, oh Jehová, que nos hagas prosperar ahora. 26 Bendito el que viene en el nombre de Jehová; Desde la casa de Jehová os bendecimos. 27 Jehová (Krsna) es Dios, y nos ha dado luz; Atad víctimas con cuerdas a los cuernos del altar. 28 Mi Dios eres tú, y te alabaré; Dios mío, te exaltaré. 29 Alabad a Lord Krsna , porque él es bueno; Porque para siempre es su misericordia. 30. y que quedo esto bien claro guaches pervertidos avaros cochinos vestidos de hombre Jeohava Krsna jamas le dio la autorizacion a ningun hombre a que distorcionara los textos sacrados para justificar el abuso de mujeres y niñas en todos los paises! 31. La explotacion y violacion sexual de toda niña y mujer continuara trayendo problemas carisimos y ruina absoluta a todo hombre que programe la violacion sexual sistematica y la opresion de las mujeres y niñas en Sur America que actualmente son cruelmente abusadas y explotadas por los hombres administradores y supervisores de estas regiones que se an robado todo el dinero y los recursos humanos para ellos y sus niñitos . 31. Jeohava no creo la mujer para que fuera violanda y explotada por los hombres. 32. Yo le tengo terror a Jeohova Krsna!33. Yo Me rindo a los pies de loto de Jeohava Krsna porque el es bueno y el es mi salvador y el ama a todos sus hijos!
"Satanism is extreme Materialism that has become a severe mental illness and it does not involve Lord Satan nor Lord Baal the "Devil!" !"
" Satanic" is a word that identifies a severely mentally ill closeted homosexual men an extreme materialist a human being that thinks of himself as being above the universal laws of justice!"
Satanic/ Zionist are synonymous: Extreme materialist (nazy) that are closeted homosexual men human beings that made up a story about a deity by the name of Satan and a deity by the name Baal "the devil" in order to place the blame of their horrible merciless crimes against humanity, crimes against lower animals, crimes against the earth on deities that take their origin from Lord Krsna the source of all divinity. All divinity understands that the Law Of Cause and Effect is as real as the January 2025 fires of Los Angeles, CA, United States Of America, and that the karmic retribution for intentionally programming systematic rape of women and children in the mind of every man in every country brings about severe karmic retribution that does not involve more money, and mansions in the United Kingdom nor private Jets.
God Almighty Lord VishNU Lord Krsna is Lord Kalki Same shit and He can change his mind about anything, according to the satanic closeted homosexual religious leaders that are very greedy and selfish " Extreme Materialists" that identified themselves as vaishnaban swamis, gurus, monks, priests, religious leaders that belong to the Asian race (Hindu and Arab ) and Caucasian race that work with the C.I.A very greedy and ignorant men that falsified all religious texts in order to continue to have control over the population of this earth, and to continue with the experimentation of the universal mind, rooting their dominance over humanity with the use of the programming of merciless sexual abuse of women and little girls (systematic rape) in every country, in order to be able to hoard all the wealth that belongs to God Almighty Lord Krsna/Kalki for themselves and their few greedy mentally ill men. according to these lying cowardly women beating Satanic men disguised as religious leaders, Lord Krsna gave them the green light to rape women, and to teach all men to rape women and to force women to have children, and to steal everything from women, because women are inferior and they are brujas/witches and they are "vindictive!"
The Satanic men that belong to the C.I.A have made up a lot of stories, and these very ignorant men, made up the story about Kali Yuga, and they also made up a fraudulent timeline of how long kali yuga would last and when Lord Kalki another one of the millions of God Almighty Avataras would appear. God Almighty Lord Krsna/Kalki has not ever had direct communication with this very sick greedy lying satanic closeted homosexual men posing as gurus, swamis, or priests. God Almighty Lord Krsna Kalki has never given this very sick closeted homosexuals Satanic men "extreme materialists" the right to hurt women or to exploit them.
Does it make sense to you that God Almighty Krsna/Kalki that loves all his children, and created all the workings, all the mechanics, every single detail that creates and nourishes all of the material universes, along with the universal laws of justice such as The Law of Cause and Effect! Would actually tell this very sick mentally ill closeted homosexual satanic men posing as priests, gurus, swamis, monks, educators, scientists that work with the C.I.A that they could hurt other living entities? and that they could slander and intentionally rape women? and that they could steal everything from women and that nothing would happen to them?
In the absence of God Almighty that has appear on this earth in the form of many avataras, such the incarnation of Lord Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and other avataras of the Lord. The satanic closeted homosexual men that are extreme materialist suffering from a severe mental illness that belong to the C.I.A continue to abuse transcendental abilities "Sidhis" to get money and luxuries and have taken control of all religions and with the use of brutal force and rape of women and children, and with their control of all ways of communication, have force human beings to serve them and to build their temporary fortunes while blocking humanity legal right to evolve from being a fallen soul to a divine immortal soul that is not trapped in the cycle of reincarnation. Regardless, of how hopeless the current situation seems! God Almighty Lord Krsna/ Kalki has given his protection and his care to his surrendered servants his devotees, matajis, vaishanabis, maharanis, and every fallen soul occupying the body of a lower animal, man, woman or extra terrestrial has the right to evolve and to live in peace and in harmony with one another and to merge with prime creator Krsna when they are finished exploring the material universes.
If a man or woman can ruthlessly and mercilessly torture a cow in a slaughterhouse why then would he or she be merciful with another human being? Why would anyone expect for someone that has intentionally rape women and children to be merciful with anyone? or to show any motivation to change his ways, when until today nazy C.I.A continues to program the mind of men to commit horrible crimes against humanity, crimes against lower animals, crimes against this earth, in exchange for money. The Caucasian closeted homosexual men from the C.I.A set the example for all the business in South America to follow! This very ignorant men have been told many times over that they needed to shutdown the slaughter houses where lower animals such as cows are being held for meat consumption, in order to raise the vibration of the mind of humanity from the level of a 'very' mentally ill cannibal to the state of god realization and the C.I.A prefers to contradict what is being ordered for them to do, these very sick greedy C.I.A cannibals instead amp it up up the promotion of meat products sales, started to request more meat sales from countries in South America, and offer big salaries to sadistic mentally ill butchers both men and women that like to inflict pain on the live stock before killing the lower animal such as the cow, the mentally ill nazy cannibals continue to ignore peaceful solutions for the betterment of this civilization and they rather start new wars and conflicts in which women and children are the ones that they 'intentionally' hurt the most with the use of systematic rape and mind control programming.
If you inflict pain on another living entity such as cow, you will experience pain too, whether in this life time or in the next life time to follow. Why would "ANY!" advance civilization within the material universes allow us to come any where near them or their children? Most recently, the Satanic Homosexuals males that work with the C.I.A have recruited and trained greedy mentally ill women to continue to conduct horrible torture both on humanity and lower animals. Why would this earth IMAAN allow us to continue to live on her?? when the current human race is more dangerous than a virus. when humanity has been brought down to a very dangerous parasitic level of cannibals by the nazy C.I.A.
The C.I.A greedy ignorant men have hire and forced program women to hurt other women so that these men are not directly perceived as the "guilty party" woman beaters or rapists mentally ill thieves. But rather to continue portray women as evil witches. In order to avoid lawsuits of legal persecution to protect their appearances and their reputation? for covertly psychologically abusing women and getting them attacked or executed. They have also hire women to slaughter cows, and in this way the C.I.A has literally cause this civilization to nose dive into more pain and suffering and karmic retribution. Whether you be a woman or you be a man, Whether you be black or you be Caucasian! whatever you do to others comes back to you. Inflicting pain and feeling pain is not normal. We don't have to continue to feel pain and witness horrific slaughters. When you are merciful with others God Almighty will be merciful with you. When you inflict merciless pain on other living entities you, will receive no mercy from God Almighty. Plain and simple.
The C.I.A are the same group of nazy people that conducted horrible experiments with soldiers, civilians, and the Jewish people and force brainwashed the German people to comply with their method of management otherwise they would conduct horrible torture and executions on their own people that were perceived as traitors . These methods of torture are still being used today on innocent people by the severely mentally ill men that are currently managing all the countries and insist on hoarding all the wealth for just themselves and all these people are connected with the Central Intelligence Agency that for many years now has covertly run a one world government system under the pretense of "DEMOCRACY". this very sick few Satanic men from the Central Intelligence Agency have for many years now designated "South America as their free for all buffet" that all the European and North American closeted homosexual satanic men can steal from and bully, and they have hired and trained some of the very greedy and selfish Latino men of these regions on how to submit the people that they govern and continue to hoard all the wealth for just themselves by stealing all the money and resources from all the working class people and military people of South America by squeezing every ounce of energy and every cent from the hard working people of South America and in this way these very greedy latino ignorant men have made themselves very rich by working with the nazy C.I.A by helping this agency submit the population of South America with the use of systematic rape and brutal force.
The evidence of the very strong influence of nazy C.I.A in South America can been seen in plain sight through the degradation of the mind of both Latino men and women that have been brutally abused by the C.I.A extreme materialist racists closeted nazy homo thieves. Right now, the native people of the Republic of Colombia are being literally charge dollar prices, and they are charge enormous amounts of money for food fruits, veggies, grains, beans, and they are being paid, extremely low wages that barely cover the food cost of a single Papaya that grows in Colombia like weeds? These super greedy government administrators are literally charging the equivalent of $17 for a single paper towel? Native Colombians are being charged the equivalent of $650 for a room in a clean area where there is no trash every where in the street or holes in the sidewalks and on the streets that people can fall into and brake their ankles, people who do not have health insurance, and the average Colombian brings home the equivalent of $1,462.00 dollars a month ?
Right now in The Republic Of Colombia, people continue to be enslaved by the very greedy Latino Colombian mentally ill men, that continue to very idlily steal from the people that they govern without restrictions, and force the working class native Colombian people to work up to 7 days a week? from early hours in the morning to late hours in the afternoon for the same minimum wage salary. This abusive and greedy mentally ill male Colombian administrators have been trained by the Central Intelligence Agency/ these ignorant super greedy Colombian men deny employment to people over the age of 30 years old, and they block any measure or bill submitted through the Colombian congress that is meant to give proper health care and housing to the Colombian people although they have so much money, the funds are available and these greedy men much rather Launder all the funds for themselves and continue to create civil unrest to maintain every one in the Republic of Colombia in a constant state of fear.
All the money, that has been given to the Republic Of Colombia administrators for many years now to better the quality of life of the Colombian people, from both the United States Of America and Europe, and other countries has been stolen by this very greedy and cruel Colombian male Administrators that are supported by both C.I.A genocide Biden and C.I.A talking head Trump. The Colombian government male administrators that literally treat the Colombian people like they are less than human because they have stolen all the money and are now rich? and because they have the support from the Central Intelligence Agency US congress, and the C.IA united states house of representatives, to continue to mercilessness oppress the Colombian native people and because this very ignorant Colombian Administrators can arrest native Colombian women and men and torture them in order to silence them? and when the Colombian people rise up the women are raped, beaten up, arrested and the men are tortured, arrested, executed and is business as usual for the male Colombian Administrators .
There thousands of elderly and disabled people that are facing the most inhuman last days of their lives involuntary "homelessness" at the mercy of the male Colombian administrators that much rather steal all the money that is available to take care of the elderly people and disable people, women, women with children that have been enslaved all their lives by these greedy men that much rather force young women into prostitution, make women sale their bodies in order to have food? or allow themselves to be molested for a meal? these men much rather buy very expensive liquor for themselves and their greedy male friends. They are tons of empty buildings and land that these men are hoarding, that could be used for public housing, these greedy men much rather throw away tons of fruits and veggies, and grains rather than to lower the prices of food, rather than to take care of the women, women with children and the elderly and disabled people of the Republic Of Colombia.
No child nor youth of the Republic Of Colombia has a future to look forward to even though they have received a very good education they are being forced programmed to become consumers and to work in labor camps that have been assimilated into the Colombian urban areas and rural areas, in order to continue to support the very greedy and ignorant nazy C.I.A friends and Family in the Republic Of Colombia. That are convinced that the Law Of Cause and Effect does not apply.
the very greedy and selfish male administrators of the Republic Of Colombia that are doing business with China, and Arab countries and other countries in order to build trains? and tunnels? in the Republic of Colombia, to charge enormous amounts of money to the Colombian working class people for travel expenses in public transportation because they literally cannot afford a car, nor to pay the gas for a car, the native Colombian people have been literally charge the equivalent of $16,00 dollars for a gallon of gas? Diesel $10 dollars per gallon and the native Colombian people are getting paid the equivalent of $33 to 43 dollars a day for very hard labor on their feet for more than 10 hours a day mandatory, 6 days a week to 7 days a week? otherwise, the businesses don't give the native Colombian's jobs?
These super greedy government administrators of the Republic Of Colombia continue to give access to all the natural resources of this region to nazy C.I.A affiliates of both China, and Arab countries, while maintaining the Colombian people at poverty levels that are unacceptable, and these greedy men are mercilessly violating labor laws, denying the Colombian native people the right to have their own piece of land and homes, and proper health care. These very greedy nazy C.I.A male Colombian administrators continue to carry on like is normal to steal and hurt the people that they are suppose to provide for and care for, these greedy men continue to intentionally oppress both the military personnel and the civilian population in the worst ways possible and they suck and feed like parasites on the native Colombian people that are already very poor and have been beaten down like street dogs for many years by nazy C.I.A the Republic Of Colombia. These crimes against humanity that involve the native Colombian people are no longer Karmic Retribution but merciless oppression at the mercy of nazy C.I.A Republic Of Colombia that is convinced that they are superior than Lord Krsna owner of this earth and all planets.
Now, with the wave of deportations that include male criminals, thieves and rapists, drug addicts of Colombian origin, that have been "secretly" recruited and trained by the C.I.A in the United States Of America to create civil unrest and vandalism, "acts of terror" to continue to kill both military personnel and civilian people under the umbrella of random acts of violence, these very mentally ill male criminals that are being schedule to be deported back to the Republic Of Colombia, withe the purpose to continue, to help the Colombian nazy C.I.A administrators to continue to impoverish the native Colombian people, so that nazy C.I.A can continue to have access to all the natural resources of this region and to continue to build private fortunes in the Republic Of Colombia.
Based on all the evidence at hand of the proven good nature, kindness, and generosity of the civilian Caucasian American people of the United States Of America that have help many Colombian families, it is safe to say, that the current horrible inhuman treatment of the native Colombian people, cannot be blamed on the very hard working civilian population American Caucasian people but on the Central Intelligence Agency that are currently holding the American people under siege and making their lives a living hell.
Nazy C.I.A has programmed everyone in the world to perceive people in South America as being racially inferior "inbreeds" that can be exploited and very easily programmed after years of the use of systematic rape of all the women in South America. They have maintained the people in South America confined within a media black until most recently when they allowed South American people to have the technology of cellphones and the internet.
The C.I.A does not have the right to program the mind of humanity with the use of violence such as sexual assault against god's children, nor to carry out any form of "satanic rituals" that involve any form of torture, burning children, women and men alive? Satanic Rituals that are not directed towards lord Satan nor Baal "The Devil" or any divinity but rather to continue to inflict psychological trauma into humanity's mind and to discourage humanity from believing in God Almighty Lord Krsna the supreme personality of godhead cause of all causes and all that is.
Ask yourself why would Lord Satan or Lord Baal "The Devil" request human sacrifices or animal sacrifices when this would mean that Lord Satan and Lord Baal "the Devil" would remain stuck in the cycle of reincarnation and down grade from Lord Satan and Lord Baal to incarnate in the body of insects or bacteria. Do you think Lord Satan and Lord Baal "The Devil" are very sturpid and retarded too? The C.I.A does not have the right to steal the property "land" and natural resources that belongs to God Almighty, the divine inheritance of all of god's children!
This earth is IMAAN , she is a living entity God Almighty Krsna, and this earth is not stuck in cycle of reincarnation and she can change her mind about anything and change her ways. On this earth and in all material universes The Law Of ReincarnationThe Law of Cause and Effect, The law of Free Will, and The Law of Immortality of the soul have always been a fact of life, and on this particular earth the fallen souls that violated God Almighty's laws are trapped in what seem to be a forgotten prison house for fallen souls. God Almighty has literally Quarantined all the fallen souls that are stuck in the cycle of reincarnation with great disgust, anger and abandonment! He does not care as to what happens here because we did not care about hurting other living entities and we ignored his orders. This is very evident and explained through a principle of Japanese Budhism known as "esho funi" "oneness of self and environment!" " La Unidad De La Vida y Su Entorno!" Inseparabildad de Sujeto y Medio Ambiente!" everything happens for a reason. This is also explained within the science of God Almighty through the principle of "Logic" For every cause there is an effect!
The very sick and advantageous greedy mentally ill closeted homosexual men that are managing this civilization under the pretense of "DEMOCRACY??" within their One World Government System have gotten away with heinous crimes that will literally down grade their souls into lower bodies and will continue to be forever stuck in the cycle of reincarnation unable to ever make it back into another human body. It is not fair, for the rest of us to be brought down in to lower bodies such as cock roaches because of these ignorant men that think that they superior than Lord Krsna.
If you are here is because you did not do something great. in fact, if you are here in this prison house is because you abuse the transcendental gifts that god almighty Krsna gave you, and in fact you have hurt other living entities in previous life times on this planet or in other planets. Many human beings both men and women, and extra terrestrials go through severe austerities in order to purify their mind and leave the cycle of reincarnation or they chose the practice of bhakti yoga and in this way a human being or other can receive mercy from God Almighty Krsna in order to be able to evolve once again as God Almighty's surrendered servant and be able to leave the cycle of reincarnation and return to the kingdom of god.
No matter how bad it gets, God Almighty is the owner of this earth and all the planets of all material universes and only through the practice of penance, love, kindness and mercy are we able to receive spiritual amnesty from all divinity that makes up "God Almighty Krsna" this spiritual amnesty allows a human being or extra terrestrial to escape the painful and eternal cycle of reincarnation and once we are able to convince Lord Krsna/Kalki God Almighty that we mean what we say, then he in turn feels sorry for us and takes over our lives and delivers us from this prison house. No Satanic cowardly Homo extreme materialist can get in the way of our liberation no matter how many nuclear bombs they have, or how many ignorant men they have trained and hire to inflict torture and to use rape as a way to continue scare us into submission in order to force us to pay their rent and luxuries, in order to hoard all the wealth for themselves and fool themselves into believing that they are superior than Lord Krsna at his lotus feet.
All Glories To Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All Glories to Lord Kalki!
Lord Krsna Chaitanya is My Lord and Savior!
Glory Praise the Lord!
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
"Eternal Father KrSna, Somehow or another I have fallen into the Ocean of Birth and Death Please Pick Me Up From this Ocean of Death and Place Me as One of Your Atoms at your Lotus Feet!"
Recap: the President of China Xi Jinpings New Years Address can be understood very simply China's success is due to the government support of the Chinese children and the Youth that have grown up to create very sophisticate technology that have Made The Republic of China Great! All the youth, men and women in South America possess the same intelligence as our beloved Asian brothers and sisters but we are under the brutal oppression of Colonial greed and selfishness that with the use of psychological and physical abuse diminishes the intelligence of all South American people and programs our mind to believe that we are inferior and that we are "Idiots" and "retarded" and when we rise up, we are raped and tortured and forced to become the beaten down dogs, that are used as the ignorant workers and consumers that are forced to buy the products that all these very greedy Satanic Men produce to make themselves rich!
There are millions of South American youth that are very intelligent engineers, architects, scientist, educators, military personnel, housewives, religious men and women that are being silenced and oppressed men and women that are forced to work in other capacities in order to pay for their rent?? there are millions of very intelligent children, girls , boys, young men and young women in South America that are being maliciously programmed by the Central Intelligence Agency to self destruct and to continue to maintain their economy's and societies rating as third world countries, youth that have zero support from their Governments that rather support the youth's drug addiction and alcoholism rather than to allow them to Make South America Great! Youth that are force to leave their country of origin in order to be able to find support from foreign Governments. Youth that have zero connection with God Almighty that are being raised to continue to behave lower then pigs and dogs, youth that are being given the OK to rape women, to continue to leave fatherless children, to steal from the poor, and to continue to envy one another, and to not allow each other to succeed.
Through the images of the video seen above let us understand that God Almighty loves all his children of all races in all countries, and that we all deserve to live peacefully abundantly and harmoniously with one another! We are one universal family and God Almighty is limitless abundance that maintains infinite material universes! All civilizations come and go, and hurting one another will always lead to complete evolutionary failure and to the extermination of all civilizations that stray away from their divine path of god realization, The Nature of all living entities is pure love and the only reason why we are on this Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN is to purify our minds and rise to Kingdom of God and be deliberate from the cycle of reincarnation while becoming an immortal inter stellar universal family that co exist in harmony with other living entities from other planets from all over the universe!
Sunday, December 29, 2024
"Lord VisNu is the Origin of Humanity!"
This earth is god almighty and she is the protector of her surrendered Matajis, Vaishnabis, Maharanis!
"You may take your Satanic Homos parasite in your spaceship laying coward racist biggot and go float in space, any one that deliberately distorts sacred technology in order to steal and hurt women and children is not welcome on this planet earth nor in any other planet that Lord Vishnu "God Almighty" created out of his causeless mercy so that we could all live in harmony and learn from each other and achieve god realization!"
No matter how advance of an Extra Terrestrial race you may be, any living entity that programs the mind of any other living entity to use the programming of systematic rape, and justifies the exploitation of other life forms, such as the example of the black race the "Negroes" that were sentenced into slavery because of their horrible crimes that these very ignorant race of people committed against their own race and other races. More Over, the whole world has clearly seen that the negro race does not learn from their mistakes but rather continue their cruel vindictive ways along side the people that are working with the Central Intelligence Agency that orchestrates horrible massacres in Africa, and that today the Satanic Negroes continue to hurt their own race and abuse the power that is given to them!
Be wise, and know that the law of Cause and Effect applies to all races of people, not just ignorant human male Satanic Homosexuals that are posing as religious leaders and government administrators, that have supported and allowed one another to carry out their Satanic Rituals for hundreds of years with use of torture and rooted in the heinous abuse and exploitation of women, hiding behind the walls of churches, temples and ashrams posing as scientist. All women are sacred, and they were suppose to be care for and protected! Women are not suppose to be raped and driven insane by Satanic Pedophile Homosexuals that are now building Space Stations .
Supporting Satanic Homos that are mentally ill, is the down fall of any race composed of both women or men, any one that supports and allows this very sick puppies to continue to carry on like is normal to steal the divine inheritance of God Almighty's children, rape women and to burn children alive, and to harvest the meat of animals while torturing them in slaughter houses will inherit the reaction of these severe crimes against God Almighty the supreme authority over all that is.
"Tell Me that God Almighty Krsna told you to Rape my mother and to steal her land and farm because she is a woman and that makes her stupid and inferior coward laying Satanist Faggot Genocider dressed like a vaisnanaban swami cochinada!
I am a witness of the atrocities that the current Satanic Closeted Homosexual male that have illegally taken over the management of all religious orders and all the government administration have carry out against all women of every race, in every country, with the use of the worst form of torture, sexual assault! a Satanic ritualistic programming that the Satanic Males continue to program in the mind of all men in every continent!
God Almighty Lord Vishnu is the owner of this planet and all planets, he created this planet earth to give all fallen souls the ability to raise their consciousness and to leave the cycle of reincarnation! While these very greedy and cruel Satanic Males continue their War Games, and block humanitarian aid, and impose sanctions in countries were they are experimenting what happens when they deprive the necessities of groups people that are part of their mind control experiments, and continue to kill doctors and nurses in places were they are playing war with one another. Please keep in mind that All these Satanic Males work together, although, they may portray one another as enemies.
Right now, there are millions of women and children that are experiencing the worst forms of suffering in Ukraine, in Gaza, in Africa, in Afghanistan, in India, In South America, in Central America, North America, at the mercy of very greedy and selfish severely mentally ill Satanic Males who hoard all the wealth for themselves and force people to degrade themselves by continuing to force people to eat meat, to practice illicit sex, to use illegal substances such as a alcohol, who think that when they die, is GAME OVER! and unfortunately, this is not the case! and while they continue to carry on, torturing women and children, for every cause there is an effect, and for those men who understand that there is a god that loves all his children, know that the Laws of God, are more severe, than being tried for thievery and for rape in a Saudi Arabian Court of Law, and that is best to make things right with your creator right now, it is now or never!
"Stealing what does not belong to you by hiring ignorant greedy and selfish men to help you plunder the divine inheritance of all of God's Children does not make you superior!"
While objects May be able to touch the Sun no living entity that hurts others will ever be able to inhabit nor to travel to other universes beyond the sun. Colonizing lands or planets with the programming of extreme Violence rooted in the exploitation and brutal rape of the female human species is a crime that attracts complete destruction and de evolution for any race of people that deliberately programs the human mind to fail in the worst way possible,
All the current laws that have been "made up" by the Satanic Homosexual males that have legalized the merciless psychological abuse of women, and ruthless exploitation of women, and the use of Systematic Rape of women, children and men and the ongoing use of Slaughter Houses for meat consumption are judged as "FAKE LAWS" created by very ignorant and Greedy Satanist Closeted Homosexuals Males that in plain sight have carry out atrocities "Satanic Ritual Sacrifices!" such as the Gang Raping Military Female Soldiers, and the Burning Of Children alive in Gaza on purpose. Very Greedy Satanic Closeted Homosexual Males that have distorted Sacred Technology and launched a very damaging propaganda about the Origins Of God Almighty Lord Vishnu "Krsna", that have ruined the mind of all of humanity on purpose, so they could very very easily exploit them and have the freedom to experiment with life forms for the creation of new technology in their quest to prove their supremacy of being god?
This Earth belongs to Lord VishnU Krsna, this earth does not belong to lying rapist genociders closeted -homosexual Satanist Males who think that they are god because they can beat up women and steal their homes their land and their life with the use of rape and forced pregnancies.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
You can't reach immortality while hurting others.
You cannot reach the Kingdom of God programming men to continue to slander, defame and to sexually assault women and to force them get pregnant instead of protecting them and directing them in the path of God Realization!
Did you get that letter? Just burn it! Everyone makes mistakes! We all Make Wrong Choices! I was wrong about everything! Everything!! Perhaps, I was too empathetic to see the light inside of all of god's children!
I thought that the males that have been given the authority to lead nations would have a change of heart after I presented all the evidence as to why we have to be nice to people and other living beings but I was wrong! I really thought that these men would be merciful with all of God's Children including cows and bulls considering the fact that God Almighty Krsna is the creator of all planets, not a man with money that has falsified all the
holy books in order to make himself superior, Satanic coward homosexual who has perfected the ways as to how to exploit little girls and women and boys. I guess I was being hopeful and naive and now I am traumatized. I have realized that god makes mistakes and that we are co existing with very sick mentally ill men, and that the only person that can protect me from these very sick men is God Almighty Krsna because every one is afraid of these ignorant Satanic psychos even cops and the Mob are afraid of these lying faggots!
I have live to experience the cruelty and racism and the mental illness at the mercy of the Satanic Caucasian Closeted Homosexual Malse and the Satanic Black Closeted Homosexual males that pose as Christians , Muslims, Jewish leaders, that think that HE is god because he has distorted sacred technology, because he can slander women, because he can beat up women, and get them raped and because he has money, homes and cars, and because he has hired other thieves in Central America and South America to continue to oppress all the civilian population and military population with the use of rape and torture, meanwhile hoarding all the wealth for themselves, and using this money for alcohol use and to buy sex, to buy things they don't need, and to feed themselves with flesh, bones, guts, fat, eye balls and to suck on the heads of other living entities.
The very greedy Satanic Homosexuals have squeezed every ounce of energy and wealth from all corners of the world to feed themselves and their families only, and then attempt to show some empathy by giving some benefits to the chosen American People, benefits such low mortgage payments? and more drugs? an lower taxes, promising to Make America Great Again appealing to the very greedy and ignorant immigrants that the Central Intelligence Agency put together in Caravans in order to have them flood the American borders to destabilize every community, very greedy male immigrants that have zero empathy for women and children, who slander and beat up their own mothers, and rape their own family members, who love to rape virgins, Immigrant males that have left fatherless children in every corner in South America, and Central America, and in the United States Of America, that much rather use the money that they collect to buy alcohol or drugs and to pay for more prostitutes than to sustain their own children. Very ignorant and cruel Hispanic Immigrants that much rather use whatever money they have towards the consumption of alcohol and more sex rather than to contribute towards the technological and spiritual advances in their own communities, that very easily steal from vulnerable people rather than to care for the people with disabilities, the Orphans, and the elderly people that have been severely oppressed by the Very Greedy Hispanic Immigrants Males that have trained by the Central Intelligence Agency to continue to destabilize every community.
Very Ignorant and untrustworthy Hispanic Immigrant males that are literally promoting RAPE?? along side the very sick mentally ill Blacks from the United States OF America! Immigrant Hispanic Males that very eagerly want to work or be recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency and have no problem helping the Satanic Zionist homosexual People steal from the people in the United States Of America and rape the Caucasian Women that they watch in porn films that are considered to be more expensive "hookers", and to continue to rape the virgins in South America and gang rape women in Central America, very greedy Hispanic Males that are working or being trained with the Central Intelligence in order to continue to help the Satanic Homo Genocider from the United States and Europe to oppress the people in Central America and South America, that are native to these regions, who have zero interest in going to The United States Of America or to Europe. Ignorant Hispanic Women beating rapist Immigrants that ideally should be shipped to a Labor camp in Siberia, away from god fearing people.
Ignorant rapist male immigrants that have been hired by the Central Intelligence Agency to continue their terrorist attacks on all the world people as long as these very ignorant and cruel male immigrants can get money and benefits so they can continue to drink alcohol and rape women and continue to oppress the people of Central America and South America. Immigrant males that are being trained by the Central Intelligence Agency to help them create civil unrest, coups and to perform random acts of violence and to continue to terrorize every community,
In Satanism there is a path to illumination and the liberation of the soul and in Satanism there is the path of the soul's fall into a lower life forms. Raping women and children and deliberately hurting other living entities causes all souls to fall into lower bodies. And while Satanist continue to insist that they are god, and that when they die, is "GAME OVER!" Unfortunately, this not the case, and no one has the right to bring everyone else down the path of de-evolution, everyone has the right to evolve and to achieve god realization.
"THE TALKING HEAD!" promising once again to Make America Great after his very sick and ignorant Satanic buddy Biden who pretends to forget that he is a genocider thieve and walks around like is normal to steal from the poor in order to create more weapons, and that getting women brutally raped and to burn children alive is the normal thing to do. These very sick Satanic men with the help of the very greedy and mentally ill Satanic Negroes that help spread the HIV virus and the Covid-19 Virus 'on purpose' that enjoy inflicting pain on others and leaving women pregnant in every corner, who utilize their money for alcohol use, and their drug addiction, and are use to having their children be raised by the well fare system, while they continue to play sports and Rap and complain about racism in order to get money in Law Suits, very Greedy and cruel rapist negroes from the United States Of America who very happily support the Oppression of the Negroes in Central and South America and the Caribean, Very sick mentally ill negroes that were recruited and very happily joined the Central Intelligence Agency in order to ruin everyone's lives as their personal vengeance because these negroes think that they are superior. and that they are god, these very vindictive cruel people just destroyed the lives of all Americans. And these Satanic men are convinced that they are god? because he can justify the use of systematic rape of women in every country and the burning of women and children in Gaza at the mercy of His very close friend Satanic Psychotic Nethayahu that planned a ritual sacrifice of Israeli Female Soldiers and Civilian Women and allowed them to get gang raped before they got killed so they could justify the beginning of another war in the Middle East in order to get more money!
I have Witness the Destruction Of the American Dream rooted in the most heinous Violence Against Women in the United States Of America that bleeds into Every Country of the world! I have Witness the Destruction of the America Dream at the mercy of Satanic Males that discourage the path of God Realization and instead allowed the business of systematic rape and raising little girls to be forced into the business of sex trafficking and prostitution! My love for the American people shall not perish nor my infinite love for almighty Lord Krsna (VishNu)! I know that the American People are being held hostage by this very sick Satanic Homosexuals that are very close with each other and are now promoting once again Making America Great and to expand the American Empire into a bottomless oblivion of more pain and endless suffering.
World Peace and collective Human evolution cannot take place while programming systematic rape in the mind of human males, nor by defiantly maintaining slaughter houses for meat consumption where lower animals are being torture day after day. Only through the Causeless Mercy of Lord Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu will the fallen souls be delivered from our current fallen state of animality into God Realization, because HE feels sorry for us! -All Glories To Sri Guru and Sri Guranga!
Monday, December 23, 2024
" God Almighty Lord VishNu Krsna is the proprietor of all planets! dangerous and Parasitic Living entities that include Satanic homosexual human males disguised as Vaishnavans, Swamis, Monks, Priests, Religious Leaders that have to falsified Sacred Texts in order to Justify the torture of women for over 5,000 years by mercilessly programming the use of systematic rape of little girls "Virgins" and women in the mind of human males, Satanic Homos that burn children alive and torture lower animals such as cows in slaughter houses for meat consumption, and use biological weapons to experiment with humanity, that are now seeking to colonize Mars after they have ruin the current civilization on the Planet Earth, that have hoard all the wealth for their very sick families and friends Only, will remain in Quarantine until further notice of their pending doom!" Om Tat Sat
God Almighty "Prime Creator" Created this earth, he is the proprietor of all planets, along with unlimited universes in which other living entities live "extra terrestrials"! torturing life forms and programming the mind of human males to continue to attack and rape women, little girls, and boys, and to use Kundalini Technology in order to invade someone else's body in order to inflict bodily harm is a weapon that is being used by the Central Intelligence Agency that is run by very sick Satanic Homosexuals males who support the torture of children, men, and women in every country. The most recent event that was orchestrated by the Central Intelligence Agency a long with the Israeli Intelligence Agency was the Nova Music Festival Massacre in which the Satanic Homosexuals planned and allowed the heinous gang rape of military female Israeli soldiers and Civilian women at the mercy of their Satanic militant group "Hamas" and today this very sick Satanic homosexual males continue to burn children alive in Gaza.
The Central Intelligence Agency is directly responsible for the continuing destabilization of South America and Central America in which people in this regions are being severely oppressed spiritually, economically, and physically, and women in this regions continue to fall victims to sexual abuse within their own family structure, little girls and young women are being rape by their own fathers, uncles, cousins, and in some of the countries in South America government officials were going to legalized incest! Central America and South America is a laboratory for the Central Intelligence Agency experimentation with human behavior. The Central Intelligence Agency Satanic Homosexuals take pride at stealing from poor people and ruining the lives of hardworking working people in every country.
Most women in South America are being force to sale their bodies from a very young age in order to have food, water, and a place to live. Most youth in these regions do not have a future to look forward to even though they have gone to universities and graduated. Young Men and Women are being raised to accept being rape as a way of life and for the young males to continue to steal from women and to rape women. For many years now Little girls and young women have fallen pray to predators from the United States Of America, that are looking to have sex in exchange for $5 dollars. These monsters have maintained the Sex Turism business in these regions of the world.
The Central Intelligence Agency is directly responsible for all of the current use of sexual violence in Central and South America. The Central Intelligence Agency Satanic Homosexual Males have assassinated every man that has attempted to stabilize the countries of these regions and block any form of social and economic reform. The Central Intelligence Agency have successfully conducted their mind control experimentation of South American People with the use of rape and torture.
The Central Intelligence Agency Satanic Homosexuals that branch into all religious orders are dangerous parasites that are not allowed to travel to other star systems nor are they allowed to evolve to higher life forms once they fall dead. These Satanic C.I.A Homos helped the Nazy Scientists that conducted horrible experiments on Jewish people flee to South America.
You see the math does not add up, hurting others will not bring you lasting rewards nor will you be able to "ever" have access to sacred technology again if chose to hurt other living entities! No matter how many space ships or Satellites these Satanic Homosexuals build on top of all the massacres, genocides and torture of other living entities. Massacres that they have planned in order to make money and hoard all the wealth for themselves. Massacres that these Satanic Males have carry out on this planet earth, no matter how seemingly advance technology these Satanic Homos build, these very sick parasites will only continue to run fast like a Gerbil on a Wheel going no where inside a cage.
God Almighty Lord Shani IMAAN ShiVa is Lord Krsna Chainatyan Mahaprabhu the supreme personality of godhead! The Supreme controller of the Universal Mind! All the names of Gods and Goddess, all divinity means KRSNA! Krsna is pure divine love the source of all creation and the end of pain and suffering! Lord Shani IMAAN Shiva Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the protector of all Hispanic surrendered devotees that are ready to leave the cycle of reincarnation who depend only upon the causeless mercy of God Almighty Lord Krsna! Surrendered devotees that understand that the Law of Cause and Effect is as real as earth quakes, floods, wild fires, volcanic eruptions, land slides, Sutnamis, Typhoons, Tornados, Hurricanes...! Om Tat Sat
Upon reviewing this article you will learn of the horrors of the mental illness of the fallen souls that have occupied Caucasian Homosexual Male bodies that were given the oppurtunity to manage this civilization according to God Almighty's Universal Laws of Justice 1. The Law Of Cause and Effect 2. The Law of Reincarnation 3. The Law of Free will 4. The Immortality of the Soul, and this very sick males instead chose to fool themselves into believing that they were gods because they were able to falsify information and to brutally torture women. The Vedic timeline shows that the brutal abuse of women gain momentum when Lord Krsna blessed be HE left planet earth and return to his home planet.
What this mean is that homosexual Satanist men are directly responsible for the degradation of this civilization and God Almighty will no longer tolerate Homosexual Satanist attacks against his Vaishnabis, Matajis, Maharanis! Living in Europe does not make superior biggot rapist genocider thieve! Living in the United States Of America does not make you superior ignorant rapist biggot faggot! Living in the wealthy Islamic Nations does not make you superior! Only Pure Love for God Almighty Lord Krsna can destroy the endless cycle of reincarnation. Buying meals with school coupons does not make you superior greedy lying biggot! Let me put some teeth inplants so I can I eat your prasadan for free ! Tell My Mother she can drink send me to a homeless shelter so I can get some food greedy biggot rapist thieve genocider mistake tell all your ignorant cruel black faggots to steal from me and to hurt me! Tell your faggots to spit on Me Rapist Genocider!
Karmic retribution also has an end. What this means is that enough, is enough! You have stolen from women, beat up and rape women long enough! You have been told repeatedly to stop abusing women, and raping women, and stealing their lands, and their life from them with the use of rape, and to distribute all the wealth amongst all the world people, and to shut down the slaughter houses where the live stock is being torture for meat consumption and instead you started more wars. You continue to carry on torturing lower animals for meat consumption and using the programming of torture and rape, ordering soldiers to rape women and little girls and now you continue to sale virgins to very disgusting mentally ill males, you have legalize the rape of little boys and men.
You have ruined the institution of marriage for over 5,000 years now. you continue to slander religious women and men that have surrendered before god almighty Lord Krsna and have taught other men to bully religious people and to inflict physical torture and to discourage the path of the liberation of the soul and instead you have indoctrinate men and women in the corporation of the meat eating raping slaves of the Satanist Closeted Homosexual males that have hoard all the wealth for themselves! That you torture and kill when you feel like it!
Overwhelming evidence of your mental sickness has been acknowledged most recently during your events identified as wars such as the Vietnam War, War World 2, The Bosnian Genocide, The War in Ukraine, The Sudan Conflict, The Ethiopian Genocide, The October 7th 2023 Nova Music Festival event that you very sick Satanist Closeted Homosexual male created in order to make money and drink alcohol and to rape more women.
Ignorant mistakes incased in the bodies of human homosexual males, have managed to subdue the other human males that have been driven insane by being forced to watch their own mothers, sisters, daughters, friends be raped in front of them during conflicts, through their Pornographic Industry, in order for this men to have food, water and a place to live, you have programmed them to accept that raping other living entities is normal. Hurting other living entities is not normal. Stealing what belongs to all of god's children is not normal!
The Biggest Lies ever told in the history of this civilization by the mentally ill closeted homosexual men religious leaders was that men could commit acts of sexual violence against little girls "Virgins" and women, slander and defame women an that a priest or a Guru, a swami, a Monk could pardon this terrible crime against God Almighty's Universal Laws Of Justice through the act of confession? or through the act of chanting the Maha Mantra? ( Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Hare Hare) or that a fallen soul that is currently incarnated in the body of a human male that commits the act of sexual violence against little girls "Virgins" or a woman, would simply incarnate into a woman's body in the next incarnation and that this fallen soul incarnated in the body of woman would experience sexual violence too because she raped someone when her soul was incarnated in the body of a man? The biggest Lies ever told was that Systematic rape or any form of sexual violence would be pardon through the acts of given Charity or offering Horse Sacrifices? by Or observing Ekadashis? ( Fasting). Or paying money through a law suit to someone that is raped? No human male a "Satanist" disguised in the clothing of Priests, Monks, Swamis, Gurus or Other... or woman can pardon a man or a woman that supports the programming of sexual assault of little girls "Virgins" or women of any race, rather those human beings that have corrupted the Justice System of this civilization in order to attain material wealth and to continue sexual experimentation by supporting the mentally ill homosexual human male's corrupted justice system inherits the reaction of the crimes of sexual violence that these mentally ill males continue to commit in every country that they have colonized and forced women in to prostitution, and have forced little girls "Virgins" to be raped by mentally men. God Almighty created the human body for the purpose of "God Realization" the human body was not created to be tortured and to be deprived of the human right to leave the cycle of reincarnation and to evolve into the spiritual platform of immortality. Any one that commits sexual violence against little girls "Virgins" and women is destined to "never!" incarnate into another human body or into the body of an extra terrestrial nor does it get entrance in to the so call "Hell" where the cool demons live " Hell Raiser!" the "Patalas" but rather this human males souls that rape women and steal from women are destined to incarnate in the bodies of insects, bacteria and other very low life forms! This is the price that a man or woman pays for disobeying God Almighty's Universal Laws Of Justice! that forbids the practice of Illicit Sex ( Rape or any form of Sexual Violence or any Sexual Act performed out of Wed lock once a fallen soul has reached the body of a human being or extra terrestrial that has the mind and intelligence to receive sacred technology such as Kundalini Technology and to have access to put into practice the transcendental ability of free will, the freedom to choose ).