Reposted from The Awakening Website

At that same Moment, your Self is suddenly moving all around. A feeling of incredible freedom and lightness overtakes it as it becomes accustomed to all of the movement that takes place with every thought you have.
In a very short time, your Self realizes that you can go anywhere at the Speed of Thought.
So you learn that you can exist wherever you want to exist. You can exist, observe and perform activities in different places simultaneously, without difficulty.
At the Moment of Death, you remember the single most important thing you should have remembered well before that Moment – that ‘all effect is created by thought.’ You always get what you want because you are a holy being that is Divinely creating reality as you are experiencing it.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Teilhard de Chardin
As a holy being, you wanted to experience the magnificence of this Moment in every minute detail. And there are only two ways in which you can do that – Time and Space.
In the third dimension, the Time lapse between thought and creation can be days, weeks, months, or even years. And it is this lapse in Time, which creates the illusion that things are happening to you, instead of because of you.
One tries to understand, in the higher plane, how the order is. The order is there, where the big elements combine and guide existence. But, in the minute elements, this order is not perceptible. Albert Einstein
While we are incarnate in a physical body, we find it very difficult to create from our own individual awareness. So we surrender to the collective human consciousness, whether it serves us or not. And the Universe knows nothing, except how to grant our wishes. But, when we are not incarnate within a body, there is no delay between thought and creation because we’re outside of the parameter of Time.
When we are in Spirit, the results of our thoughts are instantaneous. So we come to know and understand very quickly that we choose what we experience. The truth that ‘our thoughts create reality’ becomes obvious to us. We can return to the comfort of God, our source, whenever we wish. We can do this before we leave our body or after our death. And, if we can remember this truth in this Moment, our whole life will change.
If we could remember this truth in this Moment, we would be joyful, no matter what our circumstances are. And, because Time is now speeding up, we would soon discover that, what we are being brings us the things we want. Knowledge does not follow experience – it precedes it. It’s called Creation.
Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Eckhart Tolle
In the ‘afterlife’, your perspective expands by quantum leaps and bounds. And this expanded perspective allows you to understand the things that you do not now understand. This fills you with awe and anticipation, wonder and excitement, joy and exhilaration.

The truth is that there IS no journey. You are Not moving through Time and Space. Time and Space are moving through YOU – in this Moment.
It is the Master who knows this. And it is this under-standing that ends his struggle.
Because he knows that he can move in and out of ecstasy whenever he chooses, he doesn’t need to feel ecstasy in order to be joyful. He is joyful simply knowing that ecstasy exists.
The Game of Life is not a depressing treadmill. It’s a glorious reaffirmation of the utter magnificence of God and all of Life. And you have complete Freedom of Choice as you move though theevolution. That is what God’s up to! So, at the Moment of Death…