Whether we call ourselves Lightworker, Shaumbra, Imzaia, Starseed or Spiritual Seeker, among so many thousands of others’ work on and off planet, our work together as ascension pioneers brings many heart expanding moments as the perfect ignition to shift into a magical reality together ─ for ourselves and those we hold in our hearts. At Imzaia.com we are joyfully stepping into an expansion of ourascension work with a new schedule for imTV, live and virtual seminars, tele-conferences, Merkaba/Merkava training and other direct offerings by Quan Yin, Lotus and Ascended Life to assist in creating the change we wish to experience – a vibrant New Earth and more (!) as our playing field, a reality which is possible for all. In this pivotal year of 2012, If you can feel the burning for Self-Mastery and Ascension of Self inside of you and can imagine the power of direct contact with ascended beings, we warmly invite you to explore our interactive website, online shop and Facebook group to connect like never before as One Heart on diverse paths assisting in the realization of authentic love here and rising life throughout the cosmos. In deep gratitude, from my heart to yours, Bonnie for the Imzaia Team.