Reposted from The Awakening Website
In 1963, the Hindu Swami Prabhavananda included the following as an Introduction to his interpretation of the sermon that was preached by Jesus on the Mount of Olives, as recorded in the biblical Gospel of Matthew:

“As a young monk, I dwelt in close association with most of the monastic disciples of the founder of the order to which I belong. These holy men lived in the consciousness of God.”
“One of these disciples celebrated Christmas every year by offering special worship to Jesus, a custom which has been observed in all the monasteries of the order to the present day. On these occasions fruit, bread, and cake are offered in our Hindu way. Often, there is a lecture on Christ, or the story of the Nativity… or the Sermon on the Mount is read.”
This Hindu swami was an early-twentieth century teacher of the Vedanta philosophy, a philosophy that follows the most ancient of Hindu scriptures – the Vedas. Vedanta teaches that all religions are true inasmuch as they lead to one and the same goal – that of God-realization.[i]
Blessed are the Peacemakers; for they shall be called the Children of God. Matthew 5:9

In Christian doctrine, the concept of The Trinity is considered to be the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as three personifi-cations in one Godhead. Similarly, in ancient Brah-manism, we can find embedded this same doctrine – the triad of Brahma the Father, Vishnu the Word and Shiva the Power.
It is interesting to note that, in the Vedas, there is a text that, when translated into English reads, ‘In the beginning was Brahman, with whom was the Word, and the Word was Brahman’.[ii] This is in direct comparison to scripture that was written in the biblical Gospel of John.
The Sermon on the Mount represents the essence of both the teachings of Christ and the teachings of Krishna.
If you really wish to alter your life… then Jesus, in his Sermon on the Mount of Olives, has clearly shown you how it is to be done.Emmet Fox
In fact, all the major religions and philosophies have their roots in the same source. And, as members of a Great White Brotherhood of ascended masters, all of these Peacemakers delivered the same sermon.