The idea of the Indigo and Crystal child is made much more complicated than it needs to be. I believe that these “children” are here because the Universe/God/One Consciousness got tired of being subtle. Indigo and Crystal children as we are called, are here representing an expanded human consciousness. It’s concept speaks of a generation of like energy that sees way, way, waaaay outside the box of the earthly mind. We are not a new species of human that should be made to feel outcast from others.
What we are, are beings that have a great capacity to connect to the true purpose of existence, which is love. So what we feel is often an emptiness and longing for a connection that we find difficult to find in our earthly bodies. We are “home sick” for the ecstasy that is the essence of our true nature, pure love and peace. We have been given license by a more open society to seek out personal spirituality, yet no one or no thing is able to provide us with that feeling we so long for. The reason for this is that although spirituality is accepted on a more lenient stage, the world is at any given time made up of 4 or 5 generations simultaneously. Over half of the population is still grounded in an earthly energy wrought with stagnant dogma that radiates to even our strong Crystal and Indigo spirits.
One way to combat this is to experience closeness on a spiritual, not just physical level and we must understand that ecstasy is not “volcanic”. It is soft. Even the word “ecstasy” is primarily associated with sexual contact, orgasm, etc. The reason for this is because during the moments of an awesome orgasm, we are once and completely vulnerable, soft, at the will of pure energy. It makes sense that the Creator/Universe allowed our physical bodies to be able to achieve this alone! Think about it. How many of us fall asleep after we achieve an orgasm? Cry? Hug? The connections and experiences we feel during this time is NOT physical. The physicality is just a vehicle to help us to glimpse that realm of ecstatic experience, and when it is shared with another, intensifies the energy and goes even deeper.
What else can we do? How to we feel closer to our nature? The answer is simple. It is in the question. Connect to nature and celebrate “we”. We must surround ourselves with like minds and radiate for and around each other. We must allow things to enter and exit, knowing their roles in our spiritual development. We must hug others, and hold hands, pray for others and smile at strangers. We must gather with like minds and be genuinely supportive of one another. We must go find solitude in a park or field and use all of our senses to experience and receive messages.
Source:Om Times Holistic Lifestyle