If you ever ask yourself the question "What can I do?" when confronted with an endless amount of data that inevitably comes your way upon awakening to consciousness, then we ask you to join us live, or via the internet, or alternatively to share the Science of Mass Creation symposium information FAR and WIDE.
We can make a difference today
Sat 13 & Sun 14 October 2012, in Rai Amsterdam, will mark the world premiere of Quan Yin, Fernando Vossa & other speakers as we launch into an evolution of thought that will soon cover lectures in major cities and more rural areas in Europe and cross-continent. Connecting the dots of ALL fields of science, economy, medicine, culture & society, politics, spirituality and more, we invite you to join us live, in person, or via delayed stream (internet) to open the world mind to horizons that reach beyond the 'holographic frontier'.
Come and hold the door open with us!

If you ever ask yourself the question "What can I do?" when confronted with an endless amount of data that inevitably comes your way upon awakening to consciousness, then we ask you to join us live, or via the internet, or alternatively to share the Science of Mass Creation symposium information FAR and WIDE.
Sat 13 & Sun 14 October 2012, in Rai Amsterdam, will mark the world premiere of Quan Yin, Fernando Vossa & other speakers as we launch into an evolution of thought that will soon cover lectures in major cities and more rural areas in Europe and cross-continent. Connecting the dots of ALL fields of science, economy, medicine, culture & society, politics, spirituality and more, we invite you to join us live, in person, or via delayed stream (internet) to open the world mind to horizons that reach beyond the 'holographic frontier'.
Come and hold the door open with us!
Keynote Speakers

Fernando Vossa has been designing technology experiences for over 15 years. His approach is to reach the psyche and heart of his audience using multidisciplinary techniques from Industrial Design, Cognitive Psychology, Virtual Reality, Cinematography, Architecture, Graphic Design, and Fine Art.
His accomplishments include being part of leading edge design teams for major brands such as Microsoft, Sony, US-WEST, GE-Aerospace, and most recently unfolding innovative installation concepts at The Center of Mass Creation. This media pioneer holds degrees in Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Technology Design from the University of Washington. His passion for Divine technology has let him to discover evolutionary transformations of our energetic body.
His journey is to explore the integration of Free Energy Research, Healing Technologies, and a Cosmic Awareness of our Extra Terrestrial neighbors. Vossa is a member of the Exopolitics movement. His work includes being a media consultant and technology ambassador to the Searl Magnetics Team developing the Searl Effect Generator.
More about Fernando Vossa:

The universe, around us and inside of us, and how our spirit, mind, body and reality are connected -and what miracles of manifestation we are capable of- is the field of study that is presented through http://RisingLifeMedia.com/.
The exploration of consciousness is one of the most authentic fascinations known to all physical & energetic species in this universe. Throughout history, many visionaries have created many paths that all stem from the same questions: who are we, what is our purpose?
Often left to philosophy, religion and the more cerebral realms of thought, Man's embarking into the 21st Century is bringing science, economy, politics, biology and all 'hard evidence' fields into the enlightenment of our species as a long-awaited missing link.
Quan Yin is an author, lecturer, researcher, poet, writer of many subjects, but above all, is a meta-physicist with the heart of an explorer and an infinite love for humanity rising.
"The reactive emotion of fear -physical, emotional or psychological- is the only trigger known to produce the short-lived adrenaline levels that only in higher amounts carry enough frequency -in weight and speed- to cross the dimensions of the human body.
We must therefore abstain from the reactive emotion of fear at any time and reach for higher reasoning of the cerebral cortex, which fed by the pineal gland can produce the space of stillness, also on the physical level, required to exist, function, reason and operate as a transdimensional human being having reached beyond its own confines into the holographic nature that awaits us. This is the eschaton that our species reaches now: to move beyond the chemical-biological bridge into a trans-physical holo-dimensional zero-point field of harmonising, unifying field of consciousness, in practice and no longer in theory."
We must therefore abstain from the reactive emotion of fear at any time and reach for higher reasoning of the cerebral cortex, which fed by the pineal gland can produce the space of stillness, also on the physical level, required to exist, function, reason and operate as a transdimensional human being having reached beyond its own confines into the holographic nature that awaits us. This is the eschaton that our species reaches now: to move beyond the chemical-biological bridge into a trans-physical holo-dimensional zero-point field of harmonising, unifying field of consciousness, in practice and no longer in theory."
-- Quan Yin