Hear our prayer for all those who will die today because of war, plagues and economic oppression, especially the children and elderly people.
Prepare them for the agony, despair, and terror of the violence that is upon them. Comfort them and hold them close to the bosom of your most Immaculate Heart as they drink deeply of the bitter cup which is forced upon them. Wipe their tears, calm their fears, welcome them to peace and safety. Eternal rest grant to them, and may perpetual light shine upon them. May all rise in judgment against the wickedness of men and women that brings this violence upon the world.
Overturn the thrones of tyranny, scatter the unjust, cast down the bloody rulers who make the cry of the widow and orphan rise to heaven. Give us your grace and strength to stand against the demonic powers in the sick human mind which prowls about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Grant that peace with justice will come to all the world. Through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.