Ultra-Violet Light is the point of transition to the invisible spectrum of God’s holy Light.
God’s Light carries the same vibration as the frequency of Love. So, if a person with a pure heart absorbs enough Ultra-Violet Light, they are transfigured into a hyper-dimensional angel of luminous glory.
All of the hottest and most exotic objects in the Universe radiate strongly in the Ultra-Violet range. They’re so powerful, they affect the whole Universe. Dr. John Hutchings
There are rites of passage through which a person can go in order to experience this phenomenon. These rites were performed by the ancient Egyptians in the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. The Great Pyramid was built upon a powerful vortex where the ley lines of the Earth grid attract the energy from the stars. It contains shafts that open up to the stars. And the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber is the point at which these star shafts converge. It was built as the perfect alchemy chamber.
Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” John 2:19
In Egypt, initiates whose goal it was to attain God realization spent twenty-four years training the two hemispheres of the brain in the Egyptian mystery schools. The right-brain training focused on mastering the emotions. It took place in the Left Eye of Horus Mystery School. This was followed by left-brain training in the Right Eye of Horus Mystery School, which dealt with sacred geometry and the logical side ofCreation.
After completing this intense training, they were given an entheogen, and then placed into the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber. When the body is in isolation from external light, the pineal gland, which is hidden deep within the brain, becomes an alchemical chamber of biochemical and neural impulses. A dark environment actualizes higher and higher states of consciousness, which correlate with the synthesis of chemicals in the brain.
After about three days, the pineal gland overflows with certain neuro-transmitters that awaken the super-conscious. Eventually, the brain synthesizes DMT, a chemical that has come to be known as the Spirit Molecule.
It is DMT that facilitates a transcendental experience of Universal Love. This is the molecule that enables ourSpirit to journey beyond the realms of Time and Space.[i]
When initiates performed these rites of passage in the King’s Chamber, they were first returned to the darkness of the womb and, after three days, they were resurrected and reunited with God.
From the beginning of my life, I have been looking for your face. But today, I have seen it. Rumi
Jesus took these same rites of passage during the Eucharist ceremony that occurred after the Last Supper. The ancient site on which he was then entombed is located near the site of King Solomon’s Temple.
Like the Great Pyramid, Solomon’s Temple was built upon a powerful vortex where ley lines attract the energy from the stars.
And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his Spirit. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. Matthew 27:50-52
It was with the added impetus of a powerful eclipse of the Sun that Jesus experienced this phenomenon. Astronomical events have the power to bring about intense change. And, during an eclipse, something dies while something else is birthed.
Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:45