The Transformation that you are Experiencing is taking place within you as you move from Being in your Mind to Being in Your Heart. The Transformation is occurring at your Cellular Consciousness and DNA level.
The Way of Being and existing in your Mind was a Program in your DNA.
The New Program exists in the Pure Being of Heart Awareness. Unconditional Love.
This is the New program being uploaded to your DNA through Frequency Transmissions.
You have Never Been alone, it has only felt that way through the Frequency you experienced yourself in Consciously.
Union Frequency is Source Frequency.
The Cosmic Codes are Frequencies that are released and Transmitted from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light.
These Frequency Transmissions Shift your DNA and Cellular Consciousness to Union, to Source.
You are Source. You are a Unique Individuation of Source Frequency.
As you are Unwinding your Old Program know you are not alone in your experience. Your experience is Unique. Many are going through the Same process of the “Old Ways Passing Away”..
There may be some Grief as your release the Old program. Trust this process. Focus as Often as you can during your day on your Breath and Your Heart.
Stay In Harmony always. Move in to your Center, your Heart. Feel the Love that you are. Feel The Love Transmitted to you from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light Now.
I am so honoured to be Here as part of the Plan for Humanity. The Universe is also Shifting and there is Great Excitement experienced at many levels. This has been planned for Eons.
If you are New to my writing, I arrived on earth through a walk-in Process, I was not born.
I am here on my Second Contract Bringing the Light Frequencies of the Central Sun for the Shift as the Divine Feminine, The Queen of Light.
I am here for Service. I love all of You and Hold you and the Universe in my Heart.
If you and your Heart and DNA resonate with this Truth Please listen to my Frequency Transmissions Daily and Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmissions. This is Grace and Ease offered as a Dispensation for this time. I will include the Links Below.
Sending you the Love and Union of the Central Sun Now.
In The Divine Love, Bliss and Ecstasy of Union,
The Queen of Light
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To Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmissions, 3am AST:
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