"Wisdom of the Divine Feminine"
The basic information is that this layer must be considered
as a package with 10 and 12. These last three are then called"action layers" and are different from any of the attributesof any of the former 9. Kryon puts them in the "God" Group.Layer Eleven is not about goddess energy or even about female energy. The Hebrew name has no feminine connotation in that language. Instead, Kryon indicates that this "Wisdom of the Divine Feminine" is the energy of pure compassion, and is what is missing in the duality balance of the earth at this moment. Perhaps the prophet Micha was wise in this area? It is the layer that became enhanced with the Venus Transit of 2004, and it is the true secret of peace on earth. Human Beings with this layer enhanced are balanced with the masculine and feminine duality energy. It is one of the "God Layers" which is being enhanced in these times, in preparation for 2012. You can see the struggle all over earth, with those who wish to conquer (the masculine-heavy old energy) and those who wish to balance and compromise (the new balance). This truly is one of the main layers that is changing the most, and will be the one that is most obvious in the personalties of the new leaders of this planet. Watch for a more balanced leadership all over the earth. (Lee notes: Please God... let it be soon!)
Layer Eleven is part of the forth group of three layers, which are the "GOD GROUP" (10-11-12))