Finally something we can is guided by the knowledge that the Origin of All life is Lov. We believe that respecting and taking care of our home planet 'earth' keeps us safe and healthy. New is dedicated to all men and women who have been persecuted or murdered because of their sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, race, age, gender, martial status, disability, or HIV infection. We loves god very very much.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New Age Of Activism Top 12 and Beyond: Template Portal

The December Solstice draws near in this year 2012, marking the culmination of a great
cycle that is simultaneously a new beginning, creating a window of opportunity...a
portal that is being organically orchestrated by the holonomic symbiosis of evolution.
The coming recalibration of Earth as She aligns with the holistic continuum has not been
instigated by those who have intervened in our evolution, labelling various global
catastrophes reported in all religious doctrines as punishments perpetrated by the
'gods' for misbehaviour, as they cover up their failed experiments on the Human race. A
portal that has evolved from the Prime Organising Principle energetically emanating
from the galactic core, this astronomical event does not mark an anomalous
catastrophe resulting from the disarrangement of the original design of the planets in
our solar system, nor is it relevant to the religious programming of shame and guilt that
has historically rationalized the global genocide that is being prophesied. Ultimately, the
propensity for true evolution upon this planet and within the entire solar system is far
beyond the influences of the god- impersonators who would have you believe this to be
a time of damnation, repentance, salvation, atonement.
However, the significance of this alignment goes beyond the cycles of cosmic order
eternally spiralling within the true holistic continuum. For Earth, this alignment holds
the promise of liberation. The displacement of the planets within our solar system,
including the destruction of Maldek and the introduction of foreign satellites which
scramble the data embedded in the light of our Sun, have rendered Earth a stolen
planet functioning in a deviant temporal zone. Although the coming alignment will not
create an immediate reintegration into the holistic continuum, it will activate the
capacity of Earth and Her inhabitants to ultimately realise their place within the integrity
of the universal holography.
The alignment of the torsion field structure of the universal holonomic design is
eternally in synchronomic motion – a space/time continuum which is not a sequential
binary signal-response pattern that exhausts a supply of energy resulting in
entropy...but a fractally constructing self-referencing ocean of possibilities. The coming
alignment is an opportunity to recalibrate to this holistic continuum.
It is our Sun’s symbiotic relationship with the planets within its heliocentric embrace
which orchestrates the synchronomic forces of manifestation, its light-informing
transmissions pulsing through the holography of the true matrix...its geometry
rendering all things simultaneously one and different. The phenomenal aspect of this
imminent solstice portal is the transmission of the full spectrum Source Code embedded
in the light of our Sun and its ability to initiate the transformation of consciousness.
The momentum which has culminated in the formation of this portal has been building
through the interference patterns of the intricate holonomic weave of co-creativespheres of light information that forms the infrastructure of the galactic holography.
This great cycle of cosmic tantric friction will not culminate in a hour...a
minute...but in a moment, in an eternal instant between expansion and contraction,
between past and future...a portal into the immortal continuum. In a timeless
heartbeat, the Sun will communicate a seed-code which will ultimately collapse the
synthetic mutant matrix that generates the false temporal zone of this fear-based
reality. This process will be activated and escalated via the resurrection and full function
of Human bio-circuitry. In an instant of absolute synchronomic alliance, the window
opens as the photonic seed-code embraces the electromagnetic field of every living
entity into a vortex, a conduit to the Heart of Creation, bestowing, in a moment, a
calibration to the eternal constant, the immortal continuum...stimulating within the
cerebral cortex the memory of the true Human prior to genetic modification.
Our Sun, by virtue of its position within the universal holography, now takes centre
stage within the galaxy. It is reaching a state of total cognition as it deciphers the
confluent fields of coherent cosmic codes rippling through its labyrinth of crystalline
lenses, its solar flares the exultant response to the acceleration of Source Awareness
projected as primordial data from the galactic core. On the December Solstice, Earth will
align with our Sun to enter an absolute convergence with galactic centre and the Heart
of the Cosmos. Through the apex of this alignment the full spectrum of the Divine
Directive will be communicated to Earth...a transmission which will break through the
phase-lock created by the distorted warp of Earth’s noosphere, overriding all system
inhibitors to contact all sentient beings and create a new point of experiential reference
within their DNA. This experience will translate as a seed-code, a photonic viral
intelligence, which will utilize the Human computational circuitry system to begin to
collapse the mutant matrix, setting in place a resonant transformative system which is
sustained by the holonomy of the universe.
The extent to which units of Human bio-circuitry are functioning as delivery systems for
electromagnetic data-flow dictates their capacity to reach primordial soul resonance
with Source Consciousness, translated by our Sun, to decipher and integrate the seed-
code transmitted through the solstice portal. Through the continual development of this
individual and collective process, not only will an authentic point of reference within the
Human perception of space/time be activated, but planetary re-entry into the true
galactic holography will ultimately be actualized. The overriding integrity of the rising
Sun of the Solstice will command resonance with the full spectrum frequency of the
Maha Tantra of Creation. As we gradually and harmoniously decipher its luminous
message, nature will become our temple and light our faith. Electromagnetically
breaking our deal with death, we will embody a new paradigm. The reintegration of the
geomagnetic data-flow of Solar Consciousness will be synthesised as an energetic co-
ordinance within our physical presence as we become the portal through which Divine
Consciousness flows.
The emergence of the geometric and sonic codes which are intrinsic to the alchemy of
the Template ceremonies are timely, consistent with and entirely relevant to the