Starseeds are individuals who feel excitement and longing upon learning that they might have originated from another world. They experience the aloneness and separateness that is the human condition, but also have the sense of being foreigners on this planet. They find the behavior and motives of our society puzzling and illogical. Starseeds are often most reluctant to become involved in the institutions of society, e.g. political, economic, health care, etc. Even at an early age, they tend to discern the hidden agendas of such conventions with unusual clarity."
"Starseeds" describe evolved beings from another planet, star system or galaxy, whose specific missions are to assist Planet Earth and her peoples to bring in the Golden Age at the turn of the millennium.
Starseeds incarnate into the same conditions of helplessness and total amnesia concerning their identity, origins and purpose as do Earth humans. However, the genes of starseeds are encoded with a "wake-up call" designed to "activate" them at a pre-determined moment in life. Awakening can be gentle and gradual, or quite dramatic and abrupt. In either event, memory is restored to varying degrees, allowing starseeds to consciously take up their missions. Their connections to the Higher Self are also strengthened, permitting them to be largely guided by their inner knowing.
Starseeds incarnate into the same conditions of helplessness and total amnesia concerning their identity, origins and purpose as do Earth humans. However, the genes of starseeds are encoded with a "wake-up call" designed to "activate" them at a pre-determined moment in life. Awakening can be gentle and gradual, or quite dramatic and abrupt. In either event, memory is restored to varying degrees, allowing starseeds to consciously take up their missions. Their connections to the Higher Self are also strengthened, permitting them to be largely guided by their inner knowing.
Many starseeds are practiced in rapid "spiritual weight loss". Starseeds can throw off in a few years the limiting behavior patterns and fears that Earth humans might take many lifetimes to accomplish. This is because starseeds, having been on similar missions to other planets, are quite familiar with the procedures and techniques for raising consciousness.
The concepts of star ships, intergalactic travel, varied psychic phenomena and sentient life forms in other galaxies, are, of course, natural and logical to them.
The concepts of star ships, intergalactic travel, varied psychic phenomena and sentient life forms in other galaxies, are, of course, natural and logical to them.
Starseed Mission
Because their task is the most difficult one to perform in a very dense dimension such as ours, starseeds were hand-picked from our galaxy and beyond. Few beings would volunteer to do such work at the risk of forgetting who they are and losing their connection with their divine Higher Selves.
Although starseeds make up a very small percentage of Earth's population, their mission is great and varied. Primarily, they must go through this physical life and attempt to remember who they are. When they make that connection, they are drawn to go through a transformational process to become whole, centered and connected with their Higher Selves. Once starseeds realize who they are, they can begin to help enlightened Earth souls to anchor light to Mother Earth.
Starseeds are also here in this Divine Intervention from higher dimensions down to our physical world. This planet cannot survive without the Divine Intervention decreed by our Creator. Starseeds provide the missing link in closing the loop between the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchies, the Elohim and the Time Lords who work in concert to help our planet. Starseeds are awakened and ready to anchor light, perform rituals, meditate and focus energetically upon situations that need to be changed for the good of all.
Although starseeds make up a very small percentage of Earth's population, their mission is great and varied. Primarily, they must go through this physical life and attempt to remember who they are. When they make that connection, they are drawn to go through a transformational process to become whole, centered and connected with their Higher Selves. Once starseeds realize who they are, they can begin to help enlightened Earth souls to anchor light to Mother Earth.
Starseeds are also here in this Divine Intervention from higher dimensions down to our physical world. This planet cannot survive without the Divine Intervention decreed by our Creator. Starseeds provide the missing link in closing the loop between the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchies, the Elohim and the Time Lords who work in concert to help our planet. Starseeds are awakened and ready to anchor light, perform rituals, meditate and focus energetically upon situations that need to be changed for the good of all.
Starseed Self-Activation Process
For those who know they are starseeds, this is a ONE TIME ONLY activation process. For those who are not sure, this process will allow them to activate themselves. At this time, a lot of starseeds are not activated. Their energies are necessary to help anchor love and light to Mother Earth.
This is a 12-minute process:
Sit down, close your eyes, and start a series of three inhalations and exhalations. Inhale Light through the top of your head and down into your body. Exhale all of the stress and worries you have, down through your feet and on down to the earth for about one minute.
Place your left hand, palm up, on your left thigh. Your right hand should touch the area one or two inches below your navel. (This is an energy vortex.)
Ask the Earth Angels to come to activate this vortex center for you. Stay in this area for about four minutes.
Move your right hand up one or two inches above the navel (another energy vortex) and ask the Earth Angels to activate that area for you. Keep your hand there for about five minutes.
Now place a hand, palm up, on each thigh and ask the Earth Angels to send a confirmation that you have been activated. Wait about two minutes to receive it.
Now that you have been activated, you are ready to actively participate with the rest of the starseeds in doing rituals and in clearing and balancing your chakra systems. You are asked to stay attuned to learn other ways to help Mother Earth and the population, before the earth changes occur.
Love and light,
Bil El Masri
Place your left hand, palm up, on your left thigh. Your right hand should touch the area one or two inches below your navel. (This is an energy vortex.)
Ask the Earth Angels to come to activate this vortex center for you. Stay in this area for about four minutes.
Move your right hand up one or two inches above the navel (another energy vortex) and ask the Earth Angels to activate that area for you. Keep your hand there for about five minutes.
Now place a hand, palm up, on each thigh and ask the Earth Angels to send a confirmation that you have been activated. Wait about two minutes to receive it.
Now that you have been activated, you are ready to actively participate with the rest of the starseeds in doing rituals and in clearing and balancing your chakra systems. You are asked to stay attuned to learn other ways to help Mother Earth and the population, before the earth changes occur.
Love and light,
Bil El Masri
We are all 'star seeds', or 'star people' as we all have lived in many realities in many planetary systems and in higher realms as other life forms. So here we are, star seeds, souls sparks on a mission, trapped for NOW in a physical experience.
Starseeds allegedly seed planets with information and spiritual frequency when one cycle of time is about to end and another begin. As planetary frequency increases, so too does their levels of awareness, and need to help others, and return to their natural state of being, a soul spark of light.
There is little connection to the mainstream systems of society, religious, political or economic. Creativity is the key to spiritual fulfillment and mission.
Many prefer to work only in the esoteric fields - healing, searching for their own truths and their soul mission through studying systems of higher wisdom, writing their biographies as a means of clearing issues and understanding their work here and now.
They await a great awakening the evolution of consciousness through the alchemy of time. They know that no one has the date for us to move into levels of higher frequency but their souls tell them that it is on the horizon. They are programmed to find others like themselves, as based on similar frequencies and predestined agendas.
Sometimes these souls are labeled 'walk-ins' or 'wanderers'. It is all the same as it really one soul having multidimensional experiences.
Some starseeds can overcome feelings of longing because they remember how to manifest realities that help them function in physical bodies while doing their work, holding their frequency here, at the same time. Others feel lost and alone, become depressive and withdraw from society feeling that no one understands them.
Some die young from illnesses, accidents, suicides as the pain of remaining here becomes too great. Most are hampered by the limitations of the third dimension. Most do not want children.
Some trigger soul memory gradually as their conscious awareness evolves. Others chose to attract an event, such as a near death experience, in which they detach from the physical grid returning in higher frequency. By creating a physical event of this kind, they are often left with a the finances so they no longer have to work in the physical and can spend their time searching for the truth about their purpose here. A functional soul will never take this route of sabotage.
Starseeds allegedly seed planets with information and spiritual frequency when one cycle of time is about to end and another begin. As planetary frequency increases, so too does their levels of awareness, and need to help others, and return to their natural state of being, a soul spark of light.
There is little connection to the mainstream systems of society, religious, political or economic. Creativity is the key to spiritual fulfillment and mission.
Many prefer to work only in the esoteric fields - healing, searching for their own truths and their soul mission through studying systems of higher wisdom, writing their biographies as a means of clearing issues and understanding their work here and now.
They await a great awakening the evolution of consciousness through the alchemy of time. They know that no one has the date for us to move into levels of higher frequency but their souls tell them that it is on the horizon. They are programmed to find others like themselves, as based on similar frequencies and predestined agendas.
Sometimes these souls are labeled 'walk-ins' or 'wanderers'. It is all the same as it really one soul having multidimensional experiences.
Some starseeds can overcome feelings of longing because they remember how to manifest realities that help them function in physical bodies while doing their work, holding their frequency here, at the same time. Others feel lost and alone, become depressive and withdraw from society feeling that no one understands them.
Some die young from illnesses, accidents, suicides as the pain of remaining here becomes too great. Most are hampered by the limitations of the third dimension. Most do not want children.
Some trigger soul memory gradually as their conscious awareness evolves. Others chose to attract an event, such as a near death experience, in which they detach from the physical grid returning in higher frequency. By creating a physical event of this kind, they are often left with a the finances so they no longer have to work in the physical and can spend their time searching for the truth about their purpose here. A functional soul will never take this route of sabotage.