One very important group of children is the Indigo who were born in the 1970s and 80s. The term Indigo refers to the color of the aura that can be seen surrounding them.
Now in their twenties and thirties, the Indigo are powerful souls who exhibit certain enhanced abilities that are well beyond their age. They will be the leaders in building the new Terra Nova Earth. It is their generation that is now squashing the third-dimensional systems of society that lack integrity.
The Indigo are the trail blazers for the Crystal children who have recently begun to appear in the world. The Crystal children are a group of children who are very joyful and forgiving. They possess powerful energies that are assisting many to awaken to their Divinity. A large number of the children who have been born since the year 2009 are Crystal children who will enable a further acceleration of the consciousnessof the rest of humanity.[i]
The day I was born, I met my Self,
The day I was born, I met my young Mother,
The day I was born, I met Christ sleeping in my cradle.
Akiane Kramarik, age 10
Another important group of children are the autistics. Autism is considered by modern science to be a brain development disorder. But what science does not yet understand is that the autistic child is multi-dmensional. They have non-linear minds.[ii]
he only energies that calm autistic children are those that have many dimensions, such as the colors in art and the sounds in music.

With musical compositions, there is no limit to the number of sounds that can be heard and assembled simul-taneously; the more that are added, the more beautiful the music becomes.
And there is no limit to the number of colors that can be comprehended and resolved in a pattern; the more that are added, the more spectacular is the design.
It is these three groups of people who will be some of the first to reach their full potential in the new Earth Game.
For the Kingdom of Heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard… “Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.” So the last will be first, and the first will be last. Matthew 20:1-16