The omniscient (of infinite knowledge), omnipotent
(unlimited power), omnipresent (present everywhere)
Divine Mother of extreme beauty and ageless eternity.
"Therefore a person should ever strive for the
destruction of ignorance, for one's birth is fruitful when
ignorance is destroyed. One thereby attains the end of
human existence and the state of being liberated
while living." — The Divine Mother (Devi Gita 4.7-8)
"May all the gods attend to what I have to say. By
merely hearing these words of mine, one attains my
essential nature. I alone existed in the beginning;
there was nothing else at all, O Mountain King. My
true Self is known as pure consciousness, the highest
intelligence, the one Supreme Brahman/Thus through
hearing about, reflecting upon, and ascertaining the
Self by the Self, one should also, through intense
meditation, realize that I am in essence the Self...
By this meditation, O King, the noble person will
perceive me directly and then merge into my own
essence since we two are one. By practicing this yoga,
one realizes me as the supreme Self. In that instant,
ignorance and its effects all perish."
— The Divine Mother (Devi Gita 2.12;/4.40;49-50)
"It is easy to regard inanimate mineral matter as
devoid of consciousness and to regard plant life as
limited in awareness, but to do so is to forget that
everything consists of forms assumed by the supreme
Sakti through her gunas. Minerals are intensely
tamasic, but their greatly obscured consciousness is
observable in the consistency of their atomic and
subatomic organization. At the end of the observable
spectrum is the sattva-steeped awareness of the seer
who has experienced the Divine. The Devimahatmya
speaks of all the universe, moving and unmoving, as
divine manifestation in which nothing is devoid of
consciousness." (Devadatta 2005. 17)
"The Devi insists that liberating knowledge can be
attained here in this world, while still living. Seeking
such knowledge alone makes life worthwhile, and
the attainment of knowledge completely fulfils the
ultimate purpose of existence." (Brown 2002, 25)
"Now the name Nirmala itself means immaculate;
means the one who is the cleansing power and the
name of the Goddess also. My actual sign name is
Lalita who is the name of the Primordial Mother.
That is the name of the Primordial Mother."
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
New York, USA—September 30, 1981
Except for quotes and images of Her incarnation
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, this site is almost entirely
about Devi, the Divine Feminine. The Devi's yoga
(to unite) requires absolutely discarding all external
rules, rituals and rulers. Only then can meditation and
merging with the Divine Mother within truly begin.
Hence the term "Self-realization", and the means of
realizing Her as our divine core or Self begins here.
(Please note that these quotes represent a miniscule
portion of about 3000 public speeches and private
conversations with disciples over nearly four decades.)
"The culture of the Great Goddess was very ancient in the Indian area. According to E. Mackay, besides the Indus small statues found in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro represented Parvati, the wife of Shiva-Pashupati (the divine Shepard, Lord of Creatures) despite the fact that these names had not yet appeared in the pre-Vedic period. Her equivalent in the Aryan Vedas was Ushas (the dawn), the daughter of Heaven (Dyaus Pitar.) The effigy of Shiva- Pashupati carved on a ceramic seal from the third millennium B.C. discovered in Mohenjo-Daro depicted the deity seated in a Yogic asana since Shiva is Yogeshwara (Lord of Yogis.) The culture of the Mother Goddess was dominant with the Dravadians too.(unlimited power), omnipresent (present everywhere)
Divine Mother of extreme beauty and ageless eternity.
"Therefore a person should ever strive for the
destruction of ignorance, for one's birth is fruitful when
ignorance is destroyed. One thereby attains the end of
human existence and the state of being liberated
while living." — The Divine Mother (Devi Gita 4.7-8)
"May all the gods attend to what I have to say. By
merely hearing these words of mine, one attains my
essential nature. I alone existed in the beginning;
there was nothing else at all, O Mountain King. My
true Self is known as pure consciousness, the highest
intelligence, the one Supreme Brahman/Thus through
hearing about, reflecting upon, and ascertaining the
Self by the Self, one should also, through intense
meditation, realize that I am in essence the Self...
By this meditation, O King, the noble person will
perceive me directly and then merge into my own
essence since we two are one. By practicing this yoga,
one realizes me as the supreme Self. In that instant,
ignorance and its effects all perish."
— The Divine Mother (Devi Gita 2.12;/4.40;49-50)
"It is easy to regard inanimate mineral matter as
devoid of consciousness and to regard plant life as
limited in awareness, but to do so is to forget that
everything consists of forms assumed by the supreme
Sakti through her gunas. Minerals are intensely
tamasic, but their greatly obscured consciousness is
observable in the consistency of their atomic and
subatomic organization. At the end of the observable
spectrum is the sattva-steeped awareness of the seer
who has experienced the Divine. The Devimahatmya
speaks of all the universe, moving and unmoving, as
divine manifestation in which nothing is devoid of
consciousness." (Devadatta 2005. 17)
"The Devi insists that liberating knowledge can be
attained here in this world, while still living. Seeking
such knowledge alone makes life worthwhile, and
the attainment of knowledge completely fulfils the
ultimate purpose of existence." (Brown 2002, 25)
"Now the name Nirmala itself means immaculate;
means the one who is the cleansing power and the
name of the Goddess also. My actual sign name is
Lalita who is the name of the Primordial Mother.
That is the name of the Primordial Mother."
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
New York, USA—September 30, 1981
Except for quotes and images of Her incarnation
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, this site is almost entirely
about Devi, the Divine Feminine. The Devi's yoga
(to unite) requires absolutely discarding all external
rules, rituals and rulers. Only then can meditation and
merging with the Divine Mother within truly begin.
Hence the term "Self-realization", and the means of
realizing Her as our divine core or Self begins here.
(Please note that these quotes represent a miniscule
portion of about 3000 public speeches and private
conversations with disciples over nearly four decades.)
The age of the Vedic Gods started with the Aryan invasion, when the Divine Mother was represented as Bhoomi-Devi (Earth Goddess, Mother Earth), earlier called Prithivi or as the sacred Cow Kamadhenu or Surabhi. The Vedas mentioned Gayatri about whom Kennedy (Hindu Mythology, p. 345) wrote: "Nothing in the Vedas is superior to Gayatri. The Gayatri is the Mother of the Vedas and of brahmins. . . . For the Gayatri is Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva, and the four Vedas." The old holy scriptures talk about Gods who become important in the later age of the Puranas.
The Divine Mother occupied a prevailing place among the Puranas deities. She is the Adi Shakti. As Maha-Devi She is the wife of the supreme God Shiva, being known under different other names: Bhairavi (the Terrible) when Shiva becomes Bhairava; Uma (Light), in Kena Upanishad; Haimvati (the daughter of the Himalayas); Jagadamba or Jagan-mata (the Mother of the World); Durga (the Inaccessible); Parvati (the Mountaineer); virgin Gauri (the Yellow or Brilliant); Kali (the Black) first mentioned in the Vedas where She was associated with Agni, later as the wife of Shiva. In the Puranas we find Her as Lakshmi (the Luck), Vishnu’s wife, ... This enumeration might further continue with Bhavani, Chandi or Chandika, Shyama (the Black) and the others that reach the number of one thousand names, all mentioned in the Sri Lalitambika Sahasranama Stotram.
She has always been the Shakti, the Power of the corresponding masculine incarnation when appearing in the human form, as a Mother, Wife or Daughter, for example: Sita — Rama’s wife; Radha — Krishna’s wife; Draupadi — wife of the Pandavas; Mary — Jesus’ mother; Fatima — Muhammad’s daughter and Hazrat Ali’s wife. She has now manifested at the end of the Kali Yuga to announce the dawn of the golden age, Satya Yuga." (Costian [Ph.D.] 1995, 270-72)
"Devi originated at a time of cosmic crisis and, consequently, her role seems very similar to that of Visnu in his many avataras (incarnations). Just as Visnu promised to manifest himself in order to protect the cosmic balance, Devi, too, promises to return if needed." (Foulston 1999, 13)
"Indeed, the absence of feminine symbolism for God marks Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in striking contrast to the world's other religious traditions, whether in Egypt, Babylonia, Greece, and Rome, or in Africa, India, and North America, which abound in feminine symbolism... The Greek terminology for the Trinity, which includes the neuter term for spirit (pneuma) virtually requires that the third 'Person' of the Trinity be asexual. But the author of the Secret Book has in mind the Hebrew term for spirit, ruah, a feminine word; and so concludes that the feminine 'Person' conjoined with the Father and Son must be the Mother. TheSecret Book goes on to describe the divine Mother:... (She is) ... the image of the invisible, virginal, perfect spirit... She became the Mother of everything, for she existed before them all, the mother-father [matropater] ... The Gospel to the Hebrews likewise has Jesus speak of 'my Mother, the Spirit.' In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus contrasts his earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, with his divine Father—the Father of Truth—and his divine Mother, the Holy Spirit... According to the Gospel of Philip, whoever becomes a Christian gains 'both father and mother' for the Spirit (ruah) is 'Mother of many.' ... Besides being the 'first universal creator,' who brings forth all creatures, she also enlightens human beings and makes them wise." (Pagels 1989, 48-54)