suggested here - to compare the physics of the "Plasma Residue" (charge domain symmetry operations) Symmetry ELements - called OPHANIM / ENOCHIAN / 'Greek' etc- depicted below - to our original work showing this is precisely the physics of the origin of Hebrew / Sanskrit - and indirectly - arabic cursives:
As the Runic scholar from S.Africa - said in Perth (perfectly applies to these "angelic' scripts):
"The RUNES are a WAVEGUIDE - into the MIND of the Ancient Shaman (shem-an)." Once we understand how mind causes charge to compress- becoming centripedal- the symmetry elements necessary to acheive that implosive compression are precisely the waveguide plasma physics of alphabet origins.
Introduction (to Vincent Bridges and Darlene's new book on Ophanim- in English and Italian Joint Publication."The RUNES are a WAVEGUIDE - into the MIND of the Ancient Shaman (shem-an)." Once we understand how mind causes charge to compress- becoming centripedal- the symmetry elements necessary to acheive that implosive compression are precisely the waveguide plasma physics of alphabet origins.
by Dan Winter
Vincent has been a leader in Ophanim and Angelic Alphabets in the several decades I have known him. As an electrical engineer myself- from the beginning I was always intrigued with his discoveries about the profound symmetry and deep pattern geometry 'embedded' in this seeming science behind calling Angels. When I accompanied him doing Enochian calls- thousands of miles apart- we invariably saw and felt responses which were 'big waves' - whether it was clouds or storms or big effects on the groups who practiced this 'language of the Gods'. From a scientific perspective - the only way we can account for these observations is to suggest- we must be in the presence of a force which attracts and shapes very long waves of charge or plasma- rather like noticing that something 'in the plasma or ambient charge presence' has attracted and given direction to a 'very large tornado'. String theory, wormholes, and vortex theory in the plasma physics of the quantum field- all suggest a unifying conclusion- in effect physics is nothing but tornados of this so called universal 'plasma' - and if something (Ophanim symmetry?) can steer this one tornado principle- it then would have the power to steer and direct everything in physics!
The simple truth is now approaching overwhelming acceptance in the physics community: the shape of ancient Gods and their bodies is rather well described in the way plasma bodies form among stars. For example the film "Thunderbolts of the Gods" describes how interstellar plasma bodies and dynamics literally fit the description of God in many traditions. Try a google search on "plasma universe" - you will see pretty much no scientist today would deny that plasma has a body, and that spiritual ideas about divine Gods pointed rather well to living and apparently self organizing (self aware?) plasma fields the scale of stars.
In physics- plasma comprises 99.99 percent of the universe. Plasma is essentially a cloud made of charge. Charge is a name for the compressible inertia storing waves of compression (negative charge) and rarefaction (positive charge) 'jello' or ether of the unified field. Most people understand this concept rather appropriately as the concept Yin vs Yang - but it also applies directly to all of physics.
The primal principle at issue- is to understand what it is that holds that body of charge (God or 'an angel') - together. Today - unlike in the time of Einstein - we do have an answer. Because we now know that golden ratio fractality- is the cause of gravity and all centripedal forces - we can begin to understand HOW it is that these 'angels' in fact HAVE bodies.
Angels (and people ) get a (plasma or aura) body when their field effect becomes centripedal- that is to say begins to implode and attract toward center. Angel ALPHABETS appear to be shadows of field effects whose VORTEX SHADOW ANGLE- or symmetry elements allows them to fuse implosively (centripedally). It is simply a certain series of donuts or vortex that learn how to approach each other at the right angle to implode and 'make a heart' (fractal center). ( Note how John McGovern- apparently now able to translate most any rock petroglyph globally- calls these ancient alphabet letters: "Plasma Residues". He is the chief science co-author with Tony Peratt- Los Alamos plasma physics- on the plasma storm / vs Whaledreamer- article: )
The purpose of making a fractal center- is to create the centripedal or self organizing heart of energy bodies. This creates the implosive self organizing nature of life itself. Living bodies (like your aura) are like a cloud of charge- called plasma- which have a 'fractal' heart force at center- holding them together. This is exactly the same principle as the ONLY real electrical definition of whether a SEED is alive or dead: IF the seed is electrically CENTRIPETAL enough to attract the first nutrient molecule- THEN it is alive! ( see the architecture of LIFE )
In science these fractal -nested one inside the other- shadows of field effects or donuts (toroidal fields) are sometimes called PLASMA RESIDUES. Understanding how we hold and see and steer these plasma bubbles or orbs or incubus- is the core of what a Shaman does. What the shamans are seeing in THEIR inner plasma - is the glowing shape of charge compression of major plasma winds (angel bodies) as they impinge our planet. They correctly know- that you either embedded your aura in that approaching tornado - or you became 'toast'.
What the Ophanim / Enochian alphabet (plasma residues of implosion into angel bodies) tried to teach us was just that: how to get our aura into plasma bodies the size of stars. This is nicely reflected in how the Ophanim characters were used to make the STARGATE movie.
Physics now can well describe what a "Stargate" is. It is a charge field which has become implosive or centripedal due to golden ratio fractality. The elements of the field (toroid donuts of charge) which assemble to make such charge compression - in a constructiveway among waves - is called FRACTAL (infinite non-destructive compression- to use the Einstein concept).
There is a REASON that this electric field of charge symmetry is called a "STARGATE". Examples would be the temple complex-electrical function of what was called AMARNA/AMENTI - or even the original electrical layout/now dysfunctional - of Jerusalem/URU-ASSA-EL-M- where the URU -dragon line - ASSA- queens - make the EL or PHASE SHIFT by conjugation. (animations: The reason is that a significant portion of the plasma body ('ka' your aura's coherence) - is by conjugate fractality turning compression IN to acceleration (by golden ratio conjugation)(film part 7 at ) This is not just the mechanism of symmetry which turns electric fields IN to gravity- it is also the mechanism which YOU can use to project your aura/ perceptual center- electrically in to stars and time travel- then SHEM in AN.
The part of your plasma which can then be accelerated thru the speed of light - into time travel - is called the 'BA'- like a seed pushed from the shell of the KA. Mer-KA-BA. The tricky part is developing the coherence (perfected by fractality) in your attention (phase conjugate aura) - so as to project your center of gravity / attention (phase conjugation) - so as to take your organs of perception (where the waves of charge are sucked into phase sorting conjugation) - WITH you. This is precisely like waking up inside a lucid dream - or taking memory thru death (as we discuss electrically- ). The hygiene of charge attracting lifestyle necessary to get your aura to this stage of fractal coherence / effective electrical radiance- - pretty much defines conscious evolution- (live food, yoga, charged environment etc) - is the climax subject of our book:Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality.
If we examine how electric fields, especially - living plasma from biology - what you call your AURA- - create that kind of self organizing centripedal force- we arrive at the symmetry of the dodecahedron - which embeds directly from the HYPERCUBE- which Vincent Bridges discovered in the pattern within the OPHANIM alphabet symbols.To make the long physics story really short, by showing us the angular or symmetry elements to embed our auras or plasma into stellar plasma fields - (black holes) - these angelic beings were showing us how to merge our bodies into theirs.
Why do they want us to merge with them? We are the substance- biologic life force plasma which eventually is the seed for the body they need to become. Or -to put it another way, somebody has to grow up big enough to be the plasma holding not just elemental kingdoms together, but eventually to be the plasma which holds stars together!
Angelic stories are romantic and full of love (perfect embedding) - and it is my suggestion that one of the best ways to see the love and pure intention in these angel stories - is to use pure physics. The symmetry ingredients of life itself are embedded in these ancient 'angelic calls'. At this time when the Sun's plasma MAY toast our fragile little planet- it seems like a good time to learn how to whisper to that tornado. See in the collage picture below-Darlene's work- where it says Measuring the effect of Collective BLISS - a million children singing- the Solar Flares become PEACEFUL! - In fact there is scientific precedent/ evidence- that collective human focus- can - not only compress charge- see Bill Tiller- and reduce radioactivity measureably- Uri Geller's measure- but ALSO - steer the Sun! .. whose plasma stream - big tornado - is a symmetry element - alphabet letterform(s)- of an angel body - stellar plasma self aware centripetal compassionate BEING-... the definition SUN GOD - of the AN in ShemAN and HumAN- our very language semantic history -roots of words- tells us if you aren't an AN - then you are nobody. In practical terms- this means if your regional ET knocks on your door from a metal craft (Greys/Khumer)- instead of a plasma storm that came thru the SUN - best to leave the door locked.
Darlene developed a syntax sequence for how many tornado cones converged to make each Ophanim letter. DNA absorbs the charge if the angle of approach of the field is correct (alphabet letters are plasma residue or 'shadow's of charge fields). The language of our genes- determining whether charge is absorbed in genes - is the 'turning' point- controlling what 'CAN BE REMEMBERED'.
Physics is clear about -what’s the purpose of remembering? When biology can hold a cloud of charge into a wave that can stand and keep rotating for a long time- that is called biologic memory or sustainability. This is precisely why DNA is based on Golden Ratio and fractality. If a donut torus wave of charge approaches at the correct angle for DNA to swallow that added spin- then the shadow of that donut field effect becomes a sacred letter of a sacred alphabet. ( animations: )
Angelic alphabets call our DNA to embed in longer waves and bigger tornados (plasma storms to stars).
The solar wind IS a local example of the blood of angels (plasma storm physics) - and when storms come - those who can hold a big field in their aura- tend to steer the storm rather than be “blown away”...
Below - a 7 page exerpt from Darlene on Ophanim
Note Here!: With the generosity of Darlene and Vincent- they have agreed that I may put this link here: OR-Part2c2.PDF
You can download this entire chapter from their upcoming book - includes detailed references.
- in hopes of promoting that work (appreciate your supporting them).
--End exerpt from Darlene's work on Ophanim - in collaboration with Vincent Bridges
The book continues with detailed discussion of DNA symmetries vs. alphabets vs. harmonic theory etc.
-Comment from Dan Winter: The climax of this presentation is a picture - showing
two opposing vortex cones- moving against each other
(The shadow of which would be the hex / star david / ophanim sigils below..)
two opposing vortex cones- moving against each other
(The shadow of which would be the hex / star david / ophanim sigils below..)
We have tried to summarize what we feel is the compelling physics to show that this PHASE CONJUGATION - by opposing conic wave fronts- is the ORIGIN CAUSE and MECHANISM of ALL CENTRIPEDAL FORCES- including GRAVITY, LIFE FORCE, PERCEPTION, COLOR, BLISS/ENLIGHTENMENT, and TIME - at (Mar 2010)
REAL Science of Calling ANGELS!Tetra-Cube OPHANIM - ANGEL ALPHABETS- exerpt from
Darlene developed a syntax sequence for how many tornado cones converged to make each Ophanim letter. DNA absorbs the charge if the angle of approach of the field is correct (alphabet letters are plasma residue or 'shadow's of charge fields). The language of our genes- determining whether charge is absorbed in genes - is the 'turning' point- controlling what 'CAN BE REMEMBERED'.
Physics is clear about -what’s the purpose of remembering? When biology can hold a cloud of charge into a wave that can stand and keep rotating for a long time- that is called biologic memory or sustainability. This is precisely why DNA is based on Golden Ratio and fractality. If a donut torus wave of charge approaches at the correct angle for DNA to swallow that added spin- then the shadow of that donut field effect becomes a sacred letter of a sacred alphabet. ( animations: )
Angelic alphabets call our DNA to embed in longer waves and bigger tornados (plasma storms to stars).
Below - a 7 page exerpt from Darlene on Ophanim
--End exerpt from Darlene's work on Ophanim - in collaboration with Vincent Bridges
The book continues with detailed discussion of DNA symmetries vs. alphabets vs. harmonic theory etc.
The book continues with detailed discussion of DNA symmetries vs. alphabets vs. harmonic theory etc.
-Comment from Dan Winter: The climax of this presentation is a picture - showing
two opposing vortex cones- moving against each other
(The shadow of which would be the hex / star david / ophanim sigils below..)
two opposing vortex cones- moving against each other
(The shadow of which would be the hex / star david / ophanim sigils below..)
We have tried to summarize what we feel is the compelling physics to show that this PHASE CONJUGATION - by opposing conic wave fronts- is the ORIGIN CAUSE and MECHANISM of ALL CENTRIPEDAL FORCES- including GRAVITY, LIFE FORCE, PERCEPTION, COLOR, BLISS/ENLIGHTENMENT, and TIME - at (Mar 2010)- here ends- Tetra-Cube OPHANIM - ANGEL ALPHABETS- exerpt from