Today, commemorates another year of the undying commitment of the working class military personnel and the working class civilian population's loyal support of the economy of their respective societies through the sacrifice of very hard work! Today, commemorates another year that the military intelligence males in all countries that are running all governments of the world behind the scenes that make a lot of 'false statements' such as "The Military does not get involve in Politics!" and continue to intentionally leave all women unprotected and at the mercy of the rest of the men of every race that the military intelligence men have programmed and trained to slander women, to beat up women, to rape women, to impregnate women, to leave fatherless children behind to be raised by the government programs.
Today, registers another day that the military intelligence community continues to viciously program the mind of children with violent entertainment such as war video games and shooting video games that program the mind of male children to go on random school shootings for fun and pleasure. Today, marks another year that the military intelligence men have allowed the current influx of very ignorant dishonest, greedy, violent misogynistic male immigrants that have flooded all borders to continue to take place in order to gain secret sinister alliances and 'false witnesses' racist bullies greedy dishonest, thieves black people of the United States Of America both women and men that abuse their positions of authority and are given private surveillance information and this greedy, cruel, and racist black people use this surveillance information to retaliate, attack, vandalize property, instigate random acts of violence and scam anyone in order to maintain every society divided with the excuse that "Blacks Lives Matter!" Are You Okay?? These vicious and vindictive black people from the United States Of America both men and women bully together with the use of Surveillance information, they vandalize private property in order to retaliate, they carry out online scams, and are both verbally and physically aggressive when conducting business, and some of these black people are in positions of authority and they cover up for each other, they make careers out of lying and deceiving and when they get caught they act like victims, and they even start crying crocodile tears, booo! booo!booo!" I was given a free boat ride to the Americas and those mean white people were rude to us and made us work!" Woe is me! These black people bring back the same old story, the slavery days and how they were treated by the Caucasians in order to scam more money and benefits from everyone Latinos, Asian... in order to get away with their crimes against women and children and their crimes against God Almighty!
Now, with the new wave of immigrant males that are programmed to beat up and rape their own mothers, daughters, and sisters, and steal from toothless disabled crippled people. Immigrant male that suckered punched an elderly woman on the street walking her dog in plain view of the street security cameras during the day? immigrant male who jump on the back of a woman made her fall to the ground and sexually assaulted the woman on the side walk in broad daylight, caught on camera? immigrant males that have been programmed to be alcoholics, and to medicate in order to deal with stress, immigrants that also have a very sick and grotesque addiction to meat eating, and these men have no problem, eating dogs? or cats? ducks or geese if they can get some free beef. Be aware that these grotesque addiction to meat, will absolutely lead to 'human meat eating' when the time comes and there is a food scarcity of meat, and there is no more free beef from dogs, cats, geese, ducks, rats to eat. Because most people have been program to believe that they need to eat meat in order to survive and this false statement has caused a lot of problems and will bring about a lot of problems.
The following videos will show direct evidence of the way some African American males in positions of authority treat women. In this case we have a very ignorant black man another disgusting human being filled with urine, feces, and worms, by the name of Sean 'Diddy' Combs. Men such as Sean 'Diddy' Combs are recruited by the C.I.A through the Music Industry to continue the programming of civil unrest, sexual violence against women and men. Sean 'Diddy' Combs was hired to program men in every country to beat up women, to rape women, to gang rape women to slander and defame women and to exploit women in every way possible!
Black men are notorious for not only being extremely greedy but also extremely misogynistic and extremely verbally, physically, emotionally , psychologically abusive, and sexually abusive and the current parasitic youth the "Gen-Z' regard these type of black males who are famous and incredibly wealthy as their role models, and the cycle of violence continues to perpetuate for the very ignorant black race and everyone else . What is more disturbing and sick is that these black men and the black youth think that beating up women, and humiliating women is funny and that this type of behavior is normal. Let's be very clear that what Sean "Diddy" Combs is doing to his Ex girlfriend Cassie Ventura, in a hotel in Los Angeles, Ca. is NOT "normal". and this type of reactive behavior will keep the souls that are currently incarnated into human bodies to continue to perpetuate the cycle of violence within their soul's evolution while remaining stuck in the very painful, frustrating and endless cycle of reincarnation moving from body to the next body. Right Now, the black man you will see in the videos known as Sean "Diddy" Combs will not be incarnating in the body of a human being in his next life. The Law of Cause and Effect is Severe. This is a fact of life that cannot be changed. The C.I.A will continue to argue and to deny the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of reincarnation, and at this point, the C.I.A's perspective is irrelevant. The C.I.A will continue to conceal the truth from humanity in order to play god, to experiment with humanity, and to continue to ruin people's lives for pleasure.
JAW DROPPING PREDICTION: To anyone out there that reads this blog in the event of a grand scale cataclysm or in the event of a nuclear war most souls that are in human bodies that are part of this civilization will remain stuck in the cycle of reincarnation inhabiting lower bodies experiencing very painful life lessons, while the earth starts over and regenerates "RESETS"! And this time these souls that will once again fall into super lower bodies will possess the intelligence to remember why they are in super lower bodies for example: when a person dies, the soul leaves the body and based on the conscious choices that the person made when incarnated in the body of a human being, God Almighty designates these souls to transmigrate into the next body, so, in this case, people who slander, and hurt other living entities and caused them harm, their souls transmigrates into the bodies of insects, such the body of a "Mantis" and just like you can see the footage of security cameras in the workplace , and you create false narratives and documentation gathered from Surveillance Information that is now being used by African American Males that excel at bullying especially people who are not "Black" that are part of the civilian population and the military personnel. African American male who has ties with Islamist groups in the United States Of America that distort information and leak information in order to create disunity, civil unrest and cause intentional harm to others. African Males that are very passionate to work with very greedy corporations affiliated with the Central Intelligence Agency. African Males that cover up any crime and make up any story and distort the truth, and justify workplace harassment as long as they get paid and get promotions. The souls that are currently in human bodies that fall into lower bodies such as the body of a "Mantis" will remember that they were in a human body and will reflect on their past crimes that they committed when they were in a human body, the souls that will absolutely fall into super lower bodies when their soul leaves the body that they are now occupying for intentionally hurting living entities and ignoring God Almighty's mandates will also have the ability to remember and be fully aware that 1.the law of cause and effect 2. the law of reincarnation is as real as workplace harassment and being suspended without pay for reporting a hostile work environment to both an Male African American manager and a Male Asian human resources manager who have no problem covering up labor laws violations and allowing workplace harassment to take place! And that the Law of Cause and Effect is as real as being told by the Asian Human Resources Manager that there was going to be a three day investigation on the matter and on the six day being told, by the African American Male and the Asian male during a phone call that the employee is terminated for violating company's policies and that this company is withholding outstanding PTO . The following is a rule of thumb that is based on logic and reason that cannot be debated or joked about! Abusing power in order to exploit and to bully laborers to burn them out, with the use of malicious slander and intimidation, and inflicting psychological bullying such as financial abuse with knowledge of how much the employee has in his or her bank account with the use of stolen Surveillance Information under the "hoax" of the Umbrella of National Security, "Lying!" and "Stealing" and distorting Sacred Technology given to human males by god, is the fastest and the quickest way for a soul to remain imprisoned in the cycle of reincarnation. God Almighty is the only person that anyone or anything should be concerned about! God Almighty is the eternal witness and she sits right inside everyone's heart!
(I cannot believe that I have to write this down in order to make you aware of the grave violations that a soul incurs when hurting other living entities with the knowledge and use of sacred technology, Violations that not even 'fire' can purify the mind of the souls that take the role of false gods (human males) who intentionally hurt other living entities and create events to hurt living entities. These severe Violations cannot be purified with a nuclear war. A nuclear war will absolutely not purify the mind of the souls that are incarnated into male bodies that inflict physical and psychological pain on others on purpose for pleasure, completely ignoring God Almighty's policies and regulations of a healthy living that leads to the soul's evolution and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Only God Almighty Srimati Rhadarani Krsna Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN the supreme personality of godhead is able to liberate all souls from repeated birth and death! This is why God Almighty incarnated in one of his many avatars known World Wide as Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, in order to give humanity the legal right to use 'Sacred Technology' such as 'Kundalini Technology' to have a conjugal relationship with Krsna, while the devotee chants the Maha Mantra : Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare : This is the easiest and fastest way for a fallen soul that is incarnated in a human body to be liberated from the cycle of birth and death without having to go through a very hard and rigidus variety of yogic practices (sacrifices) that most of the Civilian Population and Military Personnel are not interested in doing. Bear in mind at all times, that even devotees that have identified themselves as the lord's servants have fallen into lower bodies because they fall into the illusion that they are Demi Gods and that the supreme personality of godhead is dependent upon them? and that the Law of Cause and Effect does not apply to them if they chant the Maha Mantra, and this mistaken way of thinking can get people into Federal State Prison, or involved in lawsuits and that is just the beginning, it is wise to be afraid of the Lord at all times. Every living entity deserves the right to die in the most peaceful harmonious way, instead of dying while experiencing horrible pain and agony. "greedy and selfish human males do not have the legal right to hurt god's children nor to profit out of their pain and suffering!" , and this statement is based on common sense)
The blacks are very skilled at covering up any criminal behavior in exchange for "Money" and "benefits" "Fame" or Promotions! Black Lives Matters! Are You Okay? Are You Okay? Are You Okay? What this means is that ONE black person, here in the United States Of America, is united, with the rest of the blacks, here in the United States Of America. So, if ONE black man threatens to bust a woman's head open, or to pop her, meaning to shoot her, or scams and steals money from her, or bullies in any way, and steals Surveillance Information in order to bully anyone, that means that all the blacks in the United States Of America are guilty and they participated in both threatening to commit a crime, and have committed the crime of stealing. What this also means is that every black in the United States Of America made a very dangerous threat and every black in the United States Of America is responsible for stealing Private Surveillance information. The black people in the United States Of America later use this information against anyone they want to hurt, or retaliate against or threaten, and some of these vicious vindictive, greedy and racist blacks are working with the C.I.A's lower ranking people and these black people are very excited to hurt people who are not black.
black people in the United States Of America are very happy to help in any way towards the destruction of the United States Of America. More then likely these black people will succeed at destroying the United States Of America with the C.I.A because they are very skilled at inciting riots, civil unrest, and they are very stealth when committing random acts of violence, vandalism, scams, and these black people have almost succeeded to defund the police with the the very strong support of the C.I.A. Currently this agency is doing it's best to take away the right of Americans to purchase and carry guns. Now, these black people have access to surveillance information of everyone here in the United States Of America and they love to spread malicious gossip (leak information that they distort in order to defame and slander ) and they cover their crimes with the same narratives the White Supremacist Narrative and the Slavery Day Narrative, knowing very well that the slavery days are OVER! The black people here in the United States Of America have been 'paid in full' for the slavery days. More over, the black people in Africa co-created the Trans Atlantic slave trade, it always takes two to tango, they could have said, NO! to the enslavement of the other black people that they sold and were brought to the Americas. What this means is that the black race is historically abusive of the power that is given to them, they are racist, the males belonging to the black race are extremely misogynistic, they are dishonorable, they are very cruel, merciless, ruthless, extremely greedy, extremely envious and cannot be trusted.
The black people here in the United States Of America have been paid with benefits and immense fortunes that no one else has, and they hoard it all for their personal perverse pleasures instead of distributing this obscene fortunes with the rest of the blacks in South America, Central America, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba and with anyone, anywhere in Africa where there is a need for financial support. All the money and immense fortunes that have been given to these very greedy and perverse black people, they use to buy things they don't need, to buy illicit drugs, alcohol and to gamble, to buy sex, and to pay for the obsession and grotesque addiction to meat eating. There was a comment made by a black man to another black man that they will eat human beings if they have to ( and he is not kidding) The male blacks have excel at leaving their children to be raised by the government programs while they use the money given to them by the government, or the money earn from jobs to buy more drugs, alcohol, and gambling, and to buy sex. The reparations that are owed currently for the slavery days should be given to where ever there are blacks in third world countries such as South America, Central America and in the Islands of the Caribbean such as Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Africa. Based on all the overwhelming evidence of all the benefits, the opportunities, and the really 'big fortunes' that some of these black people have access to plus the evaluation of the behavior, mannerism, gestures, language, and body language, of the blacks in the United States Of America. These blacks are owed "nothing!" as far as reparations. Please understand that the blacks in the United States Of America could care less about the blacks in South America or Haiti, Cuba or in Africa, they only make a fuss when they want to create division in the United States Of America with the C.I.A or when they are ordered to make a fuss.
Please bear in mind that both 'some' illegal immigrants, and blacks in the United States of America are helping to co-create events with the intelligence community ( C.I.A) in order to continue to create chaos and disunity in every society. The C.I.A prides itself at being the "Masters of Destruction" and they stablish alliances with people who are money hungry and are very easily recruited because a lot of people think that the C.I.A is "Cool!". They actually admire this agency, that is literally a criminal agency that has impoverished both the Central American and South American Civilian population and Military Personnel, and has submitted the 'Civilian Population' and Military Personnel in the United States Of America with their mind control programming, and these black people know that this agency runs the entertainment industry, so it is very easy for them to do whatever it takes to be part of the C.I.A ! The C.I.A purposely allows blacks, and illegal immigrants to suck all the economies dry with their immoral violent, dishonest, deceitful, and parasitic behavior.
To every citizen that is reading this in a country outside of the United States Of America, please know that the C.I.A is currently destabilizing the United States Of America with the help of very greedy. ignorant, vengeful, envious blacks both male and female and some other immigrants from Iran, and these people could care less if the economies or the human rights of other people in other countries are destroyed. They are dead set on destroying the United States Of America and this is why neither the war in Gaza or the Ukraine war has ended. The C.I.A is directly responsible for orchestrating both of these conflicts. It is understood that a lot people hate the United States Of America but please keep in mind that the C.I.A is directly responsible for creating all the problems in the United States Of America and in all the countries outside the United States Of America, and what the C.I.A does in other countries has nothing to do with the country itself (The word 'country' has multiple meanings "I love this country, and nothing is going to change that!" ) nor with the majority of the population of the United States Of America all people in the United States Of America are programmed to comply with the C.I.A.
The C.I.A forces the population of the United States Of America to comply with whatever the C.I.A wants people to do. Moreover, some of the working military people in the United States Of America and some of the civilian population in the United States Of America are victims of the decisions that are made by the C.I.A military, decisions that have been made without their consent. Does it make sense to you, that people who have spiritual technology available to them such as some of the citizens of the United States Of America who know without a doubt that the law of cause and effect is very serious, would consent to steal from other countries? and consent to wage wars against the civilian population of other countries and to continue to use systematic rape as a method of submission of women ? Well, the C.I.A does not believe that the law of cause and effect is real and they could care less if women and children are slaughtered. Just to be clear the so call 2? are Krsna and Govinda! anything else is Greedy misogynistic Males exploiting women and distorting sacred technology, creating false narratives planning events and carry out events of to civil unrest, and more random acts of violence, disunity and destabilization of every society.
C.I.A Military intelligence males have block every effort of social reform and force every politician to become liars and have turned every decent man into a hypocrite. Today, commemorates another day of the Military Intelligence community destructive unethical and immoral behavior that is supported by their complete control of the justice system and their puppet fraudulent attorneys that conceal their lies and their severe crimes against humanity, their crimes against this earth, and their crimes against lower animals .
Today, commemorates another year of the Military Intelligence men commitment to eradicate humanity's connection with God Almighty, and to continue their destruction of the institution of marriage by supporting promiscuity and sexual experimentation in both the spiritual platform and the physical platform. Today, marks another year of the Male run Military Intelligence community unwavering support of the dynamic of alcoholism, drug addiction, random acts of terror, burglary and mayhem that reinforces the very successful business of federal prisons, jails and attorneys! Today. on this Labor day let us surrender together to the god of our understanding and know for a fact that no human power can relieve us from the ignorance of the Military Intelligence Community run by the male species that are currently making more serious problems for the working military personnel and the working civilian population and that only a power greater than ourselves can relieve us from the severe mental illness of these military intelligence males who think that they are god? and that the law of cause and effect does not apply to them? while compromising the safety and the evolution of all human beings of every race and sentencing all of us to more painful futures that include pending terrorists attacks, civil unrest, more random acts of violence, looting, riots, burglary, more rapes and gang rapes, more massacres, more cataclysms.-Sri Krsna Chaitanya is my Lord and Savior! Glory praise the Lord!