"Tell Me that God Almighty Krsna told you to Rape my mother and to steal her land and farm because she is a woman and that makes her stupid and inferior coward laying Satanist Faggot Genocider dressed like a vaisnanaban swami cochinada!
I am a witness of the atrocities that the current Satanic Closeted Homosexual male that have illegally taken over the management of all religious orders and all the government administration have carry out against all women of every race, in every country, with the use of the worst form of torture, sexual assault! a Satanic ritualistic programming that the Satanic Males continue to program in the mind of all men in every continent!
God Almighty Lord Vishnu is the owner of this planet and all planets, he created this planet earth to give all fallen souls the ability to raise their consciousness and to leave the cycle of reincarnation! While these very greedy and cruel Satanic Males continue their War Games, and block humanitarian aid, and impose sanctions in countries were they are experimenting what happens when they deprive the necessities of groups people that are part of their mind control experiments, and continue to kill doctors and nurses in places were they are playing war with one another. Please keep in mind that All these Satanic Males work together, although, they may portray one another as enemies.
Right now, there are millions of women and children that are experiencing the worst forms of suffering in Ukraine, in Gaza, in Africa, in Afghanistan, in India, In South America, in Central America, North America, at the mercy of very greedy and selfish severely mentally ill Satanic Males who hoard all the wealth for themselves and force people to degrade themselves by continuing to force people to eat meat, to practice illicit sex, to use illegal substances such as a alcohol, who think that when they die, is GAME OVER! and unfortunately, this is not the case! and while they continue to carry on, torturing women and children, for every cause there is an effect, and for those men who understand that there is a god that loves all his children, know that the Laws of God, are more severe, than being tried for thievery and for rape in a Saudi Arabian Court of Law, and that is best to make things right with your creator right now, it is now or never!