Finally something we can is guided by the knowledge that the Origin of All life is Lov. We believe that respecting and taking care of our home planet 'earth' keeps us safe and healthy. New is dedicated to all men and women who have been persecuted or murdered because of their sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, race, age, gender, martial status, disability, or HIV infection. We loves god very very much.

Saturday, December 21, 2024


 The Biggest Lies ever told in the history of this civilization by the mentally ill closeted homosexual men religious leaders was that men  could commit acts of sexual violence against little girls "Virgins"  and women, slander and defame women an that a priest or a  Guru, a swami, a Monk could pardon this terrible crime against  God Almighty's  Universal Laws Of Justice through the act of confession? or through the act of chanting the Maha Mantra?  ( Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Hare Hare) or that a fallen soul that is currently incarnated in the body of a human male that commits the act of sexual violence against little girls "Virgins" or a woman,   would simply incarnate into a woman's body in the next incarnation and that this fallen soul incarnated in the body of woman would experience sexual violence too because she raped someone when her soul was incarnated in the body of a man? The biggest Lies ever told was that Systematic rape or any form of sexual violence would be pardon  through the acts of given Charity or offering Horse Sacrifices? by Or observing Ekadashis? ( Fasting). Or paying money through a law suit to someone that is raped?  No human male a "Satanist" disguised in the clothing of Priests, Monks, Swamis, Gurus or Other... or woman can pardon a man or a woman that supports the programming of sexual assault of little girls "Virgins" or women of any race, rather those human beings that have corrupted the  Justice System of this civilization in order to attain material wealth and to continue sexual experimentation by supporting the mentally ill homosexual human male's corrupted  justice system inherits the reaction of the crimes of sexual violence that these mentally ill males continue to commit in every country that they have colonized and forced women in to prostitution, and have forced little girls "Virgins" to be raped by mentally men. God Almighty created the human body for the purpose of "God Realization" the human body was not created to be tortured and to be deprived of the human right to leave the cycle of reincarnation and to evolve into the spiritual platform of immortality. Any one that commits sexual violence against little girls "Virgins" and women is destined to "never!"  incarnate into another human body or into the body of an extra terrestrial nor does it get entrance in to the so call "Hell" where the cool demons  live " Hell Raiser!" the "Patalas" but rather this human males souls that rape women and steal from women are destined to incarnate in the bodies of insects, bacteria and other very low life forms! This is the price that a man or woman pays for disobeying  God Almighty's Universal Laws Of Justice!  that forbids the practice of Illicit Sex ( Rape or any form of Sexual Violence or any Sexual Act performed out of Wed lock once a fallen soul has reached the body of a human being or extra terrestrial that has the mind and intelligence to receive  sacred technology such as Kundalini Technology and to have access to put into practice the transcendental ability of free will, the freedom to choose ).