The hard working god fearing American People "Intienden!" that there is only one race the "Human Race!" and that we are one Universal Family and that we are all god's children and that we are all connected! The hard working American People understand that the origin of the human race is pure love,"Krsna!"
The hardworking god fearing American People Do Not Have a Voice to represent them But God Almighty Krsna
hears their cries of desperation for a new way of life that does not include greed and envy founded in
brutal Violence against women of all races in every country!
The hard working American People have always supported the economic growth of all countries in all corners of the World. The kindness and generosity of the American people has not gone unnoticed ! Millions upon millions of dollars have flooded the borders of South America for many years now, Caravans upon Caravans of hard earned tax payer dollars have been deported to this region of the world in order to better the quality of life of South American People, and all these millions upon millions of dollars have been stolen by the very parasitic misogynistic greedy Latino male administrators that have been trained by the very ignorant greedy closeted homosexual males from the Central Intelligence Agency that have allowed the greedy Latino men to launder all the funds for themselves and their few good men in South America while the people in this region of the world do not have access to proper health care, nor access to fair housing, and the youth of this regions have no future what so ever even though they are very intelligent and hard working!
The elderly and disable people face a very harsh and inhuman last days of their lives and this is not due to Karmic Retribution but rather merciless oppression and greed at the mercy of the Central Intelligence Agency South America that until today continues to destabilize countries such as Colombia, and to covertly steal all the money and resources for themselves and their male business associates, and these very sick Latino men continue to feed like leeches on the already very poor people of South America that are naturally inclined to serve and love God Almighty.
The American god fearing hard working people have continuously begged the very greedy and ignorant closeted homosexual males that are running the United States Of America behind the scenes that work with the C.I.A to "Stop creating senseless wars for profit and to stop ruining everyone's life and their pleads have gotten them shot or landed them in jail or brought them more problems with the homos from the C.I.A but God Almighty Krsna has heard your pleads and knows your desire for a better future that includes a better way of life for all God's Children. God Almighty Krsna knows your heart and your heart is good and that is all that matters!"
The hard working god fearing American People have founded many organizations such as PETA that have supported the humane treatment of Lower animals such as cows and the abolishment of slaughter houses where Live Stock is being tortured for meat consumption and the abolishment of medical laboratories where animals are mercilessly being experimented on. All your efforts have not gone unnoticed everything you do for the betterment of the human race will pay off a the end even if things are not looking very bright right now.
The hard working god fearing American People are being silenced and bullied into submission by the Central Intelligence Agency's greedy and very ignorant mentally ill males that are convinced that they are greater than god because they have perfected the millions of ways on how to attack women, to slander women, to get women beat up, to steal from women, to get women gang raped, to force women to maintain the very sick human male's addiction to sex with anything and money, and to continue to inflict psychological torture into the human mind .
God Almighty created the human race with the intelligence necessary to be able to evolve into something great rather than to become a parasitic specie that eats flesh, bones, guts, fat, nerves, muscles, organs of other living entities, a human race that is spear headed by greedy and selfish closeted homosexual males that have religiously inflicted sadistic attacks on the root chakra of women and little girls in order to disable their mind and to live off of them, a human race that has been maliciously ruined by men who think that they are god because they can beat up women, a human race destined to continue to recycle itself into more lifetimes of pain and suffering and merciless karmic retribution.
No Matter how ugly it looks! God is good, and He or She has zero tolerance against anyone that blocks the ability for the human mind to evolve into the divine state of immortality by rooting merciless programming of sexual violence against women and little girls, all women are the foundation of all civilizations every woman in every country of every race has the legal right to live in a safe, abundant, harmonious environment where she does not have to fall victim to the mind games of mentally ill men who are rich and can hire other men with weapons that have been trained to beat up women, to rape women and to force women to get pregnant in order to continue to subdue women. No men has the right to brainwash other men into stealing from women nor to leave women in a state of involuntary homelessness or to force women to prostitute themselves in order to have a room, water and food. Only men who hate and envy women can hurt women, and this is a very obvious sign of a severe mental illness.
Women were created in the image and likeness of God the supreme authority of all planets! God has given all the resources to all his children to be able to live in peace and in harmony with one another, helping one another, supporting one another, understanding one another, caring for one another, knowing that this world is a already a very harsh environment to live in and that we all deserve the right to be great.