Finally something we can is guided by the knowledge that the Origin of All life is Lov. We believe that respecting and taking care of our home planet 'earth' keeps us safe and healthy. New is dedicated to all men and women who have been persecuted or murdered because of their sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, race, age, gender, martial status, disability, or HIV infection. We loves god very very much.

Showing posts with label 12 DNA LAYERS-Hebrew Spelling and Meanings of the DNA Layer Names. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 12 DNA LAYERS-Hebrew Spelling and Meanings of the DNA Layer Names. Show all posts

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Kadumah Elohim- DNA Layer Seven

Kryon's interpretation:
"Revealed Divinity"
In Lemurian, Kryon gave the name as:
Hoa - Yawee - Maru
(Hoe-awe - Yaweee - Maroo)
Which means: "The DNA Home Language"

Layer Seven is one of three Lemurian layers. It is also part of an important pair... 7 and 8. These are "The Lemurian Pair Layers." This is one of the two given to us by the Pleiadians as a divine complement to the Earth's normal DNA progression. It's Lemurian name, Hoa, Yawee, Maru, is the description of the intuitive interdimensional sense that Lemurians had, and also means "Revealed Divinity."
Layer Seven is part of the third group of three layers, which are the "LEMURIAN GROUP" (7-8-9)

Kadumah Elohim - DNA Layer Seven Click Here to hear it

El Shadai - DNA Layer Twelve

Kryon's interpretation:
The basic information is that this layer must be considered
as a package with 9 and 10. These last three are then called
"action layers" and are different from any of the attributes
of any of the former 9. Kryon puts them in the "God" Group.
Layer Twelve is very simple. It's the God layer, the most divine, and truly the layer which is "The God Within." There are many divine layers, but this one is 12... the last and highest in vibration of all of them. What does it do? Kryon says, "Don't look for these layers to do anything, any more than your home does something. It provides you with peace, shelter, and a feeling of being home. Let the God layer be home for all of you."
Layer Twleve is part of the forth group of three layers, which are the "GOD GROUP" (10-11-12))

El Shadai - DNA Layer Twelve Click here to hear it

Chochmah Micha Halelu - DNA Layer Eleven

"Wisdom of the Divine Feminine"

The basic information is that this layer must be considered
as a package with 10 and 12. These last three are then called"action layers" and are different from any of the attributesof any of the former 9. Kryon puts them in the "God" Group.

Layer Eleven is not about goddess energy or even about female energy. The Hebrew name has no feminine connotation in that language. Instead, Kryon indicates that this "Wisdom of the Divine Feminine" is the energy of pure compassion, and is what is missing in the duality balance of the earth at this moment. Perhaps the prophet Micha was wise in this area? It is the layer that became enhanced with the Venus Transit of 2004, and it is the true secret of peace on earth. Human Beings with this layer enhanced are balanced with the masculine and feminine duality energy. It is one of the "God Layers" which is being enhanced in these times, in preparation for 2012. You can see the struggle all over earth, with those who wish to conquer (the masculine-heavy old energy) and those who wish to balance and compromise (the new balance). This truly is one of the main layers that is changing the most, and will be the one that is most obvious in the personalties of the new leaders of this planet. Watch for a more balanced leadership all over the earth. (Lee notes: Please God... let it be soon!)
Layer Eleven is part of the forth group of three layers, which are the "GOD GROUP" (10-11-12))

Va-yik-ra - DNA Layer Ten

Kryon's interpretation:
"The Call to Divinity"
The basic information is that this layer must be considered
as a package with 11 and 12. These last three are then called
"action layers" and are different from any of the attributes
of any of the former 9. Kryon puts them in the "God" Group.

Layer Ten is also called "The Divine Source of Existence" by Kryon. The ten reduces to a one in numerology, again indicating the energy of "new beginnings." It is the first of the divine, "God layers" that represent the "call to understanding your divinity." The God layers are "action layers" because they facilitate the divine within, thereby facilitating enlightenment and remembrance of who you are.
Layer Ten is part of the forth group of three layers, which are the "GOD GROUP" (10-11-12))

Va-yik-ra - DNA Layer Ten click here to hear it

Shechinah-Esh - DNA Layer Nine

Kryon's interpretation:
"The Flame of Expansion"
Kryon indicated that this layer is the one
affiliated with the energy of St. Germain's
"Violet Flame."

Layer Nine is the "healing layer, also Lemurian, but very Human (not Pleiadeian). It is the one that is responsible for miraculous healing, and is the antenna of DNA in an interdimensional way, that "talks" to layer one and provides a 4D response to the Human body (healing). It is also represented by the Violet Flame, of St. Germain. Some call it "Intelligent Human Cell activation." It "listens" for harmony, according to Kryon, to activate healing.
Layer Nine is part of the third group of three layers, which are the "LEMURIAN GROUP" (7-8-9)

Shechinah-Esh - DNA Layer Nine click here to hear it

Rochev Baaravot - DNA Layer Eight

Kryon's interpretation:
"Riders of the Light"
In Lemurian, Kryon gave the name as:
Akee Yawee Fractua
(Awe key - Yaweee - Frack-two-au)
Which means: "The Master Record"
or "Record of the Masters"

Layer Eight is one of three Lemurian layers. It is also part of an important pair... 7 and 8. These are "The Lemurian Pair Layers." This is one of the two given to us by the Pleiadians as a divine complement to the Earth's normal DNA progression. It's Lemurian name, Akee, Yawee, Fractua (sometimes Fractus), means Record of the Masters, and has the energy of "Wisdom and Responsibility." This layer IS the MASTER AKASHIC RECORD of your lifetimes on earth. It has more meanings than any layer.
Layer Eight is part of the third group of three layers, which are the "LEMURIAN GROUP" (7-8-9)

Kadumah Elohim - DNA Layer Seven

Kryon's interpretation:
"Revealed Divinity"
In Lemurian, Kryon gave the name as:
Hoa - Yawee - Maru
(Hoe-awe - Yaweee - Maroo)
Which means: "The DNA Home Language"

Layer Seven is one of three Lemurian layers. It is also part of an important pair... 7 and 8. These are "The Lemurian Pair Layers." This is one of the two given to us by the Pleiadians as a divine complement to the Earth's normal DNA progression. It's Lemurian name, Hoa, Yawee, Maru, is the description of the intuitive interdimensional sense that Lemurians had, and also means "Revealed Divinity."
Layer Seven is part of the third group of three layers, which are the "LEMURIAN GROUP" (7-8-9)

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh - DNA Layer Six

Kryon's interpretation:
"I am that I am"

PS: Don't be confused with the fact that Kryon speaks of the "layers of Meditation and Prayer."
Those are NOT DNA layers. They are layers of consciousness.]
Layer Six is the "Higher-Self" layer. It is Prayer and Communication layer, critical to everything divine. It is the conduit... the pipeline. It works best with layer 3 (the ascension layer). Numerologically a six means "Communication, Balance, and Harmony."
Layer Six is part of the second three layers, which are the "HUMAN DIVINITY GROUP"

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh click here to hear it

Urim Ve Tumim - Aleph Etz Adonai - DNA Layer Four & Five

Layers four and five together are the essence of your expression (this specific life on Earth), and your divinity on the planet. They represent the “name” on the crystal on the Akashic Record. Together, they can be understood as: The primary and most important spiritual attribute of all is the tree of life, which is family. These are names of God and should never be thought of as separate layers. They are part of the divinity group

These two layers together (4 and 5) are your interdimensional Akash, or your record of who you are in the Universe, and where you have been. It's also your name on the crystal in the "cave of Creation." Together these layers equal the number nine... again, meaning completion.
Layer Five is part of the second three layers, which are the "HUMAN DIVINITY GROUP" [4-5-6]

Urim Ve Tumim - DNA Layer Four

Layers four and five together are the essence of your expression (this specific life on Earth), and your divinity on the planet. They represent the “name” on the crystal on the Akashic Record. Together, they can be understood as: The primary and most important spiritual attribute of all is the tree of life, which is family. These are names of God and should never be thought of as separate layers. They are part of the divinity group

These two layers together (4 and 5) are your interdimensional Akash, or your record of who you are in the Universe, and where you have been. It's also your name on the crystal in the "cave of Creation." Together these layers equal the number nine... again, meaning completion.
Layer Four is part of the second three layers, which are the "HUMAN DIVINITY GROUP"

Netzach Merkava Eliyahu _ DNA LAYER 3

Kryon's interpretation:
"Ascension and activation"

Layer Three is "The Ascension Layer." However it is only the one which "points" to the interdimensional layers that really provide ascension status. The number three is a "catalyst" in numerology and it works with DNA layer number 6, the Prayer and Communications layer. This creates a 9 (3+6), which means "completion" in numerology. It also somehow is affiliated with the Pineal gland, according to Kryon.
Layer Three is part of the first three, which are the "GROUNDING LAYERS"

Netzach Merkava Eliyahu Click here to hear it

Torah E'ser Sphirot DNA LAYER 2

Kryon's interpretation:
"Divine Blueprint of Law"

Layer Two is what Kryon calls "The life-lesson layer." This is the 4D relationship to the interdimensional layer 8, (which is the Akashic record of our lifetimes on earth.) Layer 2 plus layer 8 equal the number 10. This is a "one" in numerology and represents "New Beginnings" just like layer one does.

Layer Two is part of the first three, which are the "GROUNDING LAYERS"


Kryon's interpretation:
"The Tree of Life"
Layer One is part of the first three, which are the "GROUNDING LAYERS"
All the layers are "names of God" in Hebrew... and some were also givin in Lemurian.