Finally something we can is guided by the knowledge that the Origin of All life is Lov. We believe that respecting and taking care of our home planet 'earth' keeps us safe and healthy. New is dedicated to all men and women who have been persecuted or murdered because of their sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, race, age, gender, martial status, disability, or HIV infection. We loves god very very much.

Showing posts with label ANGEL NUMBER 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ANGEL NUMBER 1. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2012


The number 1 carries the vibrations and energies of adventures, new ideas, new beginnings and new projects, the desire for expansion, motivation, progress, achievement and success.

Angel Number 1 is a reminder from your angels that we are all connected and we are all associated by our thoughts.  
The repeating Angel Number 1 asks you to be aware of your thoughts and focus upon your true heart’s desires so that they are able topositively manifest your desires into your life.  Do not focus on your fears and what you don’t want as these can also manifest.

Angel Number 1 encourages you to look to new beginnings, opportunities and projects with a positive and optimistic attitude as these are appearing in your life for very good reason.  Your angels want you to achieve and succeed with your desired goals and aspirations so do not hesitate in taking positive steps and striving forward.  Do not allow fears, doubts or concerns to hold you back from living and serving yourDivine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 1 also encourages you to take up challenges with total faith and trust in yourself and the Universal Energies.