Finally something we can is guided by the knowledge that the Origin of All life is Lov. We believe that respecting and taking care of our home planet 'earth' keeps us safe and healthy. New is dedicated to all men and women who have been persecuted or murdered because of their sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, race, age, gender, martial status, disability, or HIV infection. We loves god very very much.

Showing posts with label Divine Mother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divine Mother. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2012

We feel that is time to acknowledge The creatrix of the universe

For most of us, when we say "Divine Mother" or "The Goddess" we are talking about the Supreme Being as the creatrix of the universe who expresses compassion and love in a very personal, direct, and intimate way in the same way that a loving mother cares for her children.

Words fail to say who or what the Goddess is but She can be known and experienced in a direct and personal way. This means that we can't say for sure how big She is or where She came from or what Her ultimate form is or why She is. What we can do is enter into a relationship with Her, a communion that is very intimate, close, loving and personal. She will be our best friend and confidant and our patient teacher.

Both the creation stories in Genesis and in the Hindu Rig Veda begin with the idea of the formless, the void, and the absolute. Then creation arose (or is continually arising) out of this. The Rig Veda describes this "arising" as a divine whim or play of the Supreme. The creation that occurs is Mother (maya), the divine whim (Shakti or power) is also Mother and the absolute formless ground of being is, again, Mother. We can grab hold of Her skirt at any point along this timeless expression of the Divine and, if we hold on tightly, She will dispel our illusions and deliver us to the blissful and peaceful realization of Divine Truth.
Maya, in Her potential aspect, is the divine power of the Lord. She has no beginning. She is composed of the three universal qualities (gunas), subtle, beyond perception. It is from the effects She produces that Her existence is inferred by the wise. It is She who gives birth to the whole universe. - Adi Shankara, The Crest Jewel of Discrimination Translated by Swami Prabhavananda & Christopher Isherwood

When the Supreme Being is thought of as actionless - neither creating, sustaining nor destroying - I call Him by the name of Brahman (pure absolute formless being) or Purusha. But when I think of him as active - creating, sustaining and destroying - I call him by the name of Shakti (Divine Mother as primal energy) or Maya (the veiling power of the Divine Mother by which the One appears as many) or Prakriti (Divine Mother as primordial nature which, in association with Purusha, creates the universe).

The actionless Brahman and the active Shakti are in fact one and the same. He, who is the Absolute Existence-Intelligence-Bliss, is also the All-knowing, the All-intelligent and All-blissful Mother of the universe. A precious stone and its luminosity are one and the same, for you cannot imagine a diamond without it, and vice versa.

God the absolute (formless) and God the personal (Divine Mother; form) are one and the same. A belief in one implies a belief in the other. Fire cannot be thought of apart from its burning power; nor can its burning power be thought of apart from it. Thus God the absolute cannot be thought of apart from the idea of God with attributes (Mother). - Ramakrishna - The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Translated by Swami Nikhilananda

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Aether Ritual To Install The Great Cross Of Light

لحب- Thank you for everything. ا ِحّباء

Our Lady, Divine Mother, give us Your healing gift of Love.
With Your Love energy, what is there we cannot do?
You are eternal, spiraling Love. Come through our portals.
We have made a place for You in our hearts, Dear Lady.
You have come to us so often and we give You our thanks.
You have come graciously under many names, Notre Dame.
You come as Isis, the Empress, Universal Mother, and Sai.
You come as Anahita, Mary, Sophia, Matawil, and Binah.

You come and give us life passage through Your womb portal.
Give birth to Your symmetry, Your sacred geometry. Thy Will be done.
Give Birth to Your angels of geometry and Your geometry monks.
Bring forth the Celestial Orders of the Prophets of the Golden Masons.
Let them pass through the portal of Notre Dame of Chartres.

Fire, Water, Air and Earth! Now is the Concourse of the Forces!
The cathedral was burned five times.
(Light the five candles.)
Fire, Water, Air and Earth! Re-align the energies of this planet!
The cathedral is an airy temple to sacred geometry.
(Meditate for awhile using one of the portal disks.)
Fire, Water, Air and Earth! Into Chartres bring the angels of geometry!
This is water from the Well of the Strong.
(Sprinkle the water onto the portal disk.)
Fire, Water, Air and Earth! Into Chartres bring the geometry monks!
This is earth from the crypt of the cathedral.
(Sprinkle the earth onto the portal disk.)

Dear Lady, we offer ourselves to You in Divine Marriage in this cathedral.
Give us Your golden ring and Your silver cape. Place them on our pillow.
We will wear them for all time and we will give You our Love.
The Power of the Ring is Yours! The Power of the Ring is ours!

Our Lady, You are the World Soul. You are our Mother, we are your children.
You are the light of the Moon. You are the face of the Sun. You are Goddess!
You are the Portal of Life. Through Your great Love is the world born.
On this blessed day of days Your children, the Sun and the Moon, are wed.

Divine Mother, the Sun is occulted by the Moon. See those starry skies?
There is the Pole Star! Place there our Cross of Gold and Silver Light.
This marks for all time these moments we share with You.
This marks for all time our knowledge of eternal health and immortality.

Everything in the universe is Yours. Share with us your sparkling wealth.
Vast treasure chests of gold and silver light glitter in tribute to You.
Marry with us and bestow upon us Your dowry of lustrous riches.
Share with us Your legendary treasures and we will share with others.

With Your blessings we will open the portal to the cave of Ali Baba.
Open Sesame! Open the portal in the stone. The wealth therein is ours.
With Your blessings we will open the portal to the gold of El Dorado.
Open Sesame! Open the portal in the stone. The wealth therein is ours.

With Your blessings we will open the portal to the Leprecahn underworld.
Open Sesame! Open the portal in the stone. The wealth therein is ours.
With Your blessings we will open the portal to the mines of King Solomon.
Open Sesame! Open the portal in the stone. The wealth therein is ours.

Divine Mother, grant us this great favor, that we manifest Your desires.
Allow us to access the vast wealth You bestowed upon the Knights Templar.
It was taken from them and placed in unholy places, imprisoned within walls.
Release this wealth and grant us the wisdom to use it. Only Thy Will be done.

These things we ask, not for ourselves alone but for the benefit of the world.
Dear Lady, we will draw from our cross Your healing Love energy.
Send us Your healing energy, as we make Your wishes become our desires.
In health and wealth we are spiritual knights under Your banner of Love.

So it is and so shall it be.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mother Earth by Archangel Raphael - Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Each of you are angelic beings upon the Earth, selflessly giving of our light and love from the depths of your soul, I honour your realisation of this within your being. It is your purpose at this time and all times to share your light and love from the very depths and origins of your soul. This is the time of empowerment for the soul of the Creator and for the aspects of the Creator you hold within you, it is a time to empower your soul knowing that this action and intention is a catalyst that will positively influence the entire universe of the Creator. Love your soul and love loving your soul. Empower your soul by placing your focus upon your soul's expression at all times, know that this will allow your truth to expand and develop free from boundaries. Empowerment of your soul is like opening the curtains or blinds in your home in the morning to let the sun shine in brightly, it allows for the Creator to enter into all realities upon the Earth, the inner planes and the Creator's universe. I honour your soul as I stand with you, I am Archangel Raphael.
It is my wish to bring forth wisdom connected to Mother Earth that assists your connection with Mother Earth but also allows for your heart chakra to expand further. By expanding your heart chakra you are creating a wonderful space for your soul's expansion and expression. A connection with Mother Earth at this time will allow the new energies of this time to be grounded more fully into the Earth and many realities assisting in its manifestation. Not only will a connection with Mother Earth allow you to deal with the energies with greater ease but will amplify and magnify your current spiritual growth experiences.
The main reason for my connection today is because the Creator wishes for those upon the Earth who feel a resonance and love for the Earth to create a deeper connection of love with Mother Earth. There is a needed to create a love connection like a thread of love that allows you to exist with Mother Earth in greater oneness and therefore support the ascension of all. You have so much love within your being to share and express, there is a need for you to link with the soul of Mother Earth to share your abundant love. In return she will share her loving energy and amplify the vibration of your being.
In the past you have been asked to connect with Mother Earth in order to share and receive love but on this occasion a heart chakra connection is needed. The Creator is working upon the ascension of Mother Earth. Mother Earth is therefore growing, expanding, increasing in vibration and new consciousness is anchoring into her light. Just as we would imagine a human to grow as they move through their ascension, Mother Earth is achieving the same. The Creator wishes for those who feel a resonance to align their heart chakras with Mother Earth to distribute the transformation that is occurring within the soul of Mother Earth. You will act as a transmitter of Mother Earth's energy, light, enhanced consciousness and transformation. Mother Earth holds the caring, compassionate, loving, creative and wise energies of the Goddess light which is needed on the Earth at this time to bring balance between the masculine and feminine energies. Mother Earth's ascension is divinelylinked to the goddess energies along with the great purity of all that is the Creator. With the connection of your heart chakra with the heart chakra of Mother Earth, you will be able to receive and transmit the wisdom and consciousness as well as the goddess vibration, expressing it from your being into your reality upon the Earth. There is a need to anchor this energy back into the physical Earth body of Mother Earth to allow for a merge and integration of Mother Earth's transformation process. Often when humans travel on their path of ascension the physical body can have difficulty in absorbing and integrating the high vibrations, it takes time for the physical body to adjust and often there is a deep cleansing which can occur and manifests as an illness of some sort. Mother Earth is very similar in her ascension, sometimes it is difficult for her to anchor the energies of her soul and aspects of the Creator into her physical body and so these are time when we ask humanity to be of assistance and to act as the anchors and integrators. Each person on the Earth is far more connected and at one with Mother Earth than is realised. You have many of the same energies, vibrations and energetic patterns within your physical body as is within the Earth. Each person is a natural channel for the light of the Creator into the Earth as Mother Earth is a natural channel for the light of the Creator into humanity. Before your incarnation onto the Earth you consented that your ascension would be achieved with the assistance of the Earth but you also consented to be at one with Mother Earth, to be there to offer assistance and to aid her ascension. It is important to realise that by aiding Mother Earth's ascension you are enhancing your own ascension but you are also playing a large part in the ascension of the all within the Creator's universe.
Mother Earth is the essence energy or soul energy of the Earth, many label this soul 'Mother Earth' because she is seen as a guardian, mother figure, creation energy for souls who wish to achieve ascension on the Earth, which is all of humanity. She is a Mother nurturing souls so that they may become at one with the Creator. Humanity becomes the energy of Mother Earth as they live upon the physical body of Mother Earth. By connecting your heart chakra with Mother Earth you are connecting with the spiritual soul energy of Mother Earth and are allowing it to flow through your being sharing greater wisdom and vibrations with you to aid your own ascension but you will also be able to anchor the energy into the Earth, the physical body of the Earth. You may feel guided to achieve this several times in the future as it is a way of merging Mother Earth's profound, powerful, loving and expansive energies into her physical being so that her entire vibration may quicken. I wish to share with you instructions to achieve this.

First allow yourself to gain a deep meditative state of being and mind by focusing on your breathing.
Allow yourself to focus upon your heart chakra and to build the energy of love in your heart chakra.
Imagine the light and loving source of light that is Mother Earth; imagine a vast source of light before you.
Imagine, sense or acknowledge a core energy within the source of light that is Mother Earth, this is Mother Earth's heart chakra.
Imagine or sense that you send a continuous beam of love from your heart chakra to the heart chakra of Mother Earth.
The more love that you send the closer you become to Mother Earth until you are existing inside Mother Earth.
Imagine, sense or acknowledge that you are sitting inside Mother Earth's heart chakra, receiving and breathing in the loving vibrations and energy that Mother Earth wishes to share with you. Breathe the energy in through your heart chakra and as you exhale let the energy flow out through your feet or root chakra.
Practice this for as long as feels appropriate, knowing that you are anchoring the energy of Mother Earth into your being to aid your connection and open your heart chakra as well as allowing the new energies of Mother Earth to flow into her own body, the Earth.
This is a great service for the ascension of all and can be practiced as much as you feel is appropriate, you may find if you decide to practice it regularly that there will be times in your reality when you feel Mother Earth sending you energy to be anchored as she will trust that she can share her energy with you to be anchored into her physical body.
These are such times of change, transition and transformation it is important to remain focused and bathed in the light of the Creator.
With loving and healing blessings,
I am Archangel Raphael

Friday, March 23, 2012

The DIVINE Mother

"We all reside within the womb of the greatest creator

Undertand that we are not only part of the whole, but also cradle the world within our cells through love eternal."

" I am the Divine Mother. I am also Mother Mary, mother of Jesus son of GOD. I am the Mother of the Universe, the Nurturing aspect of the DIVINE. I am also Mother Earth and the Nurturing aspect of the World. I am the Goddess within and the forms of creating without. I am the Diva, the wise Grandmother, the Sophia -- the woman of the world.

I nurture all sexes and religions, every race and blend thereof. I am timeless and ageless. I am present when the sperm and egg unite and the minute you leave your physical body in what you perceive as death.

When you exit the body, I am especially with you to help create a new life in that instant of departure when you leave your physical body and discard the matter of your bones and skin. The Nurturing aspect of what I stand for both creates and destroys with purpose.

All of life, while developing, is about creating and also destroying to make way for the new. Nurturing is not only about holding hands to "form" love, but also taking away matches from the reach of a seven-year old. Fire produces light and energy for reading and warmth, while it can burn and destroy to clean and enrich.

I am the DIVINE Mother, the creator -- that which is being conceived, formed, developed and restructured. I also represent the love of a mother to her children. Just as all sexes require my love, they also require protection and additional support past "that which is becoming life."

As all of life is both energy and matter, the whole of the DIVINE (that which to some is called GOD, or any other name for the Highest aspect of Self, the Total Creator) is the combination of energy, that which is being created, andmatter, the substance of life once created.

I am the Nurturing energy of Divinity, and there is also a Protecting matter of Divinity. Many of you call the matter, male image GOD, "Jehovah," the Protecting One or All.

In the true sense, the All of Divinity is the combination of both energy-creating- female-Nurturing , and matter-created-male-Protecting. We admire Nurturing traits in males and Protecting traits in females because the goal is to become both Nurturing and Protecting. The All of Humanity, the universe and beyond, is without physical presence and can be any aspect of itself. Therefore, you are worshipping, talking or praying to an image that is everything.

You are more likely, at times, to relate to those who have been of Earth or are a symbol of a living force of Divinity. Figures of miracles, inspiration, beauty, compassion, strength, service and grace are often more relatable.

My arms are strong; my heart surrounds you. I feel your pain and joy. Every need you have or think of is heard. I am with you every second even when sleep greets you. I project myself out to your children, spouse, mother, father, patrons at church, through your synagogues, your body as a worship place, home, your rituals, prayers and thoughts. I am the Mother of the East as well as Western Culture. How can love have boundaries?

I compassionately love humanity and those who reside on this Earth. I care deeply about your future and the actions that you, as the individual, are taking that is altering the future of your well-being in your life -- your future lives as well as your children's. I purposely come to you now, through the messenger Mattie, to be a guiding image of compassionate truths and critical love. Right now, today, you require love and guidance, but you must also find in your heart the ability to act on the much bigger picture as the compassionate mother for her planet. Both of you, men and women, can help save yourselves by making your life better. To brighten your life is to focus on the fact that we are one.

All aspects of the Divine Mother are images of people, who throughout time, have offered love and solace. Many have truly been of earth before and are of "the heavens" now, caring of spirit. As the Divine Mother, I have walked this earth before, and am also from the everknowing aspect of earth and sky. Allow me, through this Divine reading, to expand your world of compassionate love and to narrow your focus in loving through learning more the path to All. All is one; one is everything. You must first see how people through time have loved and worshipped deeply the beauty of myself with many faces. When you love me and all I show you, you will also more fully understand the core of my love for you. I will show you many ways in which people, now and throughout time, see and feel my presence. Allow me to introduce you to myself and the beautiful ways we relate to each other. You will find paintings, drawings, sculptures, collages, reminiscent items or objects like beads or rosaries that connect with your inner core of knowing.

As always, you can talk, console and communicate with me anytime without physical or material representation of me. But if things of beauty and peace-- a reminder, a focal point-- help you connect, please use these resources that bring you the highest ability to stay enlightened and loving throughout your day and night.

I am the Divine Mother. I love you with every cell of my body-- never waning in my conviction or honesty. No matter what your circumstances are, I love you completely. Come to me; my arms are the cloak of the world."
I love you always,
Divine Mother
Travel down the path through the Sanctuary of the Divine Mother. Come anytime for peace, hope, comfort, answers to questions, direction and relief. Seek the Guidance of the Divine Mother.