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Showing posts with label Governor Jan Brewer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Governor Jan Brewer. Show all posts

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jan Brewer -- the Governor of Arizona -- is obsessed with two things: immigrant bashing and the spotlight:Sign Petition

Jan Brewer -- the Governor of Arizona -- is obsessed with two things: immigrant bashing and the spotlight.  She's the mother of one of the worst anti-immigrant laws in the country and now she's launched a hateful attack on DREAMers.

President Obama made a smart policy change to allow undocumented immigrant youth--who were brought to the U.S. as children, grew up here, and are either in school or have graduated--to apply for a work permit and relief from deportation..  The move is favored by the majority of Americans and it just makes common sense.

On the day that thousands of these promising young people lined up to apply, what did Gov. Brewer do?

Without skipping a beat, Brewer signed an executive order directing state agencies to, among other things, deny drivers' licenses to DREAMer applicants.  It's a mean-spirited and vindictive move that takes her anger with Obama out on 80,000 defenseless Arizona DREAMers.

It’s time we put an end to Gov. Brewer’s hateful anti-immigrant campaign. Arizona deserves better!

Please stand with the DREAMers in Arizona and join us in saying, “Shame on you, Governor Brewer!”