Finally something we can is guided by the knowledge that the Origin of All life is Lov. We believe that respecting and taking care of our home planet 'earth' keeps us safe and healthy. New is dedicated to all men and women who have been persecuted or murdered because of their sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, race, age, gender, martial status, disability, or HIV infection. We loves god very very much.

Showing posts with label IMAZAI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMAZAI. Show all posts

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Vaccination Theory Crumbles: Antibodies Not Necessary to Fight Viruses

While the medical, pharmaceutical, and vaccine industries are busy pushing new vaccines for practically every condition under the sun, a new study published in the journal Immunity completely deconstructs the entire vaccination theory. It turns out that the body's natural immune systems, comprised of both innate and adaptive components, work together to ward off disease without the need for antibody-producing vaccines.

The theory behind vaccines is that they mimic infection by spurring B cells, one of the two major types of white blood cells in the immune system, to produce antibodies as part of the adaptive immune system. It is widely believed that these vaccine-induced antibodies, which are part of the more specific adaptive immune system, teach the immune system how to directly respond to an infection before the body becomes exposed to it.

But the new research highlights the fact that innate immunity plays a significant role in fighting infections, and is perhaps more important than adaptive immunity at preventing or fighting infections. In tests, adaptive immune system antibodies were shown unable to fight infection by themselves, which in essence debunks the theory that vaccine-induced antibodies serve any legitimate function in preventing or fighting off infection.

"Our findings contradict the current view that antibodies are absolutely required to survive infection with viruses like VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus), and establish an unexpected function for B cells as custodians of macrophages in antiviral immunity," said Dr. Uldrich H. von Andrian from Harvard Medical School. "It will be important to further dissect the role of antibodies and interferons in immunity against similar viruses that attack the nervous system, such as rabies, West Nile virus, and Encephalitis."

As explained by Dr. Russell Blaylock in a recent interview with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, vaccines not only do not work as advertised, but they actually damage the body's innate immunity. Rather than teach the body how to respond to infections, vaccines actually inhibit the immune system's ability to produce TH2-type cytokines, and suppress cellular immunity, which is how the body protects itself against deadly viruses and bacteria.

So once again, the myth that vaccinations serve any sort of legitimate medical purpose has been deconstructed by breakthrough science. Regardless of whether or not the mainstream medical community wants to admit it, pro-vaccine ideology is increasingly finding itself in the dustheap of outmoded pseudoscience.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Aspartame withdrawal and side effects explained - IMZAIA.COM

"Looks can deceive", although it may sound like an old wives' tale, the truth is that the food you are eating and the drinks you are drinking might still LOOK similar to 50 or so years ago, but what makes them tick sure is not the same. In only 3 or 4 generations, humanity has slowly but surely been weened off organic, authentic produce and tricked into a chemical maze of genetically modified, radiated proportions.

The bulk of humanity to this day does not know that a handful of companies have taken over most industries, including medicine and food. The result: the pills you are popping today or much of  the food & drink you are swallowing these days are engineered and designed by another force than Gaia herself, and are no longer aligned with the body you are using to now read these words.

Luckily, more people are waking up to this sensory, chemical deception and, as such, simple and authentic knowledge that has been forcefully suppressed about the healing wonders and natural miracles that are so abundantly present all around us is returning to the general human mind. Have you noticed how, here and there in your life, basic truths about nutrition, health and balance are resurfacing? At the same time, conscious corporations are slowly rising up that want to offer decent nutrition, health and well-being to their customers (not to their 'consumers').

It is happening because it is time, for the era we are entering into now shall be one where looks, appearances -nor tiny little chemicals- can no longer deceive the I AM within you, called Spirit by some and consciousness by many.

The following article by Aurora Geib will give you more insight into one of those tiny little chemicals that, for years, was allowed into the mass food production for 'dietary' reasons: aspartame. It might help you, or those you love, make an informed decision about their future relationship with sweeteners such as aspartame, and hopefully it will activate a return to physical balance within you.

Quan Yin,

By Aurora Geib 

If you have been drinking diet soda and chewing gum, chances are you have been enjoying aspartame in generous quantities. Aspartame is a popular sugar substitute that can be found in diet soda drinks, chewing gum, fruit spreads and sugar-free products to name a few. It is also known by the brand names, Sweet One, NutraSweet and Spoonful. Despite its popularity in the market, what many do not know is that aspartame accounts for 75 percent of side effect complaints received by the Adverse Reaction Monitoring System (ARMS) of the US Food and Drug Administration.

Can aspartame be addictive?

Yes, according to Dr. Betty Martini, popular anti-aspartame advocate. She explains that it is an "addictive, exitoneurotic, carcinogenic, genetically engineered drug and adjuvant that damages the mitochondria." Moreover, Dr. Janet Hall, another famous advocate against aspartame, shares on her website that all artificial sweeteners create an artificial need for more sweetness. She goes on to add that forced sweetness, being a class of altered food, is a trap that cause people to become addicted to sweeter tasting food with no nutritional value.

Recent studies have shown that aspartame is addictive because it affects the absorption of dopamine in the brain.

Side Effects of Aspartame

Aspartame is made up of 3 components: phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol. Understanding the effects of aspartame will require us to look into its genetic make up.

In its website, manufacturers of aspartame continue to assure the public that low-calorie sweeteners are effective for weight reduction, weight maintenance, reduction of tooth decay, management of diabetes and reduction of risks associated with obesity. They claim that consumers of low-calorie, sugar-free beverages were able to incorporate these products into a healthy lifestyle not because they need to manage their weight (since a majority of people use low-calorie foods and beverages for reasons other than dieting) but because use of low-calorie products is part of a healthy lifestyle.

Despite the benefits cited in the aspartame website, independent studies have been shown that aspartame is not as safe as it appears to be. In a recent study conducted by researchers from the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine and atColumbia University Medical Center, it was discovered that those who drank diet soft drinks on a daily basis were more likely to contract vascular diseases compared to those who took none.

Supporters of aspartame insist that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are found in many foods. What they have conveniently left out, however, is that the said neurotoxins are harmless only when consumed with other nutrients like fats, amino acids (protein) and carbohydrates. On their own, they are absorbed by the nervous system in large concentrations causing the stimulation of brain neurons and cell death. Symptoms of the conditions include headaches, confusion, balance problems and seizures.

Methanol, on the other hand, is also a highly toxic substance. It is released in the small intestine gradually with the assistance of chymotrypsin and then broken down into formaldehyde: a chemical used for embalming which is a carcinogen that causes birth defects, retinal damage and DNA replication.

Again, supporters of aspartame insist that methanol is safe because it is found in vegetables and fruit juices. What they neglect to mention, however, is that methanol in vegetables and fruit juices is bound with pectin and the body does not possess the digestive enzyme to break down pectin and release ethanol into the body. Furthermore, ethanol, the methanol toxicity antidote, is found in natural sources of methanol, inhibiting the metabolism of methanol and giving the body sufficient time, through the lungs and kidneys, to clear it. Methanol found in aspartame is easily absorbed because it is in a free form.

Aspartic acid, methanol and phenylalanine and their breakdown in the body are cumulative because of their fast absorption and slow excretion.

In 1984, studies conducted revealed that the toxicity of NutraSweet (aspartame) to living organisms. The State of Arizona arrived at findings which showed that aspartame in carbonated drinks can break down into free methanol in temperatures of 99 degrees Fahrenheit. On May 13, 1998, the University of Barcelona also arrived at results revealing that aspartame was transformed into formaldehyde in the bodies of living creatures, and on later examination formaldehyde had spread through the vital parts of the body.

Artificial sweetener disease

The US Food and Drug Administration has received reports of 92 medical health problems resulting from aspartame, ranging from abdominal pain to migraines, dizziness and hives. Aspartame poisoning is often misdiagnosed because its symptoms mock other syndromes. It changes the ratio of amino acids in the blood, lowering or blocking levels of hormones like dopamine and tyrosine that are necessary for bodily function.

Since aspartame cannot be detected through lab tests and x-rays, these diseases and disorders may actually be a toxic load. Below are some specific health conditions that are associated with aspartame you might want to recall next time you open a can of diet soda:

1. Cancer The Ramazzine Foundation, a European Cancer Research Center, conducted a study on aspartame which revealed that aspartame increases the risk of cancers (lymphoma, leukemia and breast cancers). Despite the National Cancer Institute's stand that no such connection was ever firmly established between aspartame and cancer, it might well be worth thinking that what is harmful to rats is also harmful to humans. Moreover, the dismissive stand of regulatory bodies concerning aspartame is merely based on the absence of data that can conclusively support such a connection and NOT on a finding that establishes that aspartame does not cause cancer.

2. Mental disorders and degeneration of brain cells - Excessive ingestion of artificial sweeteners, according to researchers from the University of Praetoriaand the University of Limpopo, may lead to various mental disorders and the degeneration of the brain. Publishing in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers noted that aspartame appeared to cause excessive signals, damage and even death to nerve cells. Since aspartame disrupts the functioning of the cell's energy source, it will lead to a cascade of effects on the whole system.

3. Headaches - As early as 1994, a study conducted published on showed that ingestion of aspartame was associated with headaches. Subjects in the study revealed that they experienced headaches 33 percent of the time when taking aspartame compared to 24 percent when on placebo treatment. Moreover, Dr. Robert Milne and Blake More in their book "Headaches" report that headaches are the most reported side effect given by those who take products containing aspartame. They add that in a University of Parkinson's at Florida study, it was found out that the incidences of migraines doubled for a majority of test subjects who took aspartame. Their headaches lasted longer and were marked by significant signs of shakiness and diminished vision.

4. Weight gain and increased blood sugar - Aspartame is not a healthy alternative for diabetics or those wanting to lose weight. Contrary to popular belief, a recent study has shown that regular consumption of diet soft drinks is strongly connected with abdominal obesity and that aspartame can increase blood sugar. Researchers from the University of Texas Health Center San Antonio reported in a study that, as a group, 70 percent of those who drank diet soft drinks gained weight as opposed to those who did not. Moreover, those who drank 2 or more diet sodas regularly experienced an increase in their waist circumference by 500 percent more than those who did not drink them.

In another related study that analyzed a possible relationship between intake of aspartame and fasting glucose and insulin levels among 40 diabetes-prone mice, one of the researchers in the study, Dr. Gabriel Fernandes, revealed that heavy aspartame exposure might potentially contribute to the associations noticed between soda consumption and the risk of diabetes in humans.

The above health conditions are just some of the 92 reported medical health problems reportedly associated with aspartame. Despite the stand of aspartame manufacturers that their product has been declared safe for human consumption, it is still strange that there are still reports from sectors who do not stand to benefit from such declarations that aspartame is not safe. Prudence would dictate that avoiding a product may be better in the long run than to discover firsthand that all that was said about it was true. Why? Because you happen to be living proof of it.

How to protect yourself

To keep yourself safe from contracting "artificial sweetener syndrome," it is suggested that you stop taking all products containing this chemical.

If you have brought or stocked up on products containing aspartame, you can arrange to return the products so you can get a refund of your money. If you feel that you may need professional help in getting over the disease, please see your doctor as soon as possible. Take a proactive approach to being healthy.

Finally, for those taking aspartame simply because they want to observe a healthy diet, replace your aspartame habit with real sugar. Although it may have more calories, it offers a far better solution than being poisoned. Those who want to manage their weight problems are advised to seek a healthier course of action like eating more whole foods, vegetables and fruits and getting regular exercise. True and sustainable weight loss cannot be achieved through a quick fix without a change in lifestyle. Set a personal example to be healthy and watch yourself regain your life.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Is NASA Tracking The Cosmic Shift? - Zen Gardner Via IMZAIA

When it comes to terraforming, the Universe makes man’s puny efforts to be king of the hill look pretty pathetic. Not only are we completely at the mercy of a constantly changing planet, but we’re careening through space totally vulnerable to a sea of objects and cosmic influences beyond our wildest imagination.

Yet intuitively we have the peace that all is under control in some magnificent way.

The decades long assertion that our solar system would soon enter an electrically charged life altering photon belt around the Sirius star system has been regularly dismissed as pseudo science–NASA speak for “conspiracy theory”. Despite periodical scientific validation it has been continually pushed aside by mainstream science.

Until now.

 New Discoveries Confirming Old Assertions

Although they’re still not making any direct connections to the photon belt assertions, recent discoveries from probing satellites is forcing scientists to change their tune. And their entire understanding of space and physics.

We are now officially within a local energy cloud detected a few years ago by the Voyager satellites. Is this indicative of the beginning of the waves of vibrational changes that have been foretold?

Our local interstellar environment. IBEX data shows that our Solar System is currently located within the boundary of the Local Cloud. Image Credit: IBEX team, M. Paternostro (The Adler Planetarium), Dr. P. Frisch (University of Chicago), Dr. S. Redfield (Wesleyan University)

First The Interstellar Cloud – ‘That Physics Says Should Not Exist’

The solar system is passing through a region of the Milky Way filled with cosmic rays and interstellar clouds. The magnetic field of our own sun, inflated by the solar wind into a bubble called the “heliosphere,” substantially protects us from these things. However, the bubble itself is vulnerable to external fields. A strong magnetic field just outside the solar system could press against the heliosphere and interact with it in unknown ways. Will this strengthen our natural shielding—or weaken it? No one can say.

“Using data from Voyager, we have discovered a strong magnetic field just outside the solar system,” explains lead author Merav Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University. “This magnetic field holds the interstellar cloud together and solves the long-standing puzzle of how it can exist at all.”

Right: Voyager flies through the outer bounds of the heliosphere en route to interstellar space.

The discovery has implications for the future when the solar system will eventually bump into other, similar clouds in our arm of the Milky Way galaxy. Source

Then There’s The Unexplained IBEX Ribbon Cutting Into Our Helioshere

Following the Voyager satellites was the IBEX satellite to fill in measurements that the Voyagers couldn’t detect. The graphs can be a little hard to follow,

“This is an important finding,” says Arik Posner, IBEX program scientist at NASA Headquarters. “Interstellar space just beyond the edge of the solar system is mostly unexplored territory. Now we know, there could be a strong, well-organized magnetic field sitting right on our doorstep.” [emphasis mine]

The IBEX data fit in nicely with recent results from Voyager. Voyager 1 and 2 are near the edge of the solar system and they also have sensed strong* magnetism nearby. Voyager measurements are relatively local to the spacecraft, however. IBEX is filling in the “big picture.” The ribbon it sees is vast and stretches almost all the way across the sky, suggesting that the magnetic field behind it must be equally vast. (Source)

What Other Energies Await?

It’s hard to fully picture this. The energy being detected is from a different, larger outside energy field that is cutting through our heliosphere, the large bubble around our solar system created by our sun’s emissions. Somehow this incoming energy is creating a ring..something they try to explain as a geometric effect of interacting with this other energetic field.

This may or may not be in the direction of our central star Alcyone, the big star of the Pleiadian system around which we are reported to revolve, but certainly all things are related. (I’ve looked for an appropriate stellar map but as yet cannot find one.)

The Sun traveling through the Galaxy happens to cross at the present time a blob of gas about ten light-years across, with a temperature of 6-7 thousand degrees kelvin. This so-called Local Interstellar Cloud is immersed in a much larger expanse of a million-degree hot gas, named the Local Bubble. The energetic neutral atoms (ENA) are generated by charge exchange at the interface between the two gaseous media. ENA can be observed provided the Sun is close enough to the interface. The apparent Ribbon of ENA discovered by the IBEX satellite can be explained by a geometric effect: one observes many more ENA by looking along a line-of-sight almost tangent to the interface than by looking in the perpendicular direction. (Source: SRC/Tentaris,ACh/Maciej Frolow)

Is the Sun going to enter soon a million-degree galactic cloud of interstellar gas? Scientists from the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Los Alamos Labs, Southwest Research Institute, and Boston University suggest that the Ribbon of enhanced emissions of Energetic Neutral Atoms, discovered last year by a NASA Small Explorer satellite IBEX, could be explained by a geometric effect coming up because of approach of the Sun to the boundary between the Local Cloud of interstellar gas and another cloud of a very hot gas called the Local Bubble. If this hypothesis is correct, IBEX is catching matter from a hot neighboring interstellar cloud, which the Sun might enter in a hundred years. Source

Ah, those energetic space bubbles! These received massive attention recently as “citizen scientists” discovered a huge increase in these in our galaxy. These are the product of new star formation in the galaxy so something is turning on the power! We’re talking serious resurgent energy here, enough to form new stars out of clouds of gas and dust. That is our constantly re-creating, recharging amazing Universe!

And 100 years to there? They weren’t sure there even was an interstellar cloud, didn’t know it was magnetically held together, and thought it was a ways off…and now we’re in it! This science-speak can be tough to decipher but we can try to piece things together and keep a close eye on what we can find out.

Space bubbles from star formations in the milky way
The Invasion of the Truth Vibrations?

NASA may be a heavily controlled and mostly covert agency, but they’ve gotta produce enough public results to justify their funding and existence. This an an amazing admission on their part although they’ll often turn things like this into some catastrophic scare to keep anyone from deriving anything empowering about it.

Who knows the exact situation but all this is extremely significant. And such increased energy for sure could be at least partially responsible for the catastrophic earth changes we’re experiencing with our highly excited sun and its emissions, the huge uptick in tectonic activity, climate changes, strange animal die-offs and the quickly moving magnetic poles.

Don’t forget, we’re also experiencing a great culmination of cycles called the Harmonic Convergence as we line up with the Galactic center and meet amazing cosmological and astrological alignments.

Who knows what it will unlock!

Change Is Here – Expect the Unexpected

When this “ribbon” of energetic particles was first discovered in 2009, the lead scientists were admittedly “troubled” by what they found. This wasn’t supposed to be there according to all of their calculations and understandings of physics.

Nor was the proverbial bumblebee supposed to fly. Ahem.

Hopefully these vibrational changes as manifested at least partially by these massive energy systems our solar system is encountering will get theirs and many others’ right brains working with the left again and they’ll finally start to “get it”. Yes, even amongst the ensnared matrix people.

It’s going to happen. It has to happen, as Carl Jung famously said, “because it needs to happen”.

It’s all part of bringing these realities into conscious awareness for as many as will receive it, on any and every level. It’s up to each individual and their free choice.

And all this will happen on a massive scale. Many will get it, most won’t.

So be careful, a lot of instability will be unleashed as these vibrations hit every sphere of creation and every aspect of our lives while people wrestle with these new realities. Watch your activities carefully.

So I say: Cosmo is turning up the juice – drink up! This is good stuff!

But keep an eye out around you!

Much love, Zen
