Finally something we can is guided by the knowledge that the Origin of All life is Lov. We believe that respecting and taking care of our home planet 'earth' keeps us safe and healthy. New is dedicated to all men and women who have been persecuted or murdered because of their sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, race, age, gender, martial status, disability, or HIV infection. We loves god very very much.

Showing posts with label Metatron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Metatron. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Aquarian Shift / Anthropocene Radiation ~ by Tyberron ~ February 10th, 2013

Dearest hearts,

in-joy and as with all channelings use your internal barometer of discernment..
infinite love...OMni

Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in a vector of Unconditional Love !

It is 2013 , and we assure you that there is a new sun dawning, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the coherent crystalline light of the magnificent New Earth. And we do mean magnificent. Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. The savantsamong you realize this. And so we speak on the Aquarian Shift.

The Aquarian Shift / Anthropocene Radiation

Your scientists are aware of a unique phase of the earth in which most of your present biological life emerged. It is called the Cambrian Radiation. The Cambrian phase was one of great plasmic influx onto your earth, and it brought new life forms to your planet.

( Ref: Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution.)

This is also happening now. The current solar radiation became turbo-charged in 1989 and will continue. Incredible numbers of coronal mass ejections bombarded the earth with unimaginable radiation, ions and electrons.

The ionic radiation will absolutely up-shift your biology, change your DNA. You will become less dense.

The primary source of new energy on the earth is the massive injection of cosmic radiation on the planet from solar winds. We will term this the Aquarian Shift, although the channel prefers geologic vernacular, referring to it as the 'Anthropocene Radiation'.

The Root Catalyst

The Cosmic ionization of the 'Aquarian Radiation' while perplexing to you, is the engine of change, and plays a requisite and benevolent role in the transition of the Ascension. It is not to be feared.

The radiation has done far more than rattle your magnetosphere and influence the tectonics and weather of the Earth. Indeed , this ionic penetration is the absolute core catalyst for weather change, super-storms, earthquakes and the root cause of global is also the core of even Greater Change.

But allow us at this point to insert a clarification, one we have asserted years earlier. While many of your conspiracy theorists may wish to place the cause of weather shift on humanity. We tell you it is simply not the case. We told you of this over 5 years ago, as the super-storms and earthquakes became more frequent. Many of your scientists noted the CME's as the cause, and that is absolutely true...we added that the core of the earth was warming and heating the mantle, and that plays a major role, but that too is an aspect of the solar radiation.  It is not HAARP.

As NASA, and many researchers have noted, ( Ref: Dr G Braden, Dr Alex Dmitriev, Susan Rennison, Richard Hoagland)  billions of tons of plasma has been bombarding the earth in the past 2+ decades, far more than any time in recorded history.)

As several of your scientists have expressed, (Ref - Susan Rennison -noted in presentation), to think the changes on the planet are caused by the relatively small ionospheric heater called HAARP is illogical. (HAARP is 180 antennae on 35 acres). It is not causing the storms.  We tell you that neither the  technology or power to manipulate weather on that scale is there. The shift is from  Solar Radiation, Ionic Plasma! It has shifted your earth and its biology previously, in that era termed the Cambrian Radiation.

 We tell you that the ionic inrush is also going to affect your biology. It is the catalyst that will shift you from carbon base to silicon base beings

The Radiation Influx & Genesis

Two years after the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, a massive magnetic storm bombarded the Earth with billions of tons of charged plasma.

Your scientists and geophysicists have noted the effect. As you have been shown in the presentation, NASA has recorded over 200 solar flares in 36 Coronal Mass ejections over a 2 week period. Eleven of these were X-Class. The Earth's Aura, the magnetosphere, was seriously reduced to less than half its normal size, appearing something like a plasmic jellyfish.

( Ref : NASA- Dr G Braden, Susan Rennison, Dr Dmitriev, Richard Hoagland ) :

The enormous magnetic storms created havoc across the planet. It was big news, and reported by media recorded by agencies of media and science. Reports and data  splashed across your televisions and internet.   NASA lost track of space objects they were tracking, sophisticated computer systems crashed, oil platforms stopped drilling, global positioning systems failed, compasses failed, electrical grids shorted out leaving millions of people in Canada and North America without power for extended periods. NASA reported that the MIR space station was so severely mal-effected that it would be abandoned.

This catalystic influx continued, and the ionic radiation poured in.  The largest flare ever recorded took place in 2001, followed by 150 noted and well-documented storms in 2003. More X-Class flares have taken place in the past 2 decades than at any other time in recorded history.

Unusual light phenomena began to occur. Orbs became even more common place. The 'northern lights' began appearing in new unprecedented locations, much further south.  Rare closer to surface nitrogen bearing red auroras were noted, auroras became visible during daylight, interesting phenomena of lightning called jellyfish, sprites and elves were reported more often than ever before. (Ref-Duke University Study .)  Crop circles evolved into far more complex designs, easily differentiated from the purported 'manmade' constructs.

There is purpose in what is happening Dear Ones. Its  not hidden in plain's not hidden at all. So what does all of this mean ?

Dimensional Shift - Multidimensionality

It's the shift ! The Aquarian Shift ! And it is magnificent. It's what you have waited for. You think nothing happened on the Ascension... look around !  In truth ir has been evolving for more than 2 decades, and  a lot more is in store.

 Higher dimensional life forms are becoming visible. These are new to the earth only in terms of being more 'tangible'. .. but they have been referenced in some of your religious texts. Ancient scribes have written in several of your sacred ideologies that life occurs in 3 formats: As clay ( Earth biology), fire (devic electrical) and light (angelic).

Certain of the orbs, lightning sprites, elves and photonic 'jellyfish' phenomena that began quickening in the past years are in fact conscious life forms of other dimensions and construct. Some of these have communicated to you in various means, including crop-circles. Many study groups are beginning to explore these occurrences, but not as life forms. NASA has recorded record numbers of CME's over the past 2+ decades; these have been noted by geo physicist Susan Rennison and Dr Greg Braden as referenced in the presentations in this Gathering. The CME's are the cause. 

DNA & New Life Forms

The Aquarian Shift, or Anthropocene Radiation will bring about new life just as radiation did in the Cambrian Radiation some 580 million years ago.

What is occurring is not unprecedented, although it is unrecorded and not as yet understood. What differentiates the current radiation influx is that it is now in symbiotic relationship to the Crystalline (Ascension) Grid. (Windows 2012!)
Higher dimensional life forms are becoming visible. These are new to the earth only in terms of being more 'tangible'. .. but they have been referenced in some of your religious texts. Ancient scribes have written in several of your sacred ideologies that life occurred in 3 formats: as clay ( Earth biology), fire (devic electrical) and light (angelic).

Within the synergy of the Aquarian-Cosmic Radiation and the Crystalline 144 Grid, parallel dimensions are now more accessible to you. The life forms, the beings referred to, exist in these dimensions as bio-plasmic, electrical and photonic. Does your bible not refer to Angels as Beings of Light ?

Certain of the orbs, lightning sprites, elves and photonic 'jellyfish' phenomena that began quickening in the past years are in fact conscious life forms of other dimensions and construct. Some of these have communicated to you by various means, including crop-circles.

The more advanced extra terrestrials are nonphysical light beings....and as you develop the pineal in theta field, you will rise into their bandwidth.

The 6:1 Ratio Opens the Pineal

The astonishing ionic influx is symbiotic with the dimensional shift, and works in synergy with the Crystalline Grid. The new ionic resonance will allow you to more easily open the pineal.

Your academics have been aware for some time that shifting the magnetics of the ionic ratio has a powerful effect on human consciousness. The French scientist, Mesmer, was the first to stumble across this knowledge. He found that by placing subjects in a strong anionic (magnetic) field, the subjects were able to achieve incredible states of consciousness which facilitate communication with the 'Universal Mind'. We tell you this was done by ionic induction that opened the pineal.

Your indigenous societies often were attracted to areas they termed 'Holy Ground' specifically because they discovered visions could occur more easily in certain powersites. The reason is the mineralogy and telluric energies in these rare and special locales create an ionic ratio that is different, and allows for the opening of the pineal.

In recent studies, some of your researchers in universities have discovered that by using ion generators to shift the ratio of anionic to cationic to 6:1, test subjects have 'out of body' experiences. Again, the induction opened the pineal.

Ratio & Theta Creation

The bombardment of anions onto your planet is shifting the ratio in the same way, and this is working with and through the Crystalline Grid to allow the shift in your consciousness and indeed your biology. Your scientists and biologists are becoming increasingly aware of this. The recent 'Human Genome' project contends that human DNA will alter/mutate according to not only environmental conditions but also belief/cultural'programs'.

Last year an utterly astonishing experiment took place that has shaken main stream science. It is opening new levels of potential, and it was conducted by a main stream academic, a Nobel Prize recipient, Dr Luc Montagnier. Two hermetically sealed test tubes, one of which contained a tiny piece of DNA, the other pure sterilized distilled water, were placed side by side. Both were surrounded by an electromagnetic field of 7Hz. In the test a fragment of the DNA appeared to teleport, spontaneously forming in the tube of the distilled water. The test was repeated without projecting the 7 Hz field, and the 'teleportation did not take place.

What does this mean? It means that the codes of life are coded in the 'Unified Harmonic Field' and can create life within a theta coherent vibration.

Take note of this. Study the nuances of theta and delta vibratory rates! It is very important to note that creation occurs in coherent theta field.

The objective world you see has ever been the end result of consciousness. But up until the present, it has been projected haphazardly; for humankind has not recognized nor mastered their divine potentials. Thoughts and images can indeed be utilized for the creation of a 'New World', a world of Peace, Harmony & Love. 'Coherent Theta', crystalline resonant thought can be harmonically utilized to form physical reality and become physical fact. Your Ascension, that of humanity, can be propelled mentally into manifestation from a frequencial state termed theta-coherency.

Exploring Theta Coherency

Humanity in the present culture has placed great importance on the consciousness state of the 'Beta Frequency'. It is now time to begin exploring other states of mind. It is time to utilize the theta state for co creation of your reality. The Aquarian Radiation is the mechanism and indeed the result of the Planetary Ascension. It will offer to humanity the tools for the Ascension of Mankind.

The benevolent mechanism of what has taken place, and what will continue to occur, especially through 2013 solar maximum, is the massive injection of Cosmic Plasma into and onto the Earth. Billions of tons of ionic energy has been projected into your plane, and it is an incredible energy.

Your astrophysicists are now aware of collective jet streams of plasma that have begun in recent years to circle the Earth. This plasma is not only changing the ionic ratio, it is doing so in the theta coherent field. Theta is the doorway to divine creativity. Standing waves, standing pools of coherent theta energy are now being drawn to specific nodes on the planet. These can be utilized for 'creation centers', as the need for Spiritual Warriors to meditate in groups toward the manifestation of a harmonic planet becomes more viable!

Your planet has always been a charged body orbiting in a plasmic field. The recent influx of solar radiation is exponentially increasing the influence and interaction of this radiation with both the earth and humanity. Your academics now have scientific data to take a deeper look into Earth and Cosmic changes occurring, and reconsider their extent and their role. We tell you that not only do these changes have an impact on virtually the entire volume of the Earth, from its core to the atmosphere and magnetosphere. But it does not stop there; the ionic shift changes frequencies at which humanity's minds operate. They provide the interface to higher dimensional access.

How does this work? The energy that comes from the coronal mass ejections is being absorbed into the tectonic plates of the earth and increasing the vibratory resonance of the earth through that method. These work uniquely with certain power points and sacred sites, particularly those of geometric crystalline overlay. These changes from Cosmic radiation move through the entire node systems of the earth. If the plasma from coronal mass ejections create such a vibration, then the entire electromagnetic flow of the earth is affected. The collective mind & paradigm of humanity is also affected, how humanity creates the reality in which it lives as well as the credibility of the verisimilitude it believes. All of this is affected by that which comes from the sun, that which comes from the solar wind.

Yes Dear, There Was An Ascension

Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity has made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. So it is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet is now in Year ONE of the New Earth. Indeed humanity will follow and in rapid time, will also Ascend. You are absolutely on track for that to happen. In this new era, it is incumbent upon the seekers to project joy, to project light, for in the expansion to Crystalline Harmonics, every photon of mental light you project is amplified. And this occurs more rapidly in the New Energy. So your roles take on a new benevolence, as your creation powers increase.

Many humans on the path of light contend that everything happens for a reason. This is oft extrapolated to 'everything that happens is meant to happen....that all is as it should be.'

The University of Earth

We tell you that from the higher stance, everything does lead to greater understanding, but the 'University of Earth' is purposed for learning responsible creativity. The leading professor is the doctor of 'cause and effect', and this doctor makes house calls.

If everything happened in the highest order on the first 'go-round' there would be no need for the learning and growth cycle of reincarnation. So there is indeed a learning curve and apprenticeship that allows for repeating the process. Humanity will continue to take the course until responsible creation is mastered.

Not every action, not every decision passes the test.

Your new matrix of 2013 and beyond offers a more concentrated matriculation criteria for humanity. In this advanced regimen more action is required for graduation.

The Earth plane is a purposed illusion, that you co create. Period. There is no exception to that rule. You are powerful spiritual Beings in training, and you just moved into the graduate course of the University of Earth.

It is now the time for focal co-creation. We tell you that individual and group coherent thought can and will change the reality of your planet. But you must understand that the most potent, most effective creative manifestation does not occur in the 3-d brain, but in the theta frequency of higher dimensional mind.

There are so many things that you realize must be changed. So many mindsets are still focused in the erroneous trappings of the 3-d plane, including greed, man's inhumanity to fellow beings, and the seeking of power over love. In 2013 you can begin to unite and create a harmonic earth.

 Effort is needed; the clarion calls !

Responsibilites in the Cosmic Shift

And so the Cosmic Radiation does indeed offer advantages, and indeed responsibilities to those of you on the Path. The work of Masters such as Graham Hancock, John Van Auken, David Childress, John Jenkins and Dr Semir Osmanagich and others who have spoken in this gathering will reveal much more. Light is being shone into the shadows of your true origins. Yet these garner criticism. It is duality you see. Old energy versus new. There is always the push back when new concepts that differ from main stream are presented. There is always the rejection from old systems to new, and there is an electromagnetic, a polarity aspect to even this, you see.

We tell you that what will be uncovered in the Pyramids of Bosnia through Dr. Osmanagich will absolutely shift your conceptions of history. All of these have received criticism, yet all provide an essential truth, all are involved in bringing light to shadow.

Others will follow suit, for indeed a new generation of academics is now emerging throughout the divisions of science, physics and archeology that will not only provide keys to the shift, but reveal much of the hidden history of your planet. We tell you that many of the emerging academics and scientists will be the new Lightworkers and Earth-Keepers, whether or not they recognize it as so.

Indeed their work will reveal, piece by piece, step by step the missing evidence that will allow for the requisite merging of science with spirituality and the necessary enlightenment as to your true history and origin. The work of one generation will be the basis of the next. In time spirit and science will be integral, in one complete circle. Your seer Edgar Cayce said that mankind will learn more about the nature of God through science than religion. The time is emerging for this to manifest.

Scientist are the New Lightworkers

As has been presented to you in this Gathering, many of your scientist and researchers are making new discoveries, discoveries which would not have been apparent or occurred prior to 1987. Even though most academics will reject anything that cannot be proven, and the culture of main stream academic are very reluctant to be 'metaphysical', the work many scientists are now providing is leading into previously unimagined arenas. In a very real sense the New Lightworkers are the avante garde scienstists...even though most would never consider themselves metaphysical.  To do so would effect their valued credibility in the old guard you see.

  You have just reviewed a series of presentations that offer much valuable information for you to contemplate. The work of Dr Greg Braden initially presented the concepts of Solar Radiation and was followed by further research documented by Dr Alex Dmitriev, Susan Rennison, Richard Hoagland  and others. The work of Dr Luc Montagnier indeed added the element of coherency and theta waves to the equation. So in the Aquarian Radiation much will shift, much will change. Some of these shifts will occur in your lifetime, some will takes centuries, others millennia. But change will occur.

We offer you a hint, and that is that 2038 offers a major leap forward...and what you do now is creating it! The Solar plasma will be the basis of that termed the New Firmament and the catalyst for transition in time to silicon base biology. It is indeed the radiation of the sun that is playing the primary role in all of these shifts, in the expansion into greater tangibility of plasmic life. 

Summary of Effect
Effects of the Plasmic Shift:
* Changing ionic ratio which will allow for easier access into coherent theta state
* Allows for easier opening of the pineal
* Facilitates manifestation of the tools for harmonic creativity
 * Catalyzes shifting of DNA and Biological Transition to Silicon Crystalline Biology (Quartz is silicon dioxide)

In Correlation with the Crystalline Grid, the Plasma Shift:

* Assists in the expansion of the planet into 12 dimensions
* Allows for greater access into multidimensionality ( Photonic & Plasmic Life)
* Plays a key role in requisite earth-changes
* Facilitates Coherency Acceleration
* Plays key role in formation of the New Firmament
* Enhances Vibrancy of Powernodes, Vortexial Portal Sites
* Enables Humanity to co create the New Earth

   Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity has made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. So it is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet is now in Year ONE of the New Earth. 

Taking Action

So what is your responsibility in the shift? It is co creation.

Many of your past societies were unable to confront the duality aspects of violence, and love versus power. This is coming to the forefront today.

The great Poseidon society termed the 'Law of One' in Atlantis achieved the greatest level of harmonic on your planet. Yet their seeming inability to face down violence allowed for a dense emergence of duality that ultimately led to the demise of a once great culture. It is a great rubik, and there will indeed be a resolution, but it will take many years. And we note many of you in this audience were part of Poseida, part of the Law of One. And Dear Ones, you carry an unnecessary burden.

We urge you all to release guilt and release pain. We take a moment for this to occur.

Masters, We tell you that at any given time, half the world is in light and half the world is in night; it is a world of polarity. We say to you that far more than half of humanity are in consciousness shadow, yet to awaken to the light of wisdom. We tell you that enlightenment occurs one heart at a time. We tell you that you are living, as the channel has said and we have offered many times, in the University of Earth, the school of duality. All around you is a purposed illusion that is created en masse. The planet has Ascended, and in time each of you will. The critical mass, the majority of humanity will be in harmonic Ascension in some 15 generations. It will occur.

Therefore the light bearers among you must never lose faith, must ever shine brightly, for even a small photon wave makes a transitional illumination. So it is, so it must be with you here today. Your great Mahatma Gandhi stated that you must become the change you strive to make. And we tell you desire for change is an essential part of the equation; the other part is taking action to manifest change.  And you cannot make change by burying your head in the sand.

We have told you many times, and we offer once more a great Truth, a Truth that may seem paradoxical :

When Humanity replace the Love of Power, with the Power of Love, a Quantum Leap will occur. But Love without strength is incomplete.

Dear Human, you are living in a plane of free will DUALITY. It is the University of Earth. Wearing rose colored glasses and pretending negativity does not exist in polarity realms , is a denial of the very definition of duality. This was the error of Atlantis.

Some of you have asked, "2012 has come and gone  - so what's next ?"

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, it is to be the change you seek. Action is required. Creative action.  So in your puzzle of the Power of Love, remember to stand in your Truth. Love is not an emotion it is a complex vibratory key, it is a science. And as we have said, Love without Strength is incomplete.  Learning this is part of the Duality curriculum. Standing in Truth does not mean apologizing when someone steps on your foot. It does not mean burying your head in the sand.

Changing the negativity of duality to positivity is the Alchemy of Mastery. Positive strength is key, and it involves positive aggression. That may be a concept that seems paradoxical, but we do not mean forcing your will on another through violence or tyranny.   Again consider the example of the Mahatma Gandhi.  

Change Will Come - When You Create It!

Now, there are some that will say that the prominent nations of what you term the 1st world, the financially dominant and powerful, are more like corporations than countries. Corporations that are based on profits whose residents are treated more as employees than citizens. In truth it is far more complex than any one country, race or conglomerate.

There are some that would say that the overall masses of humanity are controlled and manipulated by media, intoxicated by quantity and enslaved by debt. We tell you the time is nearing in which people will awaken to the knowledge that it is not their encumbering debt that ties them to their beliefs, rather their beliefs that shackle them to the burden of debt and the sense of lack. Some may say that sovereignty of the individual has been lost. Yet a light still shines, and it is growing brighter. A new generation across the planet are coming into power, and they will quicken the change. That generation is YOU !

The global economic system will change, but it will not free-fall & crash irreparably in planetary chaos. To do so in utter chaos would not serve what is to come. Rather it will be brought into change, conscious change, and positive elements will come forward to enable a better way. What has happened can have purpose, and lead to change.

Indeed change is the nature of reality, and change will come. It will come in highest good when you create it as such.
The New Earth, the New Humans cannot and will not create their better future by simply discarding their past. The change will come by learning from the past and adjusting in the present, one step at a time. The new humans in the generations that are coming into power in the next 15 generations will choose a new pattern and shift will occur. 

The New Ionics Are the Tool

As we have noted, as you have seen in the presentations, science is recording changes that help in Mastering duality. It is the ionic radiation. Your scientist document this.

What we tell you, what we assert is that the astonishing ionic influx is symbiotic with the dimensional shift, and works in synergy with the Crystalline Grid. The new ionic resonance will allow you to more easily open the pineal. It will allow you to more easily operate in the Theta resonance. And we tell you that co creation occurs not in the conscious alert state of Beta, rather in the deeper state of Theta. As a society, you have in recent times focused almost entirely within Beta Frequency consciousness, and in the new energy of the New Earth, tools are given that will absolutely allow you to more easily access Theta.

 In addition to the ionic shift, there are many tools to assist you in achieving Theta Creative frequencies. The very music of  this conference is an entrainment tool for achieving theta creative states. Their work is channeled, it is inspired for this time. (Ref: Kai Mitchim & Ron Crose). As has been presented here,  Phi Crystals are also  sophisticared tools for theta coherent amplification of creative  thought.

Keys to manifestation are in theta state. You do not as an individual, as a nation or planet need to feel helpless or powerless to make change.

Dear Ones the world will say nothing has changed from December 21, 2012. That nothing is new in 2013. If you are hearing these words in hopes that the final phrases of this discussion will weave a conclusion to your liking, you will not be disappointed.

But we tell you while the template of expansion occurred in 2012, the mass enlightenment of mankind will not follow for several centuries. but 2012  gave  you more tools to achieve your higher goal;s. 2013 (and beyond)  is the time to begin in focval use of them.  We of the Angelic realm are not here to solve your problems, or to criticize, rather to encourage you on your path to solution.

And although mankind will not reach a critical mass of enlightenment on the EarthPlane for several more centuries, it is important to remain present and positive, because it will occur, one day at a time, one heart at a time. It starts with YOU!

Coherency & Highest Good

Begin, Dear Human now, in meditating and focusing on highest good. Do not doubt that all reality is created by coherent belief projection, as Graham Hancock and the channel have presented to you in this gathering. Explore your consciousness, seek your sovereignty and work to be better humans, and project that energy. It is the key. You cannot end hate through hate, rather by desiring and believing in the creativity of love. Standing in Truth is part of it, looking the other way is not. You consciously change the environ by consciously desiring highest good.

Energy for enhancement is in place.

It is indeed your chosen role to resolve the conflicts in the University of Duality, in the plane of Earth. There is a way to become Spiritual Carriers of Light, without violently engaging in conflict. If you become negative to stop negativity, you will not succeed. Indeed you will become that you attempt to remove.  There are active aggressive ways to be positiver catalyst of  of light.

It  begins with theta creation.

We urge you to project joy, to project love, and stand in truth. Stand in Light. Gather in groups, take time for solitude, and engage in group meditations toward highest good. Each of you has an opportunity to be impeccable every day. The scenario in which you recognize your own failings, your own conflict with integrity, is the day you encompass Mastery, and indeed it is a journey. In duality you will fall, the point is to learn from mistakes, and take remedial action. The cause and effect doctor, as we have said, makes house calls. Cause and effect operates both individually and in group consciousness fields. Likewise, individually and en masse, the day you stand in your truth with willingness to recognize another person's truth, you encompass integrity. Can one truly seek to disarm another while adding to their own arsenal? Does this truth then apply to individuals and nations as well ?


How your society manages the issues at hand can be proactively influenced by Group Focal Meditation. As the channel presented the Rand group has made confirmations of how 7,000 people in coherent theta meditation were able to project an energy that reduced violence for a period of time. Dear Ones, Can you imagine what can occur when that group is 144 thousand or 144 million!

Take a moment to contemplate this!

Do not give up, do not be discouraged, and do not think you cannot make a difference. You do!

Spirit speaks of LOVE. Spirit does not attack. Every current religion on your Earth has its truths and distortions. Discernment is the key. It is requisite of you to decide what is true , what serves you and what does not. Base this discernment on your thought your heart and NOT FEAR. No true sacred expression limits its truth, its beauty, to one grouping. Dear Ones, We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' messages.

And so in closing, we congratulate you on this day, and this Gathering..., and indeed for the co-creation of the Planetary Ascension. You have created this, and we honor you. It is time to move forwatd it is Year One of the New Earth!

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved !

...And so it is...

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Enigma of Grimes Point: A Special Channeled Message from Metatron through Tyberonn

"Time Gates and Spirit Cave"

Archangel Metatron via J Tyberonn

"Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you all within this precise vector of timeless space. I embrace you in unconditional love. Love that is geometric, love that is scientific, a love of immeasurable sacredness. Love is the source of ALL. It is not an emotion, it is an omnipotent resonance. The source of power that enables your present consciousness has never been physical, and where I reign, there are many divine beings of light not even aware that such a physical system as yours exists. Does that surprise you?

Divine Intelligence and sentient consciousness existed long before your earth was formed. Consciousness is the engine of all creation, all matter and antimatter, and it forms many other realities besides your Earth. It is, again, your own viewpoint that is presently so limited that it seems to you that physical reality is the rule and mode of existence. Your academics look for life on other planets within your solar system, and because they are different from your Earth, assume that no life exists upon them. We tell you not only are they teeming with life, but the planets and stars and the space particulate between are themselves all conscious beings. Even the void is alive. Physical life is the exception, not the rule.

The physical system in duality is a purposeful illusion. You are dreaming the dream of humanity. You are powerful spiritual beings wearing filters. You are Divine sparks of Creator source attending the University of Earth. And so you must accept this axiom, and from your viewpoint try to understand the greater realities that exist beyond your physical perceptions, and they are many. And LOVE is the building block, the core 'DNA' of everything.

And so we speak of Time Warp.

Question to Metatron: Last year I spent time at a very unique powernode called Grimes Point located near Lake Tahoe, outside Reno, Nevada on the border with California. The area is covered in very interesting petroglyphs and is recognized by some Native Americans as a doorway to Star Nation. A cave exists in the area that has very interesting energies. I spent some time along among the rocks and soon went into a meditative state that felt very similar to ayahuasca. I felt as though I had passed into a time void, outside linear time, and the physically visible surroundings had a wave like haze and I sensed an electrical pulse in the land. Can you speak about this area? Is it an area of time warp?

Metatron: Grimes Point is indeed an area of time distortion. That distortion occurs on several levels. The first is due to a gravitational flux that rhythmically occurs in the specific area. The very gravity distortion also effects the space-time continuum in the area, and creates a dimensional aperture field very similar to what occurs in the poles.

Question to Metatron: There are Native American stories from the Paiute Tribe and a report from a physician in the 1940's of underground cities in this general area. Can you speak of this?

Metatron: We have spoken before of the civilizations and colonies that exist within the inner earth, and have spoken about the vast underground network of tunnels and caverns that network your planet. These were originally constructed by the Sirians and Pleadeans, and utilized extensively by the advanced Atlanteans. Those you think of as the LeMurians inhabit many of these chasms below the areas of Mt Shasta, Grand Tetons, Arkansas and extensively in the area of Grimes Point, the Mohave Desert and Death Valley regions of the United States.

These areas exist, it is not folklore, rather a fact of dimensional overlay in the unified field. While there have indeed been random incidents of discovery of these caves containing tunnel networks and evidence of past civilizations and bases, these have been disavowed, sealed and the discovers discredited. The caves at Grimes point are indeed an entry to the Atlantean tunnel system, but what primarily occurs in current times below Grimes Point is a massive portal .

Specifically because of its unique frequencies, is indeed an entry point to the inner earth bases used primarily by the Pleadeans. While this sounds fantastic and unbelievable to many, it is quite true. Your primary origin is in fact from the Pleades and Sirius, yet despite overwhelming evidence, it is largely dismissed as delusion by mankind. You are indeed of Galactic origin, and you coexist in multidimensionality, as these very races you deny exist.

You speak of Paiute legends, in fact most of the tribal indigenous recognized what they termed 'Star Nation'. Many of their languages include names for the Pleades. The Lakota, Hava Supai and Navajo all reference the Pleades and Sirius. The Hava Supai refer in legends to spindly blue gray 'ant people' as having taken them into underground refuge cities during the first and second Atlantean deluge. These were indeed the LeMurians and Sirians. It is understood by your geologist that this area was under water 12,000 years ago.

The human remains of what you term 'Spirit Cave Man' found in Grimes Point is an enigma to your anthropologist. Your current technology ages the remains to 8,400 BC. Yet the greatest mystery is that the remains are not of the indigenous race, but rather of a small human with Caucasian characteristics.

Question to Metatron: So is Grimes Point an entry point to the inner Earth?

Metatron: Indeed ! One of many. It is directly connected to the Agartha City of Mt Shasta and to the vast underground chasms below California, Nevada, Arizona, Arkansas and Wyoming.

Question to Metatron: Is the cave reportedly discovered by Dr. F. Bruce Russell an actual event? Did it occur? He spoke of finding mummies of 9-foot men with red hair and geometric symbols.

Metatron: The cave was found and does exist. There are many discoveries of what you term giants all over the planet. The ones found in Nevada and California are of the Atlantean tall race of golden skin and often with blond or reddish hair. The golden race of Atlantis were typically 9 to 12 feet in height. The Ayrians of Atlantis were Caucasian in appearance and between 5 and 6 feet in stature, as were the red race of Og that became known as the the Native Americans, the Mayan, Iroquois and many others are of Atlantis in root.

While we have no desire to get into what you term conspiracies and secretive policies, portions of your government have been in liaison with certain of the extra terrestrials and the inner Earth LeMurians for most of the past century. Some of this is actually benevolent work, some is around secretive technology advancement. It is not our mission here to delve into this, other than to tell you that in the near future your extra terrestrial connections will be much more apparent. But again, these connections were commonly recognized, and without fear by the Indigenous.

Many of your campestral tribal societies interacted openly with 'Star Beings" and indeed with the inner Earth LeMurians. Yet interaction was for teaching and assistance. While your government is in contact with these now, there is no desire of the inner Earth LeMurian civilization to intermingle with mankind in the current. These are tranquil beings, highly spiritually advanced, with no religion other than recognition of the Divine. They are on a separate course and very near the completion of their cycle. When you develop the inner ability to raise your frequency, you will discover the ability to interact with all Divine Intelligence. You will discovery your true origin, your true purpose and multidimensional nature. You will discover that you are the extra terrestrials, you are the Star Beings, the Dolphins, Atlanteans and LeMurians.

Grimes Point

Question to Metatron: Thank you. Back to Grimes Point, the petroglyphs there are quite interesting. Many of these show wave oscillation and zigzag patterns. Were these symbols of a specific meaning?

Metatron: There are varying time periods and ages of the petroglyphs. Some are simply ceremonial. The ones that are of the wave oscillations and zigzags are symbols of the time and space distortions that the post Atlantean indigenous of the area felt and expereinced in the area. For indeed it is a most poignant area of gravitational anomaly and thus time-space dimensional concentricity. You discovered first hand while meditating there, the area exuded a translucent wave field, similar to the mirage you see when observing heat rising from tarmac roads in the height of summer. You see the veil that separates realities is very thin at Grimes Point. Actual scenes, ongoing events from other worlds and other timeframes can be visibly seen at certain times, and psychically perceived quite easily here. The electromagnetic bolts that are indicated by the zigzags and the wave oscillation petroglyphs are clear signals of what occurs in the area. The concentric circles and spiral patterns indicate the vortex portal of the area, the entry into what the indigenous termed as Spirit world. All are quite tangible at Grimes Point, and visibly and physically apparent in terms of the gravitational anomalies and time distortions.

The caves in the area were and are used at various periods as entry points for the Pleadeans, and these energies are quite powerful. One can at specific periods truly access greater portions of multidimensionality in such energies as Grimes Point.

This energy was recognized by the indigenous as a 'doorway to other realms' because of its unique energy field and its resulting effects on the human visitor. Its effects are many. The adept can employ this energy for retrieval of the integral self. For healing and changing the past and future. The various dimensional realities of the Self merge in the overall perceptions of the whole self. There is a constant subconscious interchange of information between all these layers of the whole self, and this is an extremely important process. It is somewhat easier to enact this healing integration within the concentric dimensional overlays of areas like Grimes Point. Indeed these energies are quite available to the seeker in that manner.

Multi-Dimensional Time

The energy of Grimes Point creates a time anomaly, as do certain other locations on the Earth. Some are recognized, others are not. Time is a created illusion and gravity, earth spin ratio, electromagnetics and celestial alignments are componsents of its unfolding. Now, time as you perceive it, is simply that, a perception. We assure you that time truly does not exist in the linear manner that you believe, beyond duality. And even within the filtered lens of duality, there are certain areas of dimensional overlay that occur on your planet in which striking time anomalies can and do occur. You see there are many Earths that concentrically occur within the space that mankind perceives physical earth to occupy. There are frequential mechanisms that connect these overlays of parallel dimension, and these create gateways to other timeframes and realities that coexist differently within these unique areas.

So from the greater aspect, time as you know it does not exist. Time and space are intricately connected, aspects of the same mechanism. Space, in a manner of speaking is congealed light held in a matrixical format within duality that allows for the separation and unfolding of the illusion of trapped or sequential time metrics.

To explain it in your present day computer analogy, Space and Time are sub-programs of digital-dimensional light. Space-Time then is a holgramic server that can simultaneously store many different files and subfiles within its storage capacity. Just as there are locations within the stages of computer access that allow you to see all of the programs and files and navigate from one to the other, so there are locational vectors on the Earth program that anchor the hologramic dimensional gateways that allow access into other metric/matrix files of reality and time formats.

So as you live this 'present' life in the perceived time of today, you also live all your existences at once. Time 'programs' are hologramic and these programs are manifolded and coded in certain areas, especially the polar regions. Gateways or multi program access occurs in them.

The area you currently call Grimes Point, near Lake Tahoe, Nevada is one of these. Within this area are many overlays of energy dynamics. It is indeed a portal, but we will say an open-ended portal that is not just a wormhole in space to other points in the Cosmos, but indeed (and especially) a unique gateway to other dimensional aspects of what may be termed the holgramic Omni-Earth program. It may be termed a time-gate vector. It is one of many coordinate points on your planet that contain within in it time code scripting. Such coordinate points are anchors that peg each reality to the physical worlds, the Omni-Earth. And so then, within this concentric overlay vector other time programs; other dimensional realms can be frequencially accessed more easily. The ancient adepts knew this, and certainly expereinced to varying degrees by many of what you term as the indigenous.

Time Gate Vectors are not the only means to access other realities. Indeed this can be done myriad ways, including the crystalline energies of the phi resonance, in deep meditative states. But what is different in the Time- Gate Vector coordinate-points is that the Omni-Earth Time program itself is anchored, to use a simplified explanation, to certain aligned points that occur on your planet, within certain frequencial matrixes. These are very unique in purpose, and differ from areas such as Titicaca, Arkansas, Grand Tetons, Shasta and Roslyn that are primary Celestial Star Gates. In the former one access other realms, other epochs, other programs of terrestrial time, whereas in the latter one travels to other dimensions in Space. Do you see the difference?

Question to Metatron: Are you saying that Grimes Point and other such 'Time-Gate Vectors' allow for or enhance the ability to travel in time?

Metatron: Yes. But let us be clear, it is better to say that all programs of hologramic times programs coexist more clearly, more tangibly within such points.That does not mean that when one walks into Grimes Point that you will disappear from the present and materialize into a future or past program, rather it means windows into other time-sequence frames are (more) accessible here. But we will indeed tell you that materializations can and do occur here quite intentionally and occasional by accident. We will tell you those more technological civilizations, both from the future and past in your terms, which understand the very real science of time travel chose such time gate vectors for entering other epochs for various purposes. Indeed this can has and does occur.

Time Travel

Time travel has occurred in both your future and past. Although there are instances in which people have temporarily passed into different time holograms, there are very few cases where the transition was permanent. Your Admiral Byrd did in fact temporarily view a very real passing into a different time epoch during his polar flight. Most of the flight disappearances that are so publicized over the Bermuda Triangle were not permanent transferals. Time disruption did occur, but the airplanes did not fully disappear into another epoch of time. Rather were they caused by related instrument malfunctions that created misdirection and radio silence, and the disappearances were simply crashes into the sea.

Certain of your governments working in classified tandem with covert corporations have already developed crude mechanisms of time travel. These are not yet at a truly manageable level, and the stress that results on the human 'tempornaut' is considerably, stress-aging the human body approximately 7 to 10 years on each journey. At present they are only able to move forward in time about 20 years, and are unable to navigate into the past. In time, when the apparatus utilized is converted from magnetic forces to crystalline bioplasmic field this will be improved considerably, and time navigation will be deliberate and not by random mishap. Optimal time navigation occurs Merkivically through a consciousness refined Bio Plasmic field, and while certainly aided in terms of time vector by crystalline apparatus, it is primarily operated by the light-consciousness of the traveler. Many of you time travel in dream state quite often, and therein is the key to how it will be optimally done in expansive conscious states.

There are indeed Laws of Physics that apply to how time and space are navigated interdimensionally. And in time, the seemingly apparent boundaries between past, present and future will be better understood as filtered illusions caused by the limitations of dimensionality perception that mankind can physically perceive in duality. It is indeed these single lens filters that create the linear illusion of sequencial unfolding of time. This then is precisely the reason mankind believes that one moment exists and is gone forever, and the next moment comes and like the one before also evaporates into the great elusive mist of the past. We tell you that everything in and on the Omni-Earth and indeed the Multiverse exists at once, simultaneously. The past, present and future only appear to those who exist within three-dimensional reality. And the programs that separate time-epoch files on the Omni-Earth can be navigated.

The Past is Not Fixed

The past and future as you 'believe it to be' exists as a series of electromagnetic receptors held in the crystalline portion of the physical brain and in the nonphysical mind within the ultra violet field. These electromagnetic codlings can be changed, and in fact are in constant flux. You script your destiny, and your destiny is not a linear one way dynamic. Your creation of your past is just as important as the creation of your present and future. The past then, is quite malleable and no more fixed than your future. Now, your mental process and beliefs create your past, and there are as many valid versions of the past as there are of the future. We tell you that if the next generation were all to be taught from an early age that the Roman Empire ruled the world until the 17th century, indeed that past would become a reality, and evidence would be found to confirm it. Yet it would be a completely different past from which the older generation constructed. But BOTH would be true. Both would be separate yet valid files within the hologramic programs of time.

As humans in duality, you take it for granted that present action can change the future, but present actions can and do change the past as well. The past is no more detached or uninvolved from your present than the decisions you make today. We share a great truth for you to ponder, and that is that everything you do effects your past, and you can accordingly remove what you may term traumas and misactions that occurred years ago or lifetimes ago from your present stance. Furthermore, all of you are required to do so! The electromagnetic crystallographic portals within the human brain are forged and mantled totally and completely by each of you, and uniquely so. The probable past can be changed, and such changes are far from uncommon. These changes happen spontaneously on a subconscious basis. You can now learn to do this consciously.

The linear aspect of the past is rarely what you remember it to be. In fact you constantly rearrange your memory of the past with the expereince of each new moment, each new occurrence. It is a constant metamorphosis from the instant of any given experiential event. Your hypnotherapists are aware that pseudo-memories of fictious or altered past events can be implanted in the minds of humans through deep state inducement, and in a very real sense these memories and they way they effect the subjects present become quite real. So, it follows to reason that the future, present and past are always re-created by each individual as beliefs, attitudes and associations evolve and change. And take note that what occurs is a real-time actual recreation, not a metaphoric one. The changes you make are quite real. The small inner child is indeed still within the adult human as you progress in years. But that inner child is also dynamic, not molded into a permanent version that remains as it was. The child within the human constantly changes every day, as does the teenager, young adult and elderly you in your future.

Re-Scripting the Past

Accordingly, it is now incumbent on you as you enter the Ascension energies, to grasp the power of NOW, and realize that you can and must change the past, your individual past, from the stance of Now. Within the NOW, you can Merkabically convert to the MerKiVa and as such gain the controls of all within our multidimensionality. That is a sacred Universal Truth, and that Truth expands when you enter into it. It expands into power that allows you the fulcrum of cocreation in the singular moment of NOW, above linear time and hologramic sojourns within time in the Omni Earth.

We tell you that personal issues and blockages can and do arise when appropriate evolvement of the past are stymied and not allowed to spontaneously take place. In some scenarios serious neurosis occurs precisely because an individual has not changed his or her past. As an example, the channel has some close associates who at times sense a great panic of claustrophobia and paranoia in large crowds. He is aware that this is due to the associates having a traumatic past life bleed - thru of escaping the chaotic rampage of Athens with children in hand hours before the invading Turks destroyed the city. Literally leaving all behind and running in terror for their lives, with children in tow.

Now we tell you that many of the souls that were drawn into this experience in Athens, were pulled into the re-eanactment because the trauma they felt when desperately attempting to escape the shaking earth of Atlantis along the land bridge that connected to the Yucatan created such an electrical charge in their multidimensional self that it became a recurring energy. Such is the power of extreme emotion and fear. The Law of Attraction works in all of your Earthly sojourns. Any event can bleed over into another, and attract by its intensity, similar experience.

This is a perfect example of past life trauma occurring and osmotically effecting the present in the simultaneous NOW. If that probable past is faced and deliberately changed, it can and will eliminate the panic disorder and the resulting neurosis. It does so by changing the past. When you rescript your past and change the experience of the past, the fear behind it is eliminate. It is as if the trauma never occured, and that is exactly what happens. This is but one example. So irregardless of the specific details, all of you have traumas in the past that can and will be altered in order for you to gain the perfection required in enlightened cocreation. Do not be dismayed, this is quite do-able, and in a subconscious level you have done it many times in dream state. We assure you it can consciously be done in the Merkiva within the NOW.

And precisely because the past, present and future exist simultaneously, there is no reason why you cannot react to an event and alter it whether or not it happens to fall within the limited scope of reality in which you normally participate. You have the ability to remove trauma from the past at anytime, and from an over view that is the completing portion of the lesson of why you chose the experience in the first place.

Time - Dimensional Portals

Now, the LeMurians who escaped the islands of Mu going into the inner realms of the Earth did not simply do so by spelunking. They did not suddenly finding a cave and venture deeper and deeper into it until they stumbled upon a vast inner world chasm. Rather they entered into a different program of the Omni Earth precisely by gathering in a Dimensional-Time Gate coordinate portal and raising their frequency through intent and self-mastery in order to shift into another hologram. This process was also followed in a far more scientific protocol and technique by the Atlanteans of the Golden Era, and for different purpose. The LeMurians relied primarily on natural time gate vectors, whereas the Atlanteans had sophisticated devices and crystals that created time gates. Yet both required Mastery of the Self to raise the vibratory level to different frequencies.

Many humans have experienced the dimensional gate aspects of Shasta and the Grand Tetons, and have read of Guy Ballard's (Founder of the IAM Movement) exploits with the Beloved Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters in the Etheric Light Cities above and inside these mountains. Although in truth, these light cities are neither above nor below in a directional sense, rather separate programs occurring in the same spaceless space, and accessed by Dimensional-Portals anchored to the specific energy matrix of these locations. These areas, these etheric light cities are very key coding points on your planet. All of you will at some point spend time within them. Consider them graduate schools. There access involves the same mechanism as time gates. Well to visit these areas and exercise consciously what you already know how to do in subconscious dream states. Indeed you visit these areas quite often in dream states.


The ability to become unfixed in time, and indeed navigate within it, has a succinct utility that serves the integral healing of the whole self within multidimensionality. Certain areas on your planet make accessing the time holograms and multidimensional aspects somewhat easier. Grimes Point, Grand Tetons, Arkansas and Mount Shasta are among the most potent of these. This is due to the frequencial energies that are exuded within these portals. Yet it can be achieved Merkivically at any point. No event is 'written in stone' nor predestined. Any given event can be changed not only before and during but after its occurrence. Scripting your future and changing the past remains one of the final challenges for many of you, and no time is more potent than NOW.

I am Metatron, and I share these Truths."

... And so it is.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Archangel Metatron holds the blueprint of all creation, holding and ministering the sacred geometry patterns of the Universe. 
He holds the 'Metatronic Cube,' written of in ancient texts, a structure composed of all the sacred shapes of the Universe. 
He places this structure over anything to be created, forming the blueprint of its construction. Metatron means 'One who occupies the Throne next to the Throne of the Divine.'

Archangel Metatron

During is lifetime he was a great ruler of his people, governing with justice and peace. He is accredited with bringing writing and books to humanity and is supposed to have written 366 books during his lifetime, including books on the Sacred Knowledge of Creation - creation stories based upon patterns of sacred geometry. He is also supposed to have taught the 'Sons of God' how to construct cities and brought through knowledge of the Zodiac and planets. Much of the time he lived a pious life in seclusion when not teaching.  
He was given the position of Heavenly scribe and asked to maintain the eternal archives of God, recording every event that occurs. Having moved on from that position, he now oversees the Akashic records of each individual, keeping their karmic records. He oversees all the other recording angels. With this position he sits along side the throne of the Lord and to enter into the seventh Heaven, one passes by him first.
The position held by Metatron at the top of the Tree of Life also means he is attributed with being involved in Divine creation: passing the Divine blueprint for creation at all levels down to all the angels beneath him to put into place. Metatron is in charge of and actuates the sacred geometry patterns of the Universe. He holds the Metatronic Cube - a structure composed of all the sacred shapes of the Universe. He places this structure over anything to be created, forming the blueprint of its construction. The major Earth's ley lines follow the same pattern as the Metatronic Cube.  
He is the governor of the 'Stellar Gateway' chakra situated about 3 feet above the top of the head, which begins to open as we develop spiritually.