Finally something we can is guided by the knowledge that the Origin of All life is Lov. We believe that respecting and taking care of our home planet 'earth' keeps us safe and healthy. New is dedicated to all men and women who have been persecuted or murdered because of their sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, race, age, gender, martial status, disability, or HIV infection. We loves god very very much.

Showing posts with label kundalini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kundalini. Show all posts

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Second Coming of Christ by Paramahansa Yogananda -"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matthew10:16).

"Wherever you go, my consciousness must be manifest in you; keep yourselves always humble, inoffensive, unrevengeful, like meek lambs, even when you are surrounded by ravenous wolves of ruthless, conscienceless people and predacious satanic sense temptations that are everywhere present in worldly environments. Abide at all times in great wisdom and calmness born of the divine realization you have received by awakening your serpent force (the coiled divine energy that rises up in the spine and opens the astral cerebrospinal centers of spiritual perception) and in the peace you have acquired by concentrating your consciousness in the peace-producing, dovelike spiritual eye."
It is not generally understood what Jesus meant when he spoke of being wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Ordinary serpents have no wisdom, are quick to anger, and are stupid enough to court their own death by biting people. Doves are not altogether harmless, for they can spread mites and disease. Even though the dove might be traditionally a symbol of peace for its peaceful looks and behavior, the serpent certainly does not look wise or inspiring. Since Jesus was addressing his advanced disciples, he used these words metaphorically, in an esoteric sense.
The Oriental scriptures employ the simile of a serpent to illustrate the kundalini or astral life force in the body, which, when awakened with the help of an advanced technique of Self-realization, passes through a serpentine coiled passage at the base of the spine upward to the highest spiritual centers in the brain, bestowing divine consciousness. The dove symbolizes the tricolored spiritual eye—the mouth of the dove representing the white star in the middle of the spiritual eye; the blue and gold spherical rings surrounding the star symbolizing the wings of the dove.
A person in ordinary consciousness, identified with the minutiae of his little ego's senses, reason, and feeling, perceives himself circumscribed by his body, family, society, country, world, and a certain portion of space. But when by scientific meditation he awakens his serpent force, he reverses the searchlight of his awareness from physical sense consciousness to divine consciousness. Taking his kundalini force upward through the cerebrospinal centers and penetrating his life and consciousness through the spiritual eye, he beholds himself as omnipresent. His perception is restricted no longer to a limited sphere of matter and the sensations in one body, but expands into perception of the infinite reaches of space and awareness of the sensations of all beings.
The devotee who perceives through his spiritual eye his omnipresent existence, who feels an ineffable peace and attunement with every thing and every living creature, and who beholds all selves as manifestations of his own being, becomes harmless to all, equally loving the different parts of his own cosmic body. Awakened in eternal wisdom, the realization of his true Self, he cannot in any way be inwardly disturbed or incited to evil actions no matter how provoked by trials and temptations.
Jesus knew that his advanced disciples had awakened their higher consciousness by rousing thekundalini divine life energy through practice of the methods of meditation he had taught them. Therefore he reminded them to retain the deep wisdom and calmness bestowed by kundaliniawakening when confronted with opposition and persecution. Anyone who has lifted up this coiled life energy and thereby elevated his human consciousness into Christ Consciousness by penetrating through the spiritual eye has acquired tremendous miraculous power; such a one could destroy by divine will force his would-be enemies, as well as satanic temptations. That is why Jesus warned his disciples not to use their powerful awakened energy in vengeful retaliation when confronted by the wickedness of erring children of God; but rather to overcome enemies with the celestial power of God's infinite peace and love, with which they were blessed in the baptism of their consciousness by the spiritual eye, the dove of light. (Discourse 41; p. 779-781)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kundalini activation - Transformation into the Divine Reality

As the Kundalini activation permeates the body a chain reaction is building. This can happen very quickly or slow depending on the quality of a person's practice, acceptance and surrender.
The spine will feel as if it wants to be straight. A feeling of powerful energies begins to build at the base of the spine and as they increase a pressure forms at this base until it gives way like a dam bursting. Exquisite energies then sweep up the spinal column causing the back to arch backward and the head is immediately wrapped in a swirling mass of energy. Lights and sounds and smells are experienced. Sensations of tiny electric currents are felt just below the scalp zipping and fizzing their way around the head and often spreading through out the body. An inner HUM begins to be percieved.
Extreme feelings of love and joy are felt as this energy convulses the body with the intensity of an internal hurricane of joy and movement. Some people have reported seeing streamers of light fountaining out the top of their head around them. The top of the head at the fontanel can become an organ of vision.
Beauty, Joy, love and a feeling of completion pervade the body as the energy begins to fill the cranial spaces with a golden white light that is viewed with eyes closed but looking up. The sensation of a bowl on the top of the head extending down to the temples is perceived (the new halo). Some minor spastic movements and jerking of the body is felt as the Kundalini completes its initial foray in and around the body.
This can last for minutes or seconds and it is what the energy of that person decides is needed. No pain, unless you resist, and even then, in the beginning, it will wait until you resist consistently before helping you understand.
This is the time to call upon your personal divinity. The one you have been communicating with (praying to). Or your own inner divinity. Don't be surprised to actually see them appear in the physical reality as you are in a blending of realities as this first appears. To a degree the veil that separates us from the Divine Reality (the true reality) has been lifted, but not completely, as it is understood that you still have to function in a body and in the physical world.
You may begin to experience the skills and attributes of the awakened individual i.e. telepathic skills, seeing peoples thoughts or emotions, astral projection, remote viewing or sensing. These are only "lesser experiences" when encountering the Divine but need to be stated.
Now you have a whole new set of rules to live and flourish by and guidance is there to help you understand what those rules are. The Kundalini will guide you through the process by way of intuition, visions, and feelings.
At this time it is EXTREMELY important not to see, hear, or experience any of the negative forms of entertainment our western society has to offer. No books or movies or music that isn't loving or conducive to positive loving feelings. This is necessary for your pattern to develop and strengthen. As much as you are able to be, be at peace and prayerful. Remember the (Inner Joy) and smile and know that you're indeed blessed for now and ever. - blessings - chrism

The Kundalini represents the balance of male and female

The Kundalini represents the balance of male and female. Even within the Human body, the ancients drew it as a representative of co-creation and manifestation of new energy [conception]. Indeed, it represents the male and the female balanced together, coming together with great energy to create perfection and balance. Now we apply that same principle to the planet
-Ng Sin Fook

Tantra and Kundalini